- Resource: Document
- Tab
- TabProperties
- DocumentTab
- Body
- StructuralElement
- Paragraph
- ParagraphElement
- TextRun
- TextStyle
- OptionalColor
- Color
- RgbColor
- Dimension
- Unit
- WeightedFontFamily
- BaselineOffset
- Link
- BookmarkLink
- HeadingLink
- SuggestedTextStyle
- TextStyleSuggestionState
- AutoText
- Type
- PageBreak
- ColumnBreak
- FootnoteReference
- HorizontalRule
- Equation
- InlineObjectElement
- Person
- PersonProperties
- RichLink
- RichLinkProperties
- ParagraphStyle
- NamedStyleType
- Alignment
- ContentDirection
- SpacingMode
- ParagraphBorder
- DashStyle
- TabStop
- TabStopAlignment
- Shading
- SuggestedParagraphStyle
- ParagraphStyleSuggestionState
- ShadingSuggestionState
- Bullet
- SuggestedBullet
- BulletSuggestionState
- ObjectReferences
- SectionBreak
- SectionStyle
- SectionColumnProperties
- ColumnSeparatorStyle
- SectionType
- Table
- TableRow
- TableCell
- TableCellStyle
- TableCellBorder
- ContentAlignment
- SuggestedTableCellStyle
- TableCellStyleSuggestionState
- TableRowStyle
- SuggestedTableRowStyle
- TableRowStyleSuggestionState
- TableStyle
- TableColumnProperties
- WidthType
- TableOfContents
- Header
- Footer
- Footnote
- DocumentStyle
- Background
- Size
- SuggestedDocumentStyle
- DocumentStyleSuggestionState
- BackgroundSuggestionState
- SizeSuggestionState
- NamedStyles
- NamedStyle
- SuggestedNamedStyles
- NamedStylesSuggestionState
- NamedStyleSuggestionState
- List
- ListProperties
- NestingLevel
- BulletAlignment
- GlyphType
- SuggestedListProperties
- ListPropertiesSuggestionState
- NestingLevelSuggestionState
- NamedRanges
- NamedRange
- Range
- InlineObject
- InlineObjectProperties
- EmbeddedObject
- EmbeddedDrawingProperties
- ImageProperties
- CropProperties
- EmbeddedObjectBorder
- PropertyState
- LinkedContentReference
- SheetsChartReference
- SuggestedInlineObjectProperties
- InlineObjectPropertiesSuggestionState
- EmbeddedObjectSuggestionState
- EmbeddedDrawingPropertiesSuggestionState
- ImagePropertiesSuggestionState
- CropPropertiesSuggestionState
- EmbeddedObjectBorderSuggestionState
- LinkedContentReferenceSuggestionState
- SheetsChartReferenceSuggestionState
- PositionedObject
- PositionedObjectProperties
- PositionedObjectPositioning
- PositionedObjectLayout
- SuggestedPositionedObjectProperties
- PositionedObjectPropertiesSuggestionState
- PositionedObjectPositioningSuggestionState
- SuggestionsViewMode
- Methods
Resource: Document
A Google Docs document.
JSON representation |
{ "documentId": string, "title": string, "tabs": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
documentId |
Output only. The ID of the document. |
title |
The title of the document. |
tabs[] |
Tabs that are part of a document. Tabs can contain child tabs, a tab nested within another tab. Child tabs are represented by the |
revisionId |
Output only. The revision ID of the document. Can be used in update requests to specify which revision of a document to apply updates to and how the request should behave if the document has been edited since that revision. Only populated if the user has edit access to the document. The revision ID is not a sequential number but an opaque string. The format of the revision ID might change over time. A returned revision ID is only guaranteed to be valid for 24 hours after it has been returned and cannot be shared across users. If the revision ID is unchanged between calls, then the document has not changed. Conversely, a changed ID (for the same document and user) usually means the document has been updated. However, a changed ID can also be due to internal factors such as ID format changes. |
suggestionsViewMode |
Output only. The suggestions view mode applied to the document. Note: When editing a document, changes must be based on a document with |
body |
Output only. The main body of the document. Legacy field: Instead, use |
headers |
Output only. The headers in the document, keyed by header ID. Legacy field: Instead, use |
footers |
Output only. The footers in the document, keyed by footer ID. Legacy field: Instead, use |
footnotes |
Output only. The footnotes in the document, keyed by footnote ID. Legacy field: Instead, use |
documentStyle |
Output only. The style of the document. Legacy field: Instead, use |
suggestedDocumentStyleChanges |
Output only. The suggested changes to the style of the document, keyed by suggestion ID. Legacy field: Instead, use |
namedStyles |
Output only. The named styles of the document. Legacy field: Instead, use |
suggestedNamedStylesChanges |
Output only. The suggested changes to the named styles of the document, keyed by suggestion ID. Legacy field: Instead, use |
lists |
Output only. The lists in the document, keyed by list ID. Legacy field: Instead, use |
namedRanges |
Output only. The named ranges in the document, keyed by name. Legacy field: Instead, use |
inlineObjects |
Output only. The inline objects in the document, keyed by object ID. Legacy field: Instead, use |
positionedObjects |
Output only. The positioned objects in the document, keyed by object ID. Legacy field: Instead, use |
A tab in a document.
JSON representation |
{ "tabProperties": { object ( |
Fields | |
tabProperties |
The properties of the tab, like ID and title. |
childTabs[] |
The child tabs nested within this tab. |
Union field content . The content of the tab. content can be only one of the following: |
documentTab |
A tab with document contents, like text and images. |
Properties of a tab.
JSON representation |
{ "tabId": string, "title": string, "parentTabId": string, "index": integer, "nestingLevel": integer } |
Fields | |
tabId |
Output only. The ID of the tab. This field can't be changed. |
title |
The user-visible name of the tab. |
parentTabId |
Optional. The ID of the parent tab. Empty when the current tab is a root-level tab, which means it doesn't have any parents. |
index |
The zero-based index of the tab within the parent. |
nestingLevel |
Output only. The depth of the tab within the document. Root-level tabs start at 0. |
A tab with document contents.
JSON representation |
{ "body": { object ( |
Fields | |
body |
The main body of the document tab. |
headers |
The headers in the document tab, keyed by header ID. |
footers |
The footers in the document tab, keyed by footer ID. |
footnotes |
The footnotes in the document tab, keyed by footnote ID. |
documentStyle |
The style of the document tab. |
suggestedDocumentStyleChanges |
The suggested changes to the style of the document tab, keyed by suggestion ID. |
namedStyles |
The named styles of the document tab. |
suggestedNamedStylesChanges |
The suggested changes to the named styles of the document tab, keyed by suggestion ID. |
lists |
The lists in the document tab, keyed by list ID. |
namedRanges |
The named ranges in the document tab, keyed by name. |
inlineObjects |
The inline objects in the document tab, keyed by object ID. |
positionedObjects |
The positioned objects in the document tab, keyed by object ID. |
The document body.
The body typically contains the full document contents except for headers
, footers
, and footnotes
JSON representation |
"content": [
object ( |
Fields | |
content[] |
The contents of the body. The indexes for the body's content begin at zero. |
A StructuralElement describes content that provides structure to the document.
