На этой странице вы можете ознакомиться с распространенными вариантами использования API YouTube Live Streaming и API данных YouTube.

Когда вы выбираете ресурс и метод, таблица ниже обновляется, чтобы отобразить список распространенных вариантов использования, включая описание каждого варианта использования для этого метода. Кроме того:



Use cases
list (by ID)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (by ID)' example for the liveBroadcasts.list method.
This example retrieves information about a specified live broadcast. It uses the id request parameter to identify the broadcast.
list (by broadcast status)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (by broadcast status)' example for the liveBroadcasts.list method.
This example retrieves information about active live broadcasts. The broadcastStatus request parameter can be used to retrieve information about about all, active, completed, or upcoming live broadcasts. Note that the broadcastStatus parameter is also set to all to ensure that all matching broadcasts are included in the response.
list (my broadcasts)
Code symbol that, when clicked, opens the fullscreen APIs Explorer widget and populates it with values for the 'list (my broadcasts)' example for the liveBroadcasts.list method.
This example retrieves information about the authenticated user's live broadcasts. Note that the broadcastStatus parameter is also set to all to ensure that all matching broadcasts are included in the response.