In der folgenden Tabelle sind häufige Anwendungsfälle für diese Methode aufgeführt. Sie können auf den Namen eines Anwendungsfalls klicken, um Beispielparameterwerte in APIs Explorer zu laden. Sie können sich auch Codebeispiele für einen Anwendungsfall im APIs Explorer im Vollbildmodus ansehen. Klicken Sie dazu auf das Codesymbol unter dem Namen eines Anwendungsfalls. In der Vollbild-Benutzeroberfläche können Sie Parameter- und Eigenschaftswerte aktualisieren. Die Codebeispiele werden dann dynamisch aktualisiert, um die eingegebenen Werte widerzuspiegeln.

Use cases
list (by video ID)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (by video ID)' example for the videos.list method.
This example retrieves information about a specific video. It uses the id parameter to identify the video.
list (multiple video IDs)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (multiple video IDs)' example for the videos.list method.
This example retrieves information about a group of videos. The id parameter value is a comma-separated list of YouTube video IDs. You might issue a request like this to retrieve additional information about the items in a playlist or the results of a search query.
list (most popular videos)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (most popular videos)' example for the videos.list method.
This example retrieves a list of YouTube's most popular videos. The regionCode parameter identifies the country for which you are retrieving videos. The sample code is set to default to return the most popular videos in the United States. You could also use the videoCategoryId parameter to retrieve the most popular videos in a particular category.
list (my liked videos)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (my liked videos)' example for the videos.list method.
This example retrieves a list of videos liked by the user authorizing the API request. By setting the rating parameter value to dislike, you could also use this code to retrieve disliked videos.