JSON representation |
{ "startIndex": integer, "endIndex": integer, // Union field |
Fields | |
startIndex |
The zero-based start index of this structural element, in UTF-16 code units. |
endIndex |
The zero-based end index of this structural element, exclusive, in UTF-16 code units. |
Union field content . The content of the structural element. content can be only one of the following: |
paragraph |
A paragraph type of structural element. |
sectionBreak |
A section break type of structural element. |
table |
A table type of structural element. |
tableOfContents |
A table of contents type of structural element. |
A StructuralElement
representing a paragraph. A paragraph is a range of content that's terminated with a newline character.
JSON representation |
{ "elements": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
elements[] |
The content of the paragraph, broken down into its component parts. |
paragraphStyle |
The style of this paragraph. |
suggestedParagraphStyleChanges |
The suggested paragraph style changes to this paragraph, keyed by suggestion ID. |
bullet |
The bullet for this paragraph. If not present, the paragraph does not belong to a list. |
suggestedBulletChanges |
The suggested changes to this paragraph's bullet. |
positionedObjectIds[] |
The IDs of the positioned objects tethered to this paragraph. |
suggestedPositionedObjectIds |
The IDs of the positioned objects suggested to be attached to this paragraph, keyed by suggestion ID. |
A ParagraphElement describes content within a Paragraph
JSON representation |
{ "startIndex": integer, "endIndex": integer, // Union field |
Fields | |
startIndex |
The zero-based start index of this paragraph element, in UTF-16 code units. |
endIndex |
The zero-base end index of this paragraph element, exclusive, in UTF-16 code units. |
Union field content . The content of the paragraph element. content can be only one of the following: |
textRun |
A text run paragraph element. |
autoText |
An auto text paragraph element. |
pageBreak |
A page break paragraph element. |
columnBreak |
A column break paragraph element. |
footnoteReference |
A footnote reference paragraph element. |
horizontalRule |
A horizontal rule paragraph element. |
equation |
An equation paragraph element. |
inlineObjectElement |
An inline object paragraph element. |
person |
A paragraph element that links to a person or email address. |
richLink |
A paragraph element that links to a Google resource (such as a file in Google Drive, a YouTube video, or a Calendar event.) |
A ParagraphElement
that represents a run of text that all has the same styling.
JSON representation |
{ "content": string, "suggestedInsertionIds": [ string ], "suggestedDeletionIds": [ string ], "textStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
content |
The text of this run. Any non-text elements in the run are replaced with the Unicode character U+E907. |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
textStyle |
The text style of this run. |
suggestedTextStyleChanges |
The suggested text style changes to this run, keyed by suggestion ID. |
Represents the styling that can be applied to text.
Inherited text styles are represented as unset fields in this message. A text style's parent depends on where the text style is defined:
- The TextStyle of text in a
inherits from the paragraph's correspondingnamed style type
. - The TextStyle on a
named style
inherits from thenormal text
named style. - The TextStyle of the
normal text
named style inherits from the default text style in the Docs editor. - The TextStyle on a
element that's contained in a table may inherit its text style from the table style.
If the text style does not inherit from a parent, unsetting fields will revert the style to a value matching the defaults in the Docs editor.
JSON representation |
{ "bold": boolean, "italic": boolean, "underline": boolean, "strikethrough": boolean, "smallCaps": boolean, "backgroundColor": { object ( |
Fields | |
bold |
Whether or not the text is rendered as bold. |
italic |
Whether or not the text is italicized. |
underline |
Whether or not the text is underlined. |
strikethrough |
Whether or not the text is struck through. |
smallCaps |
Whether or not the text is in small capital letters. |
backgroundColor |
The background color of the text. If set, the color is either an RGB color or transparent, depending on the |
foregroundColor |
The foreground color of the text. If set, the color is either an RGB color or transparent, depending on the |
fontSize |
The size of the text's font. |
weightedFontFamily |
The font family and rendered weight of the text. If an update request specifies values for both If If |
baselineOffset |
The text's vertical offset from its normal position. Text with |
link |
The hyperlink destination of the text. If unset, there's no link. Links are not inherited from parent text. Changing the link in an update request causes some other changes to the text style of the range:
A color that can either be fully opaque or fully transparent.
JSON representation |
"color": {
object ( |
Fields | |
color |
If set, this will be used as an opaque color. If unset, this represents a transparent color. |
A solid color.
JSON representation |
"rgbColor": {
object ( |
Fields | |
rgbColor |
The RGB color value. |
An RGB color.
JSON representation |
{ "red": number, "green": number, "blue": number } |
Fields | |
red |
The red component of the color, from 0.0 to 1.0. |
green |
The green component of the color, from 0.0 to 1.0. |
blue |
The blue component of the color, from 0.0 to 1.0. |
A magnitude in a single direction in the specified units.
JSON representation |
"magnitude": number,
"unit": enum ( |
Fields | |
magnitude |
The magnitude. |
unit |
The units for magnitude. |
Units of measurement.
Enums | |
The units are unknown. |
PT |
A point, 1/72 of an inch. |
Represents a font family and weight of text.
JSON representation |
{ "fontFamily": string, "weight": integer } |
Fields | |
fontFamily |
The font family of the text. The font family can be any font from the Font menu in Docs or from Google Fonts. If the font name is unrecognized, the text is rendered in |
weight |
The weight of the font. This field can have any value that's a multiple of The default value is The font weight makes up just one component of the rendered font weight. A combination of the
The ways in which text can be vertically offset from its normal position.
Enums | |
The text's baseline offset is inherited from the parent. |
The text is not vertically offset. |
The text is vertically offset upwards (superscript). |
The text is vertically offset downwards (subscript). |
A reference to another portion of a document or an external URL resource.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field destination . The link destination. destination can be only one of the following: |
url |
An external URL. |
tabId |
The ID of a tab in this document. |
bookmark |
A bookmark in this document. In documents containing a single tab, links to bookmarks within the singular tab continue to return |
heading |
A heading in this document. In documents containing a single tab, links to headings within the singular tab continue to return |
bookmarkId |
The ID of a bookmark in this document. Legacy field: Instead, set If this field is used in a write request, the bookmark is considered to be from the tab ID specified in the request. If a tab ID is not specified in the request, it is considered to be from the first tab in the document. |
headingId |
The ID of a heading in this document. Legacy field: Instead, set If this field is used in a write request, the heading is considered to be from the tab ID specified in the request. If a tab ID is not specified in the request, it is considered to be from the first tab in the document. |
A reference to a bookmark in this document.
JSON representation |
{ "id": string, "tabId": string } |
Fields | |
id |
The ID of a bookmark in this document. |
tabId |
The ID of the tab containing this bookmark. |
A reference to a heading in this document.
