6 September 2017

All times are Central European Summer Time Zone (UTC+02:00)

  • Livestreamed
  • All Types
  • Keynote
  • Session
  • Training
  • Q&A
  • All Tracks
  • Android
  • Beyond Mobile
  • Community
  • Develop on Mobile
  • Mobile Web
  • All Products
  • Analytics
  • AMP
  • Android
  • Android Things
  • Assistant
  • Cloud
  • Deepmind
  • Firebase
  • Flutter
  • G Suite
  • Maps
  • Mobile Web
  • Play
  • PWA
  • TensorFlow
Time Description _type _track _product
10:00 - 10:45


Day 2 Keynote

Ewa Macias, Behshad Behzadi, Mícheál Ó Foghlú

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

Learn more about Google's Engineering efforts in Europe and meet the people behind it.



Beyond Mobile

Develop on Mobile

Keynote Beyond Mobile Develop on Mobile Assistant Cloud
10:45 - 11:30


Community building Q&A

Daniel Franc

Community Lounge

How to engage a community around your project? How to build great meetup group? Come to ask Googler & other community leads anything community related.


Q&A Community
11:00 - 17:15


Google Developers and Cloud Certification

Google Developers and Cloud Certification Lounge

Find out what's new in the Google Developers and Google Cloud Certification programs. Meet Android, Web, and Cloud experts, and learn how you can get certified.


Session Community
11:00 - 11:45


Architecture Components

Florina Muntenescu

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

Since the launch of Android Architecture Components in preview at I/O, many developers have given us great feedback. We have the latest updates and we delve into interesting use cases.



Session Android Android
11:00 - 12:30


Data-driven Progressive Web Apps

Sarah Clark

S3.1 Training Chamber Hall

PWAs are relatively easy to build for \"read-only\" sites, but what happens when you want your users to work offline and sync when online? We help you architect your app for static and dynamic data, build background sync, update your back-end when online, and use the latest Google tools to simplify the process.


Mobile Web

Training Mobile Web PWA
11:00 - 11:45


Machine Learning with TensorFlow

Andrew Gasparovic

S2 Session Theatre Hall

TensorFlow is the most popular open-source machine learning framework in the world. In this talk, we will give you an introduction to TensorFlow, as well as go through new things we've developed. We'll also cover some use-cases demonstrating how TensorFlow is used by Google as well as out in the real-world.


Beyond Mobile

Session Beyond Mobile TensorFlow
11:00 - 12:30


The Way Forward (and Back): Defining Successful Navigation in Your App

Liam Spradlin, Yasmine Evjen

S3.2 Training Chamber Hall

Navigation is core to an app’s user experience. How a user navigates your app can determine how they feel about the app, whether they use the app successfully, and whether your app meets business goals. Defining your app’s navigation isn’t always straightforward. In this session we take a look at common navigation patterns on Android, how they work, and how to combine them to define successful navigation in your app. We walk you through how to identify key users, prioritize user tasks, and organize content by placing it within a hierarchy.


Develop on Mobile

Training Develop on Mobile Android
11:30 - 12:00


Becoming a Google Developers Expert: GDE program info

Monika Starzyk

Community Lounge

Learn all about the Google Developer Experts Program and how you can join.


Session Community
11:45 - 12:30


Fundamentals of Google Cloud Platform: A Guided Tour

Marc Cohen, Mete Atamel

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

There's a lot to grok in cloud computing, and trying to understand it all can be daunting. In this session, Marc and Mete walk you through a hands-on, practical guided tour of the amazing scope and depth of problems that can be solved with Google Cloud Platform.



Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile Assistant Cloud
11:45 - 12:30


Boosting performance through app quality improvements

Alexey Kokin

S2 Session Theatre Hall

Learn how to use Material Design and Android Vitals to improve user experience and increase engagement and retention. Get better user reviews and be noticed by editorial teams more often by building a high-quality app.


Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile Firebase
12:00 - 14:15


Earrings Lab

Eliška Čejpová

Community Lounge

Build earrings, necklaces, bracelets or anything from old computer components.


