下面列出了此方法的常见用例。将鼠标悬停在用例上可查看其说明,点击用例可在 API Explorer 中加载示例参数值。您可以打开全屏 API Explorer,查看会动态更新的代码示例,以反映在 Explorer 中输入的参数值。
下表显示了此方法的常见用例。您可以点击用例名称,在 API Explorer 中加载示例参数值。或者,您也可以在全屏 API Explorer 中查看用例的代码示例,只需点击用例名称下方的代码图标即可。在全屏界面中,您可以更新参数和属性值,并且代码示例会动态更新以反映您输入的值。
此方法有一个常见的用例,如下所述。说明下方的按钮使用示例值填充 API Explorer,或打开全屏 API Explorer 显示使用这些值的代码示例。如果您更改值,代码示例也会动态更新。
Use cases | |
list (by keyword) | This example retrieves the first 25 search results associated with the keyword surfing. By default, the type parameter does not specify a value, which means the response could include videos, playlists, and channels. |
list (by location) | This example retrieves search results associated with the keyword surfing that also specify in their metadata a geographic location within 10 miles of the point identified by the location parameter value. (The sample request specifies a point on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii . The request retrieves the top five results, which is the default number returned when the maxResults parameter is not specified. |
list (live events) | This example retrieves a list of active live broadcasts (see the eventType parameter value) that are associated with the keyword news. Since the eventType parameter is set, the request must also set the type parameter value to video . |
list (my videos) | This example searches within the authorized user's videos for videos that match the keyword fun. The forMine parameter indicates that the response should only search within the authorized user's videos. Also, since this request uses the forMine parameter, it must also set the type parameter value to video .If you have not uploaded any videos associated with that term, you will not see any items in the API response list. |