JSON representation |
{ "id": string, "tabId": string } |
Fields | |
id |
The ID of a heading in this document. |
tabId |
The ID of the tab containing this heading. |
A suggested change to a TextStyle
JSON representation |
{ "textStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
textStyle |
A |
textStyleSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base TextStyle
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "boldSuggested": boolean, "italicSuggested": boolean, "underlineSuggested": boolean, "strikethroughSuggested": boolean, "smallCapsSuggested": boolean, "backgroundColorSuggested": boolean, "foregroundColorSuggested": boolean, "fontSizeSuggested": boolean, "weightedFontFamilySuggested": boolean, "baselineOffsetSuggested": boolean, "linkSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
boldSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
italicSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
underlineSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
strikethroughSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
smallCapsSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
backgroundColorSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
foregroundColorSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
fontSizeSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
weightedFontFamilySuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
baselineOffsetSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
linkSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
A ParagraphElement
representing a spot in the text that's dynamically replaced with content that can change over time, like a page number.
JSON representation |
{ "type": enum ( |
Fields | |
type |
The type of this auto text. |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. An |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
textStyle |
The text style of this AutoText. |
suggestedTextStyleChanges |
The suggested text style changes to this AutoText, keyed by suggestion ID. |
The types of auto text.
Enums | |
An unspecified auto text type. |
Type for auto text that represents the current page number. |
Type for auto text that represents the total number of pages in the document. |
A ParagraphElement
representing a page break. A page break makes the subsequent text start at the top of the next page.
JSON representation |
{ "suggestedInsertionIds": [ string ], "suggestedDeletionIds": [ string ], "textStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
textStyle |
The text style of this PageBreak. Similar to text content, like text runs and footnote references, the text style of a page break can affect content layout as well as the styling of text inserted next to it. |
suggestedTextStyleChanges |
The suggested text style changes to this PageBreak, keyed by suggestion ID. |
A ParagraphElement
representing a column break. A column break makes the subsequent text start at the top of the next column.
JSON representation |
{ "suggestedInsertionIds": [ string ], "suggestedDeletionIds": [ string ], "textStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
textStyle |
The text style of this ColumnBreak. Similar to text content, like text runs and footnote references, the text style of a column break can affect content layout as well as the styling of text inserted next to it. |
suggestedTextStyleChanges |
The suggested text style changes to this ColumnBreak, keyed by suggestion ID. |
A ParagraphElement
representing a footnote reference. A footnote reference is the inline content rendered with a number and is used to identify the footnote.
JSON representation |
{ "footnoteId": string, "footnoteNumber": string, "suggestedInsertionIds": [ string ], "suggestedDeletionIds": [ string ], "textStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
footnoteId |
The ID of the |
footnoteNumber |
The rendered number of this footnote. |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
textStyle |
The text style of this FootnoteReference. |
suggestedTextStyleChanges |
The suggested text style changes to this FootnoteReference, keyed by suggestion ID. |
A ParagraphElement
representing a horizontal line.
JSON representation |
{ "suggestedInsertionIds": [ string ], "suggestedDeletionIds": [ string ], "textStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
textStyle |
The text style of this HorizontalRule. Similar to text content, like text runs and footnote references, the text style of a horizontal rule can affect content layout as well as the styling of text inserted next to it. |
suggestedTextStyleChanges |
The suggested text style changes to this HorizontalRule, keyed by suggestion ID. |
A ParagraphElement
representing an equation.
JSON representation |
{ "suggestedInsertionIds": [ string ], "suggestedDeletionIds": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. An |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
A ParagraphElement
that contains an InlineObject
JSON representation |
{ "inlineObjectId": string, "suggestedInsertionIds": [ string ], "suggestedDeletionIds": [ string ], "textStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
inlineObjectId |
The ID of the |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. An |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
textStyle |
The text style of this InlineObjectElement. Similar to text content, like text runs and footnote references, the text style of an inline object element can affect content layout as well as the styling of text inserted next to it. |
suggestedTextStyleChanges |
The suggested text style changes to this InlineObject, keyed by suggestion ID. |
A person or email address mentioned in a document. These mentions behave as a single, immutable element containing the person's name or email address.
JSON representation |
{ "personId": string, "suggestedInsertionIds": [ string ], "suggestedDeletionIds": [ string ], "textStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
personId |
Output only. The unique ID of this link. |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
IDs for suggestions that insert this person link into the document. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
IDs for suggestions that remove this person link from the document. A |
textStyle |
The text style of this |
suggestedTextStyleChanges |
The suggested text style changes to this |
personProperties |
Output only. The properties of this |
Properties specific to a linked Person
JSON representation |
{ "name": string, "email": string } |
Fields | |
name |
Output only. The name of the person if it's displayed in the link text instead of the person's email address. |
email |
Output only. The email address linked to this |
A link to a Google resource (such as a file in Drive, a YouTube video, or a Calendar event).
JSON representation |
{ "richLinkId": string, "suggestedInsertionIds": [ string ], "suggestedDeletionIds": [ string ], "textStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
richLinkId |
Output only. The ID of this link. |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
IDs for suggestions that insert this link into the document. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
IDs for suggestions that remove this link from the document. A |
textStyle |
The text style of this |
suggestedTextStyleChanges |
The suggested text style changes to this |
richLinkProperties |
Output only. The properties of this |
Properties specific to a RichLink
JSON representation |
{ "title": string, "uri": string, "mimeType": string } |
Fields | |
title |
Output only. The title of the |
uri |
Output only. The URI to the |
mimeType |
Output only. The MIME type of the |
Styles that apply to a whole paragraph.
Inherited paragraph styles are represented as unset fields in this message. A paragraph style's parent depends on where the paragraph style is defined:
- The ParagraphStyle on a
inherits from the paragraph's correspondingnamed style type
. - The ParagraphStyle on a
named style
inherits from thenormal text
named style. - The ParagraphStyle of the
normal text
named style inherits from the default paragraph style in the Docs editor. - The ParagraphStyle on a
element that's contained in a table may inherit its paragraph style from the table style.
If the paragraph style does not inherit from a parent, unsetting fields will revert the style to a value matching the defaults in the Docs editor.
JSON representation |
{ "headingId": string, "namedStyleType": enum ( |
Fields | |
headingId |
The heading ID of the paragraph. If empty, then this paragraph is not a heading. This property is read-only. |
namedStyleType |
The named style type of the paragraph. Since updating the named style type affects other properties within ParagraphStyle, the named style type is applied before the other properties are updated. |
alignment |
The text alignment for this paragraph. |
lineSpacing |
The amount of space between lines, as a percentage of normal, where normal is represented as 100.0. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
direction |
The text direction of this paragraph. If unset, the value defaults to |
spacingMode |
The spacing mode for the paragraph. |
spaceAbove |
The amount of extra space above the paragraph. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
spaceBelow |
The amount of extra space below the paragraph. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
borderBetween |
The border between this paragraph and the next and previous paragraphs. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. The between border is rendered when the adjacent paragraph has the same border and indent properties. Paragraph borders cannot be partially updated. When changing a paragraph border, the new border must be specified in its entirety. |
borderTop |
The border at the top of this paragraph. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. The top border is rendered when the paragraph above has different border and indent properties. Paragraph borders cannot be partially updated. When changing a paragraph border, the new border must be specified in its entirety. |
borderBottom |
The border at the bottom of this paragraph. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. The bottom border is rendered when the paragraph below has different border and indent properties. Paragraph borders cannot be partially updated. When changing a paragraph border, the new border must be specified in its entirety. |
borderLeft |
The border to the left of this paragraph. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. Paragraph borders cannot be partially updated. When changing a paragraph border, the new border must be specified in its entirety. |
borderRight |
The border to the right of this paragraph. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. Paragraph borders cannot be partially updated. When changing a paragraph border, the new border must be specified in its entirety. |
indentFirstLine |
The amount of indentation for the first line of the paragraph. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
indentStart |
The amount of indentation for the paragraph on the side that corresponds to the start of the text, based on the current paragraph direction. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
indentEnd |
The amount of indentation for the paragraph on the side that corresponds to the end of the text, based on the current paragraph direction. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
tabStops[] |
A list of the tab stops for this paragraph. The list of tab stops is not inherited. This property is read-only. |
keepLinesTogether |
Whether all lines of the paragraph should be laid out on the same page or column if possible. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
keepWithNext |
Whether at least a part of this paragraph should be laid out on the same page or column as the next paragraph if possible. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
avoidWidowAndOrphan |
Whether to avoid widows and orphans for the paragraph. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
shading |
The shading of the paragraph. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. |
pageBreakBefore |
Whether the current paragraph should always start at the beginning of a page. If unset, the value is inherited from the parent. Attempting to update |
The types of named styles.
