Link: Click here for a button!

Display button here: 
Code: <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="goYtSubscribeButton('GoogleDevelopers')">Click here for a button!</a> Display button here: <div id="yt-button-container-go"></div> <script> function goYtSubscribeButton() { // ID of element containing <div class="g-ytsubscribe"> element(s) // The container element already contains the button elements when this // function is called. var containerId = "sample-container"; gapi.ytsubscribe.go(containerId); } </script> <b>Link</b> <a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="goYtSubscribeButton('GoogleDevelopers')">Click here for a button</a> <b>Display button here:</b> <div id="yt-button-container-go" style="display-inline"></div>