Le tableau ci-dessous présente des cas d'utilisation courants de cette méthode. Vous pouvez cliquer sur le nom d'un cas d'utilisation pour charger des exemples de valeurs de paramètres dans APIs Explorer. Vous pouvez également consulter des exemples de code pour un cas d'utilisation dans l'explorateur d'API en plein écran en cliquant sur l'icône de code sous le nom d'un cas d'utilisation. Dans l'interface utilisateur plein écran, vous pouvez mettre à jour les valeurs des paramètres et des propriétés. Les exemples de code seront mis à jour de façon dynamique pour refléter les valeurs saisies.

Use cases
list (by channel ID)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (by channel ID)' example for the channels.list method.
This example retrieves channel data for the GoogleDevelopers YouTube channel. It uses the id request parameter to identify the channel by its YouTube channel ID.
list (by YouTube handle)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (by YouTube handle)' example for the channels.list method.
This example retrieves channel data for the "Google for Developers" YouTube channel. It uses the forHandle request parameter to identify the channel by its YouTube handle.
list (by YouTube username)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (by YouTube username)' example for the channels.list method.
This example retrieves channel data for the GoogleDevelopers YouTube channel. It uses the forUsername request parameter to identify the channel by its YouTube username.
list (my channel)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (my channel)' example for the channels.list method.
This example retrieves the channel data for the authorized user's YouTube channel. It uses the mine request parameter to indicate that the API should only return channels owned by the user authorizing the request.
list (channels managed by a content owner)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (channels managed by a content owner)' example for the channels.list method.
This example retrieves a list of channels managed by the specified YouTube content owner.