Enums | |
The type of named style is unspecified. |
Normal text. |
Title. |
Subtitle. |
Heading 1. |
Heading 2. |
Heading 3. |
Heading 4. |
Heading 5. |
Heading 6. |
The types of text alignment for a paragraph.
Enums | |
The paragraph alignment is inherited from the parent. |
The paragraph is aligned to the start of the line. Left-aligned for LTR text, right-aligned otherwise. |
The paragraph is centered. |
The paragraph is aligned to the end of the line. Right-aligned for LTR text, left-aligned otherwise. |
The paragraph is justified. |
The directions content can flow in.
Enums | |
The content direction is unspecified. |
The content goes from left to right. |
The content goes from right to left. |
The different modes for paragraph spacing.
Enums | |
The spacing mode is inherited from the parent. |
Paragraph spacing is always rendered. |
Paragraph spacing is skipped between list elements. |
A border around a paragraph.
JSON representation |
{ "color": { object ( |
Fields | |
color |
The color of the border. |
width |
The width of the border. |
padding |
The padding of the border. |
dashStyle |
The dash style of the border. |
The kinds of dashes with which linear geometry can be rendered. These values are based on the "ST_PresetLineDashVal" simple type described in section of "Office Open XML File Formats - Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference", part 1 of ECMA-376 5th edition.
Enums | |
Unspecified dash style. |
Solid line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value 'solid'. This is the default dash style. |
Dotted line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value 'dot'. |
Dashed line. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_PresetLineDashVal value 'dash'. |
A tab stop within a paragraph.
JSON representation |
{ "offset": { object ( |
Fields | |
offset |
The offset between this tab stop and the start margin. |
alignment |
The alignment of this tab stop. If unset, the value defaults to |
The alignment of the tab stop.
Enums | |
The tab stop alignment is unspecified. |
The tab stop is aligned to the start of the line. This is the default. |
The tab stop is aligned to the center of the line. |
The tab stop is aligned to the end of the line. |
The shading of a paragraph.
JSON representation |
"backgroundColor": {
object ( |
Fields | |
backgroundColor |
The background color of this paragraph shading. |
A suggested change to a ParagraphStyle
JSON representation |
{ "paragraphStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
paragraphStyle |
A |
paragraphStyleSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base ParagraphStyle
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
"headingIdSuggested": boolean,
"namedStyleTypeSuggested": boolean,
"alignmentSuggested": boolean,
"lineSpacingSuggested": boolean,
"directionSuggested": boolean,
"spacingModeSuggested": boolean,
"spaceAboveSuggested": boolean,
"spaceBelowSuggested": boolean,
"borderBetweenSuggested": boolean,
"borderTopSuggested": boolean,
"borderBottomSuggested": boolean,
"borderLeftSuggested": boolean,
"borderRightSuggested": boolean,
"indentFirstLineSuggested": boolean,
"indentStartSuggested": boolean,
"indentEndSuggested": boolean,
"keepLinesTogetherSuggested": boolean,
"keepWithNextSuggested": boolean,
"avoidWidowAndOrphanSuggested": boolean,
"shadingSuggestionState": {
object ( |
Fields | |
headingIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
namedStyleTypeSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
alignmentSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
lineSpacingSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
directionSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
spacingModeSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
spaceAboveSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
spaceBelowSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
borderBetweenSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
borderTopSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
borderBottomSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
borderLeftSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
borderRightSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
indentFirstLineSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
indentStartSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
indentEndSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
keepLinesTogetherSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
keepWithNextSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
avoidWidowAndOrphanSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
shadingSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
pageBreakBeforeSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Shading
have been changed in this suggested change. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "backgroundColorSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
backgroundColorSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to the |
Describes the bullet of a paragraph.
JSON representation |
"listId": string,
"nestingLevel": integer,
"textStyle": {
object ( |
Fields | |
listId |
The ID of the list this paragraph belongs to. |
nestingLevel |
The nesting level of this paragraph in the list. |
textStyle |
The paragraph-specific text style applied to this bullet. |
A suggested change to a Bullet
JSON representation |
{ "bullet": { object ( |
Fields | |
bullet |
A |
bulletSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Bullet
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
"listIdSuggested": boolean,
"nestingLevelSuggested": boolean,
"textStyleSuggestionState": {
object ( |
Fields | |
listIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to the |
nestingLevelSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to the |
textStyleSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
A collection of object IDs.
JSON representation |
{ "objectIds": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
objectIds[] |
The object IDs. |
A StructuralElement
representing a section break. A section is a range of content that has the same SectionStyle
. A section break represents the start of a new section, and the section style applies to the section after the section break.
The document body always begins with a section break.
JSON representation |
"suggestedInsertionIds": [
"suggestedDeletionIds": [
"sectionStyle": {
object ( |
Fields | |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
sectionStyle |
The style of the section after this section break. |
The styling that applies to a section.
JSON representation |
{ "columnProperties": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
columnProperties[] |
The section's columns properties. If empty, the section contains one column with the default properties in the Docs editor. A section can be updated to have no more than 3 columns. When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property will result in a 400 bad request error. |
columnSeparatorStyle |
The style of column separators. This style can be set even when there's one column in the section. When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
contentDirection |
The content direction of this section. If unset, the value defaults to When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
marginTop |
The top page margin of the section. If unset, the value defaults to When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
marginBottom |
The bottom page margin of the section. If unset, the value defaults to When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
marginRight |
The right page margin of the section. If unset, the value defaults to When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
marginLeft |
The left page margin of the section. If unset, the value defaults to When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
marginHeader |
The header margin of the section. If unset, the value defaults to When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
marginFooter |
The footer margin of the section. If unset, the value defaults to When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
sectionType |
Output only. The type of section. |
defaultHeaderId |
The ID of the default header. If unset, the value inherits from the previous This property is read-only. |
defaultFooterId |
The ID of the default footer. If unset, the value inherits from the previous This property is read-only. |
firstPageHeaderId |
The ID of the header used only for the first page of the section. If This property is read-only. |
firstPageFooterId |
The ID of the footer used only for the first page of the section. If This property is read-only. |
evenPageHeaderId |
The ID of the header used only for even pages. If the value of DocumentStyle's This property is read-only. |
evenPageFooterId |
The ID of the footer used only for even pages. If the value of DocumentStyle's This property is read-only. |
useFirstPageHeaderFooter |
Indicates whether to use the first page header / footer IDs for the first page of the section. If unset, it inherits from DocumentStyle's When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
pageNumberStart |
The page number from which to start counting the number of pages for this section. If unset, page numbering continues from the previous section. If the value is unset in the first When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
flipPageOrientation |
Optional. Indicates whether to flip the dimensions of DocumentStyle's When updating this property, setting a concrete value is required. Unsetting this property results in a 400 bad request error. |
Properties that apply to a section's column.