Training Community
12:30 - 14:00


Supercharge your app with Cloud Functions and Machine Learning

S3.1 Training Chamber Hall

Say you have an existing app that uses Firebase. But now you want to add payment processing, image processing, send push notifications, or other functionality that really can't be done in the app itself. How can you do these things without spinning up your own servers? Firebase has you covered. In this codelab you learn how to write JavaScript functions that run in response to events that happen in Firebase. You then deploy these functions to Cloud Functions for Firebase, where they run auto-scaled on Google's infrastructure. To get the most value out of attending, be sure to have Node.js and npm installed on your machine along with your favorite text editor.


Develop on Mobile

Training Develop on Mobile Firebase
12:30 - 13:15


Panel on Voice UI: What's all the noise about?

Nandini Stocker, Sachit Mishra, Kimberly Harvey, Marc Paulina

S2 Session Theatre Hall

By definition, conversation is the exchange of ideas by spoken words between two individuals. But what happens when that exchange happens between human and device? Do conversational norms change? If so, how? In this panel we explore the intersection between design and development to learn how to create great conversational experiences for your users. Panelists: Sachit Mishra, Developer for Assistant/Actions on Google, Kimberly Harvey, Conversation Designer, and Marc Paulina, UX Designer for Google Assistant on Wear Moderated by: Nandini Stocker, Head of Conversation Design Advocacy & Partnerships

Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile
12:30 - 14:00


Deep dive into Constraint Layout

Dan Galpin

S3.2 Training Chamber Hall

In this workshop you learn how to use the Constraint Layout editor to build flexible and efficient layouts for your Android apps. The workshop provides a starter app so that you can experiment with layouts.



Training Android Android
12:30 - 13:15


Containers, Kubernetes and Google Cloud

Robert Kubis, Steffen Hanikel

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

Creating a single microservice is a well-understood challenge. Creating a cluster of load-balanced microservices that are resilient and self-healing is not so easy. Managing that cluster with rollouts and rollbacks, scaling individual services on demand, and securely sharing secrets and configuration among services is even harder. Kubernetes, an open-source container management system, can help with this. In this talk, we start with a simple microservice, containerize it using Docker, and scale it to a cluster of resilient microservices managed by Kubernetes. Along the way, we learn what makes Kubernetes a great system for automating deployment, operations, and scaling of containerized applications. We are delighted to have FlixBus join us on stage to talk about experiences and best practices adopting and running Kubernetes in production.


Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile Cloud
13:15 - 13:45


The Year Ahead in Global Tech Policy

Danielle Osler

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

In this session, we'll walk you through the emerging political and tech trends affecting developers, and give you clear ideas on how to add your voice to the debate.


Android Things


Session Android Android Android Things
13:30 - 14:15


Google Developers Agency Program info

Amit Chopra

Community Lounge

Learn all about the Google Developers Agency Program


Session Community
14:15 - 15:00


Powering your apps with location and maps

Brett Morgan

S2 Session Theatre Hall

Google Maps brings the world to everyone's fingertips. Learn how you can leverage our APIs to bring Google Maps to your Android or iOS app. We show you how to use styling to showcase your features and enable new use cases. Google Maps APIs can also give you lots of additional functionality, enabling you to build on our data about the world. You learn how to bring the world to your users!


Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile Maps
14:15 - 15:00


Create a Google community: GDG program Info

Daniel Franc

Community Lounge

Learn all about the Google Developer Groups Program, how to create a group or join as a member.


Session Community
14:15 - 15:45


Hands-on Running A TensorFlow Model on Android

Mark Daoust

S3.2 Training Chamber Hall

In this session, you will learn how to use TensorFlow to add machine learning to your Android applications. TensorFlow makes machine learning easy to use, and this talk is a great session for any Android developer to see how it can be added.



Beyond Mobile

Training Beyond Mobile TensorFlow Android
14:15 - 15:00


Frameworks and Tools for Progressive Web Apps

Stephen Fluin

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are spreading across the web faster than anyone could have predicted. Two years ago, developers needed to do most of the plumbing themselves to take advantage of the new APIs available in the browser, but today we have powerful and robust tools that can help developers of any background to quickly ship more engaging applications.In this session you learn about:• Best practices for PWAs that you should be taking advantage of• The tools that exist to assist developers coming from a wide variety of backgrounds• The philosophies and visions behind these tools• Practical tips for getting started


Mobile Web

Session Mobile Web PWA
14:15 - 15:45


Hands-on with the Google Cloud Vision and Natural Language APIs

Sara Robinson

S3.1 Training Chamber Hall

This instructor-led training will show step-by-step how to use both the Google Cloud Vision API as well as the Cloud Natural Language API. This will help attendees understand what it takes to enhance their applications or write new ones whilst leveraging the amazing capabilities of the Google Cloud Machine learning APIs.