JSON representation |
{ "width": { object ( |
Fields | |
width |
Output only. The width of the column. |
paddingEnd |
The padding at the end of the column. |
The style of column separators between columns.
Enums | |
An unspecified column separator style. |
No column separator lines between columns. |
Renders a column separator line between each column. |
Represents how the start of the current section is positioned relative to the previous section.
Enums | |
The section type is unspecified. |
The section starts immediately after the last paragraph of the previous section. |
The section starts on the next page. |
A StructuralElement
representing a table.
JSON representation |
{ "rows": integer, "columns": integer, "tableRows": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
rows |
Number of rows in the table. |
columns |
Number of columns in the table. It's possible for a table to be non-rectangular, so some rows may have a different number of cells. |
tableRows[] |
The contents and style of each row. |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
tableStyle |
The style of the table. |
The contents and style of a row in a Table
JSON representation |
{ "startIndex": integer, "endIndex": integer, "tableCells": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
startIndex |
The zero-based start index of this row, in UTF-16 code units. |
endIndex |
The zero-based end index of this row, exclusive, in UTF-16 code units. |
tableCells[] |
The contents and style of each cell in this row. It's possible for a table to be non-rectangular, so some rows may have a different number of cells than other rows in the same table. |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
tableRowStyle |
The style of the table row. |
suggestedTableRowStyleChanges |
The suggested style changes to this row, keyed by suggestion ID. |
The contents and style of a cell in a Table
JSON representation |
{ "startIndex": integer, "endIndex": integer, "content": [ { object ( |
Fields | |
startIndex |
The zero-based start index of this cell, in UTF-16 code units. |
endIndex |
The zero-based end index of this cell, exclusive, in UTF-16 code units. |
content[] |
The content of the cell. |
tableCellStyle |
The style of the cell. |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
suggestedTableCellStyleChanges |
The suggested changes to the table cell style, keyed by suggestion ID. |
The style of a TableCell
Inherited table cell styles are represented as unset fields in this message. A table cell style can inherit from the table's style.
JSON representation |
{ "rowSpan": integer, "columnSpan": integer, "backgroundColor": { object ( |
Fields | |
rowSpan |
The row span of the cell. This property is read-only. |
columnSpan |
The column span of the cell. This property is read-only. |
backgroundColor |
The background color of the cell. |
borderLeft |
The left border of the cell. |
borderRight |
The right border of the cell. |
borderTop |
The top border of the cell. |
borderBottom |
The bottom border of the cell. |
paddingLeft |
The left padding of the cell. |
paddingRight |
The right padding of the cell. |
paddingTop |
The top padding of the cell. |
paddingBottom |
The bottom padding of the cell. |
contentAlignment |
The alignment of the content in the table cell. The default alignment matches the alignment for newly created table cells in the Docs editor. |
A border around a table cell.
Table cell borders cannot be transparent. To hide a table cell border, make its width 0.
JSON representation |
{ "color": { object ( |
Fields | |
color |
The color of the border. This color cannot be transparent. |
width |
The width of the border. |
dashStyle |
The dash style of the border. |
The types of content alignment.
Derived from a subset of the values of the "ST_TextAnchoringType" simple type in section of "Office Open XML File Formats - Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference", part 1 of ECMA-376 5th edition.
Enums | |
An unspecified content alignment. The content alignment is inherited from the parent if one exists. |
An unsupported content alignment. |
An alignment that aligns the content to the top of the content holder. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_TextAnchoringType 't'. |
An alignment that aligns the content to the middle of the content holder. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_TextAnchoringType 'ctr'. |
An alignment that aligns the content to the bottom of the content holder. Corresponds to ECMA-376 ST_TextAnchoringType 'b'. |
A suggested change to a TableCellStyle
JSON representation |
{ "tableCellStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
tableCellStyle |
A |
tableCellStyleSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base TableCellStyle
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "rowSpanSuggested": boolean, "columnSpanSuggested": boolean, "backgroundColorSuggested": boolean, "borderLeftSuggested": boolean, "borderRightSuggested": boolean, "borderTopSuggested": boolean, "borderBottomSuggested": boolean, "paddingLeftSuggested": boolean, "paddingRightSuggested": boolean, "paddingTopSuggested": boolean, "paddingBottomSuggested": boolean, "contentAlignmentSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
rowSpanSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
columnSpanSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
backgroundColorSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
borderLeftSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
borderRightSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
borderTopSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
borderBottomSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
paddingLeftSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
paddingRightSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
paddingTopSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
paddingBottomSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
contentAlignmentSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
Styles that apply to a table row.
JSON representation |
"minRowHeight": {
object ( |
Fields | |
minRowHeight |
The minimum height of the row. The row will be rendered in the Docs editor at a height equal to or greater than this value in order to show all the content in the row's cells. |
tableHeader |
Whether the row is a table header. |
preventOverflow |
Whether the row cannot overflow across page or column boundaries. |
A suggested change to a TableRowStyle
JSON representation |
{ "tableRowStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
tableRowStyle |
A |
tableRowStyleSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base TableRowStyle
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "minRowHeightSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
minRowHeightSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
Styles that apply to a table.
JSON representation |
"tableColumnProperties": [
object ( |
Fields | |
tableColumnProperties[] |
The properties of each column. Note that in Docs, tables contain rows and rows contain cells, similar to HTML. So the properties for a row can be found on the row's |
The properties of a column in a table.
JSON representation |
{ "widthType": enum ( |
Fields | |
widthType |
The width type of the column. |
width |
The width of the column. Set when the column's |
The type of width of the column.
Enums | |
The column width type is unspecified. |
The column width is evenly distributed among the other evenly distributed columns. The width of the column is automatically determined and will have an equal portion of the width remaining for the table after accounting for all columns with specified widths. |
A fixed column width. The [width][google.apps.docs.v1.TableColumnProperties.width property contains the column's width. |
A StructuralElement
representing a table of contents.
JSON representation |
"content": [
object ( |
Fields | |
content[] |
The content of the table of contents. |
suggestedInsertionIds[] |
The suggested insertion IDs. A |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
A document header.
JSON representation |
"headerId": string,
"content": [
object ( |
Fields | |
headerId |
The ID of the header. |
content[] |
The contents of the header. The indexes for a header's content begin at zero. |
A document footnote.
JSON representation |
"footnoteId": string,
"content": [
object ( |
Fields | |
footnoteId |
The ID of the footnote. |
content[] |
The contents of the footnote. The indexes for a footnote's content begin at zero. |
The style of the document.
JSON representation |
{ "background": { object ( |
Fields | |
background |
The background of the document. Documents cannot have a transparent background color. |
defaultHeaderId |
The ID of the default header. If not set, there's no default header. This property is read-only. |
defaultFooterId |
The ID of the default footer. If not set, there's no default footer. This property is read-only. |
evenPageHeaderId |
The ID of the header used only for even pages. The value of This property is read-only. |
evenPageFooterId |
The ID of the footer used only for even pages. The value of This property is read-only. |
firstPageHeaderId |
The ID of the header used only for the first page. If not set then a unique header for the first page does not exist. The value of This property is read-only. |
firstPageFooterId |
The ID of the footer used only for the first page. If not set then a unique footer for the first page does not exist. The value of This property is read-only. |
useFirstPageHeaderFooter |
Indicates whether to use the first page header / footer IDs for the first page. |
useEvenPageHeaderFooter |
Indicates whether to use the even page header / footer IDs for the even pages. |
pageNumberStart |
The page number from which to start counting the number of pages. |
marginTop |
The top page margin. Updating the top page margin on the document style clears the top page margin on all section styles. |
marginBottom |
The bottom page margin. Updating the bottom page margin on the document style clears the bottom page margin on all section styles. |
marginRight |
The right page margin. Updating the right page margin on the document style clears the right page margin on all section styles. It may also cause columns to resize in all sections. |
marginLeft |
The left page margin. Updating the left page margin on the document style clears the left page margin on all section styles. It may also cause columns to resize in all sections. |
pageSize |
The size of a page in the document. |
marginHeader |
The amount of space between the top of the page and the contents of the header. |
marginFooter |
The amount of space between the bottom of the page and the contents of the footer. |
useCustomHeaderFooterMargins |
Indicates whether DocumentStyle This property is read-only. |
flipPageOrientation |
Optional. Indicates whether to flip the dimensions of the |
Represents the background of a document.
JSON representation |
"color": {
object ( |
Fields | |
color |
The background color. |
A width and height.
JSON representation |
{ "height": { object ( |
Fields | |
height |
The height of the object. |
width |
The width of the object. |
A suggested change to the DocumentStyle
JSON representation |
{ "documentStyle": { object ( |
Fields | |
documentStyle |
A |
documentStyleSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base DocumentStyle
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "backgroundSuggestionState": { object ( |
Fields | |
backgroundSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
defaultHeaderIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
defaultFooterIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
evenPageHeaderIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
evenPageFooterIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
firstPageHeaderIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
firstPageFooterIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
useFirstPageHeaderFooterSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
useEvenPageHeaderFooterSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
pageNumberStartSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
marginTopSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
marginBottomSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
marginRightSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
marginLeftSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
pageSizeSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in [size] [google.apps.docs.v1.DocumentStyle.size] have been changed in this suggestion. |
marginHeaderSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
marginFooterSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
useCustomHeaderFooterMarginsSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
flipPageOrientationSuggested |
Optional. Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Background
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, the Backgound
has a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "backgroundColorSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
backgroundColorSuggested |
Indicates whether the current background color has been modified in this suggestion. |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Size
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, the Size
has a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "heightSuggested": boolean, "widthSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
heightSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
widthSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
The named styles. Paragraphs in the document can inherit their TextStyle
and ParagraphStyle
from these named styles.
JSON representation |
"styles": [
object ( |
Fields | |
styles[] |
The named styles. There's an entry for each of the possible |
A named style. Paragraphs in the document can inherit their TextStyle
and ParagraphStyle
from this named style when they have the same named style type.
JSON representation |
{ "namedStyleType": enum ( |
Fields | |
namedStyleType |
The type of this named style. |
textStyle |
The text style of this named style. |
paragraphStyle |
The paragraph style of this named style. |
A suggested change to the NamedStyles
JSON representation |
{ "namedStyles": { object ( |
Fields | |
namedStyles |
A |
namedStylesSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
The suggestion state of a NamedStyles
JSON representation |
"stylesSuggestionStates": [
object ( |
Fields | |
stylesSuggestionStates[] |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the corresponding The order of these named style suggestion states matches the order of the corresponding named style within the |
A suggestion state of a NamedStyle
JSON representation |
{ "namedStyleType": enum ( |
Fields | |
namedStyleType |
The named style type that this suggestion state corresponds to. This field is provided as a convenience for matching the NamedStyleSuggestionState with its corresponding |
textStyleSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
paragraphStyleSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
A List represents the list attributes for a group of paragraphs that all belong to the same list. A paragraph that's part of a list has a reference to the list's ID in its bullet
JSON representation |
{ "listProperties": { object ( |
Fields | |
listProperties |
The properties of the list. |
suggestedListPropertiesChanges |
The suggested changes to the list properties, keyed by suggestion ID. |
suggestedInsertionId |
The suggested insertion ID. If empty, then this is not a suggested insertion. |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this list. |
The properties of a list
that describe the look and feel of bullets belonging to paragraphs associated with a list.
JSON representation |
"nestingLevels": [
object ( |
Fields | |
nestingLevels[] |
Describes the properties of the bullets at the associated level. A list has at most 9 levels of nesting with nesting level 0 corresponding to the top-most level and nesting level 8 corresponding to the most nested level. The nesting levels are returned in ascending order with the least nested returned first. |
Contains properties describing the look and feel of a list bullet at a given level of nesting.
JSON representation |
{ "bulletAlignment": enum ( |
Fields | |
bulletAlignment |
The alignment of the bullet within the space allotted for rendering the bullet. |
glyphFormat |
The format string used by bullets at this level of nesting. The glyph format contains one or more placeholders, and these placeholders are replaced with the appropriate values depending on the For example, the glyph format
The glyph format can contain placeholders for the current nesting level as well as placeholders for parent nesting levels. For example, a list can have a glyph format of
For nesting levels that are ordered, the string that replaces a placeholder in the glyph format for a particular paragraph depends on the paragraph's order within the list. |
indentFirstLine |
The amount of indentation for the first line of paragraphs at this level of nesting. |
indentStart |
The amount of indentation for paragraphs at this level of nesting. Applied to the side that corresponds to the start of the text, based on the paragraph's content direction. |
textStyle |
The text style of bullets at this level of nesting. |
startNumber |
The number of the first list item at this nesting level. A value of 0 is treated as a value of 1 for lettered lists and Roman numeral lists. For values of both 0 and 1, lettered and Roman numeral lists will begin at This value is ignored for nesting levels with unordered glyphs. |
Union field glyph_kind . The kind of glyph used by bullets. This defines the bullet glyph that replaces the placeholders in the glyph_format . glyph_kind can be only one of the following: |
glyphType |
The type of glyph used by bullets when paragraphs at this level of nesting is ordered. The glyph type determines the type of glyph used to replace placeholders within the |
glyphSymbol |
A custom glyph symbol used by bullets when paragraphs at this level of nesting is unordered. The glyph symbol replaces placeholders within the |
The types of alignment for a bullet.