Develop on Mobile

Training Develop on Mobile Cloud
15:00 - 15:45


What's next for the Web

Thomas Steiner

S2 Session Theatre Hall

Whether you work on e-commerce, media, gaming, or some other type of site, you need to know about the future of the web. In this session, you learn what's next for APIs, platforms, and technologies. Chances are that you don't need a native app after all…

Mobile Web

Mobile Web

Session Mobile Web Mobile Web
15:00 - 15:30


Community partnership: Together with Google Developers program info

Daniel Franc

Community Lounge

Learn about the program for community leaders who build their communities - with inspiration from other leads and Google Developers.


Session Community
15:00 - 15:45


Developing conversational Assistant apps using Actions on Google

Ido Green, Dan Imrie-Situnayake

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

The Google Assistant is available on both Google Home and Android phones. Actions on Google lets developers extend the Google Assistant to create your own conversational Assistant apps. In this talk, we'll describe the key components of Actions on Google, show you how to easily build your first Assistant app using tools such as API.AI, and explore voice user interface (VUI) best practices in order to design compelling conversational experiences that delight users.


Beyond Mobile

Session Beyond Mobile Assistant
15:30 - 16:30


Women Techmakers program info

Azzurra Ragone

Community Lounge

Learn all about the Women Techmakers Program and how you can join.


Session Community
15:45 - 17:15


Hands-on with the Google Assistant and Developing Your Own Assistant Apps with API.AI

Sachit Mishra, Shuyang Chen,

S3.2 Training Chamber Hall

In this session, you will learn how to create your own Assistant Apps that work with the Google Assistant. Using API.AI, you will see how easy it is to create a conversation with a user, by simply programming some example sentences and replies. Using a simple web hook written using Node.js, you can interface your Assistant App with your own server backend. This is a great session for any developer to learn how to build for the Google Assistant.Before attending this training, please make sure you have the following installed: Node.js v6+ (LTS), Firebase CLI (\"npm install -g firebase-tools\")


Beyond Mobile

Training Beyond Mobile Assistant
15:45 - 16:30


Performance tooling

Wojtek Kaliciński

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

Perf matters, and this year Google Play and Android Studio have delivered all-new tools to help diagnose performance issues to keep your apps fast and smooth.




Session Android Android Play
15:45 - 16:30


App to 60 - Using Firebase on your existing app

Jennifer Person

S2 Session Theatre Hall

So you've built the core of your app. Now how do you know what your users are up to? How can you re-engage them? And how can you keep crashes and jank out of your app, so they don't run away?


Develop on Mobile

Session Develop on Mobile Cloud
15:45 - 17:15


Integrating AMP into PWA

Sarah Clark

S3.1 Training Chamber Hall

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) are great for content-driven sites such as news sites and blogs, but what if you want to build them into Progressive Web Apps? Come learn how to combine the speed of AMP with the offline power of Progressive Web Apps.



Mobile Web

Training Mobile Web PWA AMP
16:30 - 17:15


Intro to DeepMind

Juan Silveira

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

A quick overview of the work DeepMind's been doing.


Beyond Mobile

Session Beyond Mobile Deepmind
16:30 - 17:15


Modularizing Your App

Ben Weiss

S2 Session Theatre Hall

Modularizing your app helps you deliver the smallest APK to your users, which is critical for building Instant apps and helpful for attacking emerging markets.



Session Android Android
17:15 - 18:00


Closing Keynote

Dirk Primbs, Sowmya Subrama

S1 Session Auditorium Hall

Changing the world, one bit at a time

Beyond Mobile

Develop on Mobile

Mobile Web


Keynote Beyond Mobile Develop on Mobile Mobile Web Android