Enums | |
The bullet alignment is unspecified. |
The bullet is aligned to the start of the space allotted for rendering the bullet. Left-aligned for LTR text, right-aligned otherwise. |
The bullet is aligned to the center of the space allotted for rendering the bullet. |
The bullet is aligned to the end of the space allotted for rendering the bullet. Right-aligned for LTR text, left-aligned otherwise. |
The types of glyphs used by bullets when paragraphs at this level of nesting is ordered.
Enums | |
The glyph type is unspecified or unsupported. |
An empty string. |
A number, like 1 , 2 , or 3 . |
A number where single digit numbers are prefixed with a zero, like 01 , 02 , or 03 . Numbers with more than one digit are not prefixed with a zero. |
An uppercase letter, like A , B , or C . |
A lowercase letter, like a , b , or c . |
An uppercase Roman numeral, like I , II , or III . |
A lowercase Roman numeral, like i , ii , or iii . |
A suggested change to ListProperties
JSON representation |
{ "listProperties": { object ( |
Fields | |
listProperties |
A |
listPropertiesSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base ListProperties
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
"nestingLevelsSuggestionStates": [
object ( |
Fields | |
nestingLevelsSuggestionStates[] |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the corresponding The nesting level suggestion states are returned in ascending order of the nesting level with the least nested returned first. |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base NestingLevel
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
"bulletAlignmentSuggested": boolean,
"glyphTypeSuggested": boolean,
"glyphFormatSuggested": boolean,
"glyphSymbolSuggested": boolean,
"indentFirstLineSuggested": boolean,
"indentStartSuggested": boolean,
"textStyleSuggestionState": {
object ( |
Fields | |
bulletAlignmentSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
glyphTypeSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
glyphFormatSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
glyphSymbolSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
indentFirstLineSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
indentStartSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
textStyleSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
startNumberSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
A collection of all the NamedRange
s in the document that share a given name.
JSON representation |
"name": string,
"namedRanges": [
object ( |
Fields | |
name |
The name that all the |
namedRanges[] |
The |
A collection of Range
s with the same named range ID.
Named ranges allow developers to associate parts of a document with an arbitrary user-defined label so their contents can be programmatically read or edited later. A document can contain multiple named ranges with the same name, but every named range has a unique ID.
A named range is created with a single Range
, and content inserted inside a named range generally expands that range. However, certain document changes can cause the range to be split into multiple ranges.
Named ranges are not private. All applications and collaborators that have access to the document can see its named ranges.
JSON representation |
"namedRangeId": string,
"name": string,
"ranges": [
object ( |
Fields | |
namedRangeId |
The ID of the named range. |
name |
The name of the named range. |
ranges[] |
The ranges that belong to this named range. |
Specifies a contiguous range of text.
JSON representation |
{ "segmentId": string, "startIndex": integer, "endIndex": integer, "tabId": string } |
Fields | |
segmentId |
The ID of the header, footer, or footnote that this range is contained in. An empty segment ID signifies the document's body. |
startIndex |
The zero-based start index of this range, in UTF-16 code units. In all current uses, a start index must be provided. This field is an Int32Value in order to accommodate future use cases with open-ended ranges. |
endIndex |
The zero-based end index of this range, exclusive, in UTF-16 code units. In all current uses, an end index must be provided. This field is an Int32Value in order to accommodate future use cases with open-ended ranges. |
tabId |
The tab that contains this range. When omitted, the request applies to the first tab. In a document containing a single tab:
In a document containing multiple tabs:
An object that appears inline with text. An InlineObject contains an EmbeddedObject
such as an image.
JSON representation |
{ "objectId": string, "inlineObjectProperties": { object ( |
Fields | |
objectId |
The ID of this inline object. Can be used to update an object’s properties. |
inlineObjectProperties |
The properties of this inline object. |
suggestedInlineObjectPropertiesChanges |
The suggested changes to the inline object properties, keyed by suggestion ID. |
suggestedInsertionId |
The suggested insertion ID. If empty, then this is not a suggested insertion. |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
Properties of an InlineObject
JSON representation |
"embeddedObject": {
object ( |
Fields | |
embeddedObject |
The embedded object of this inline object. |
An embedded object in the document.
JSON representation |
{ "title": string, "description": string, "embeddedObjectBorder": { object ( |
Fields | |
title |
The title of the embedded object. The |
description |
The description of the embedded object. The |
embeddedObjectBorder |
The border of the embedded object. |
size |
The visible size of the image after cropping. |
marginTop |
The top margin of the embedded object. |
marginBottom |
The bottom margin of the embedded object. |
marginRight |
The right margin of the embedded object. |
marginLeft |
The left margin of the embedded object. |
linkedContentReference |
A reference to the external linked source content. For example, it contains a reference to the source Google Sheets chart when the embedded object is a linked chart. If unset, then the embedded object is not linked. |
Union field properties . The properties that are specific to each embedded object type. properties can be only one of the following: |
embeddedDrawingProperties |
The properties of an embedded drawing. |
imageProperties |
The properties of an image. |
This type has no fields.
The properties of an embedded drawing and used to differentiate the object type. An embedded drawing is one that's created and edited within a document. Note that extensive details are not supported.
The properties of an image.
JSON representation |
"contentUri": string,
"sourceUri": string,
"brightness": number,
"contrast": number,
"transparency": number,
"cropProperties": {
object ( |
Fields | |
contentUri |
A URI to the image with a default lifetime of 30 minutes. This URI is tagged with the account of the requester. Anyone with the URI effectively accesses the image as the original requester. Access to the image may be lost if the document's sharing settings change. |
sourceUri |
The source URI is the URI used to insert the image. The source URI can be empty. |
brightness |
The brightness effect of the image. The value should be in the interval [-1.0, 1.0], where 0 means no effect. |
contrast |
The contrast effect of the image. The value should be in the interval [-1.0, 1.0], where 0 means no effect. |
transparency |
The transparency effect of the image. The value should be in the interval [0.0, 1.0], where 0 means no effect and 1 means transparent. |
cropProperties |
The crop properties of the image. |
angle |
The clockwise rotation angle of the image, in radians. |
The crop properties of an image.
The crop rectangle is represented using fractional offsets from the original content's 4 edges.
- If the offset is in the interval (0, 1), the corresponding edge of crop rectangle is positioned inside of the image's original bounding rectangle.
- If the offset is negative or greater than 1, the corresponding edge of crop rectangle is positioned outside of the image's original bounding rectangle.
- If all offsets and rotation angles are 0, the image is not cropped.
JSON representation |
{ "offsetLeft": number, "offsetRight": number, "offsetTop": number, "offsetBottom": number, "angle": number } |
Fields | |
offsetLeft |
The offset specifies how far inwards the left edge of the crop rectangle is from the left edge of the original content as a fraction of the original content's width. |
offsetRight |
The offset specifies how far inwards the right edge of the crop rectangle is from the right edge of the original content as a fraction of the original content's width. |
offsetTop |
The offset specifies how far inwards the top edge of the crop rectangle is from the top edge of the original content as a fraction of the original content's height. |
offsetBottom |
The offset specifies how far inwards the bottom edge of the crop rectangle is from the bottom edge of the original content as a fraction of the original content's height. |
angle |
The clockwise rotation angle of the crop rectangle around its center, in radians. Rotation is applied after the offsets. |
A border around an EmbeddedObject
JSON representation |
{ "color": { object ( |
Fields | |
color |
The color of the border. |
width |
The width of the border. |
dashStyle |
The dash style of the border. |
propertyState |
The property state of the border property. |
The possible states of a property.
Enums | |
If a property's state is RENDERED, then the element has the corresponding property when rendered in the document. This is the default value. |
If a property's state is NOT_RENDERED, then the element does not have the corresponding property when rendered in the document. |
A reference to the external linked source content.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field reference . The reference specific to the type of linked content. reference can be only one of the following: |
sheetsChartReference |
A reference to the linked chart. |
A reference to a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets.
JSON representation |
{ "spreadsheetId": string, "chartId": integer } |
Fields | |
spreadsheetId |
The ID of the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the source chart. |
chartId |
The ID of the specific chart in the Google Sheets spreadsheet that's embedded. |
A suggested change to InlineObjectProperties
JSON representation |
{ "inlineObjectProperties": { object ( |
Fields | |
inlineObjectProperties |
An |
inlineObjectPropertiesSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base InlineObjectProperties
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
"embeddedObjectSuggestionState": {
object ( |
Fields | |
embeddedObjectSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base EmbeddedObject
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "embeddedDrawingPropertiesSuggestionState": { object ( |
Fields | |
embeddedDrawingPropertiesSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
imagePropertiesSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
titleSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
descriptionSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
embeddedObjectBorderSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
sizeSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
marginLeftSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
marginRightSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
marginTopSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
marginBottomSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
linkedContentReferenceSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
This type has no fields.
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base EmbeddedDrawingProperties
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base ImageProperties
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
"contentUriSuggested": boolean,
"sourceUriSuggested": boolean,
"brightnessSuggested": boolean,
"contrastSuggested": boolean,
"transparencySuggested": boolean,
"cropPropertiesSuggestionState": {
object ( |
Fields | |
contentUriSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
sourceUriSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to [sourceUri] [google.apps.docs.v1.EmbeddedObject.source_uri]. |
brightnessSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to [brightness] [google.apps.docs.v1.EmbeddedObject.brightness]. |
contrastSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to [contrast] [google.apps.docs.v1.EmbeddedObject.contrast]. |
transparencySuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to [transparency] [google.apps.docs.v1.EmbeddedObject.transparency]. |
cropPropertiesSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
angleSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to [angle] [google.apps.docs.v1.EmbeddedObject.angle]. |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base CropProperties
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "offsetLeftSuggested": boolean, "offsetRightSuggested": boolean, "offsetTopSuggested": boolean, "offsetBottomSuggested": boolean, "angleSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
offsetLeftSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
offsetRightSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
offsetTopSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
offsetBottomSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
angleSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base EmbeddedObjectBorder
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "colorSuggested": boolean, "widthSuggested": boolean, "dashStyleSuggested": boolean, "propertyStateSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
colorSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to [color] [google.apps.docs.v1.EmbeddedBorderObject.color]. |
widthSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to [width] [google.apps.docs.v1.EmbeddedBorderObject.width]. |
dashStyleSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to [dashStyle] [google.apps.docs.v1.EmbeddedBorderObject.dash_style]. |
propertyStateSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to [propertyState] [google.apps.docs.v1.EmbeddedBorderObject.property_state]. |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base LinkedContentReference
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
"sheetsChartReferenceSuggestionState": {
object ( |
Fields | |
sheetsChartReferenceSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base SheetsChartReference
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "spreadsheetIdSuggested": boolean, "chartIdSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
spreadsheetIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
chartIdSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
An object that's tethered to a Paragraph
and positioned relative to the beginning of the paragraph. A PositionedObject contains an EmbeddedObject
such as an image.
JSON representation |
{ "objectId": string, "positionedObjectProperties": { object ( |
Fields | |
objectId |
The ID of this positioned object. |
positionedObjectProperties |
The properties of this positioned object. |
suggestedPositionedObjectPropertiesChanges |
The suggested changes to the positioned object properties, keyed by suggestion ID. |
suggestedInsertionId |
The suggested insertion ID. If empty, then this is not a suggested insertion. |
suggestedDeletionIds[] |
The suggested deletion IDs. If empty, then there are no suggested deletions of this content. |
Properties of a PositionedObject
JSON representation |
{ "positioning": { object ( |
Fields | |
positioning |
The positioning of this positioned object relative to the newline of the |
embeddedObject |
The embedded object of this positioned object. |
The positioning of a PositionedObject
. The positioned object is positioned relative to the beginning of the Paragraph
it's tethered to.
JSON representation |
{ "layout": enum ( |
Fields | |
layout |
The layout of this positioned object. |
leftOffset |
The offset of the left edge of the positioned object relative to the beginning of the |
topOffset |
The offset of the top edge of the positioned object relative to the beginning of the |
The possible layouts of a [PositionedObject][google.aps.docs.v1.PositionedObject].
Enums | |
The layout is unspecified. |
The text wraps around the positioned object. |
Breaks text such that the positioned object is on the left and text is on the right. |
Breaks text such that the positioned object is on the right and text is on the left. |
Breaks text such that there's no text on the left or right of the positioned object. |
The positioned object is in front of the text. |
The positioned object is behind the text. |
A suggested change to PositionedObjectProperties
JSON representation |
{ "positionedObjectProperties": { object ( |
Fields | |
positionedObjectProperties |
A |
positionedObjectPropertiesSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base PositionedObjectProperties
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "positioningSuggestionState": { object ( |
Fields | |
positioningSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
embeddedObjectSuggestionState |
A mask that indicates which of the fields in |
A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base PositionedObjectPositioning
have been changed in this suggestion. For any field set to true, there's a new suggested value.
JSON representation |
{ "layoutSuggested": boolean, "leftOffsetSuggested": boolean, "topOffsetSuggested": boolean } |
Fields | |
layoutSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
leftOffsetSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
topOffsetSuggested |
Indicates if there was a suggested change to |
The suggestions view mode applied to the document that indicates how suggested changes are represented. It provides options for reading the document with all suggestions inline, accepted, or rejected.
Enums | |
The SuggestionsViewMode applied to the returned document depends on the user's current access level. If the user only has view access, PREVIEW_WITHOUT_SUGGESTIONS is applied. Otherwise, SUGGESTIONS_INLINE is applied. This is the default suggestions view mode. |
The returned document has suggestions inline. Suggested changes will be differentiated from base content within the document. Requests to retrieve a document using this mode will return a 403 error if the user does not have permission to view suggested changes. |
The returned document is a preview with all suggested changes accepted. Requests to retrieve a document using this mode will return a 403 error if the user does not have permission to view suggested changes. |
The returned document is a preview with all suggested changes rejected if there are any suggestions in the document. |
Methods |
Applies one or more updates to the document. |
Creates a blank document using the title given in the request. |
Gets the latest version of the specified document. |