Subscriptions: insert

Autorisierung erforderlich

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Für diese Anfrage ist eine Autorisierung in folgendem Bereich erforderlich. Weitere Informationen zur Authentifizierung und Autorisierung



Geben Sie im Anfragetext eine Subscriptions-Ressource mit den folgenden Attributen an:

Property-Name Wert Beschreibung Hinweise
Erforderliche Attribute
callbackUrl string Die URL, an die Benachrichtigungen gesendet werden sollen (muss mit https:// beginnen). Bearbeitbar
collection string Die Sammlung, die abonniert werden soll. Zulässige Werte:
  • timeline: Änderungen in der Zeitachse, einschließlich Einfügen, Löschen und Aktualisierungen
  • locations – Standortaktualisierungen.
  • settings – Einstellungen wurden aktualisiert.
Optionale Attribute
operation[] list Eine Liste der Vorgänge, die abonniert werden sollten. Bei einer leeren Liste müssen alle Vorgänge für die Sammlung abonniert werden. Zulässige Werte:
  • UPDATE: Der Artikel wurde aktualisiert.
  • INSERT: Ein neues Element wurde eingefügt.
  • DELETE: Das Element wurde gelöscht.
userToken string Ein intransparentes Token, das in Benachrichtigungen an den Abonnenten gesendet wird, damit die ID des Nutzers ermittelt werden kann. Bearbeitbar
verifyToken string Ein geheimes Token, das in Benachrichtigungen an den Abonnenten gesendet wird, um zu überprüfen, ob die Benachrichtigung von Google generiert wurde. Bearbeitbar


Wenn der Vorgang erfolgreich ist, wird mit dieser Methode eine Subscriptions-Ressource im Antworttext zurückgegeben.


Hinweis: Bei den für diese Methode verfügbaren Codebeispielen sind nicht alle unterstützten Programmiersprachen vertreten. Eine Liste der unterstützten Sprachen finden Sie auf der Seite für Clientbibliotheken.


Verwendet die Java-Clientbibliothek.


import java.util.List;

public class MyClass {
  // ...

   * Subscribe to notifications for the current user.
   * @param service Authorized Mirror service.
   * @param collection Collection to subscribe to (supported values are "timeline" and
   * @param userToken Opaque token used by the Glassware to identify the user
   *        the notification pings are sent for (recommended).
   * @param verifyToken Opaque token used by the Glassware to verify that the
   *        notification pings are sent by the API (optional).
   * @param callbackUrl URL receiving notification pings (must be HTTPS).
   * @param operation List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values are
   *        "UPDATE", "INSERT" and "DELETE" or {@code null} to subscribe to all.
  public static void subscribeToNotifications(Mirror service, String collection, String userToken,
      String verifyToken, String callbackUrl, List<String> operation) {
    Subscription subscription = new Subscription();
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("An error occurred: " + e);

  // ...


Verwendet die .NET-Clientbibliothek.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Google.Apis.Mirror.v1;
using Google.Apis.Mirror.v1.Data;

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  /// <summary>
  /// Subscribe to notifications for the current user.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name='service'>Authorized Mirror service.</param>
  /// <param name='collection'>
  /// Collection to subscribe to (supported values are "timeline" and
  /// "locations").
  /// </param>
  /// <param name='userToken'>
  /// Opaque token used by the Glassware to identify the user the
  /// notification pings are sent for (recommended).
  /// </param>
  /// <param name='verifyToken'>
  /// Opaque token used by the Glassware to verify that the notification
  /// pings are sent by the API (optional).
  /// </param>
  /// <param name='callbackUrl'>
  /// URL receiving notification pings (must be HTTPS).
  /// </param>
  /// <param name='operation'>
  /// List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values are "UPDATE", "INSERT"
  /// and "DELETE" or {@code null} to subscribe to all.
  /// </param>
  public static void SubscribeToNotifications(MirrorService service,
      String collection, String userToken, String verifyToken,
      String callbackUrl, List<String> operation) {
    Subscription subscription = new Subscription() {
      Collection = collection,
      UserToken = userToken,
      VerifyToken = verifyToken,
      CallbackUrl = callbackUrl,
      Operation = operation
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + e.Message);

  // ...


Verwendet die PHP-Clientbibliothek.

 * Subscribe to notifications for the current user.
 * @param Google_MirrorService $service Authorized Mirror service.
 * @param string $collection Collection to subscribe to (supported
 *                           values are "timeline" and "locations").
 * @param string $userToken Opaque token used by the Service to
 *                          identify the  user the notification pings
 *                          are sent for (recommended).
 * @param string $verifyToken Opaque token used by the Service to verify
 *                            that the notification pings are sent by
 *                            the API (optional).
 * @param string $callbackUrl URL receiving notification pings (must be HTTPS).
 * @param Array $operation List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values
 *                         are "UPDATE", "INSERT" and "DELETE" or
 *                         null to subscribe to all.
function subscribeToNotifications($service, $collection, $userToken,
     $verifyToken, $callbackUrl, $operation) {
  try {
    $subscription = new Google_Subscription();
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    print 'An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage();


Verwendet die Python-Clientbibliothek.

from apiclient import errors
# ...

def subscribe_to_notifications(service, collection, user_token, verify_token,
                               callback_url, operation):
  """Subscribe to notifications for the current user.

    service: Authorized Mirror service.
    collection: Collection to subscribe to (supported values are "timeline"
                and "locations").
    user_token: Opaque token used by the Glassware to identify the user the
                notification pings are sent for (recommended).
    verify_token: Opaque token used by the Glassware to verify that the
                  notification pings are sent by the API (optional).
    callback_url: URL receiving notification pings (must be HTTPS).
    operation: List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values are "UPDATE",
               "INSERT" and "DELETE" or None to subscribe to all.
  subscription = {
      'collection': collection,
      'userToken': user_token,
      'verifyToken': verify_token,
      'callbackUrl': callback_url,
      'operation': operation
  except errors.HttpError, error:
    print 'An error occurred: %s' % e


Verwendet die Ruby-Clientbibliothek.

# Subscribe to notifications for the current user.
# @param [Google::APIClient] client
#   Authorized client instance.
# @param [String] collection
#   Collection to subscribe to (supported values are "timeline" and "locations").
# @param [String] user_token
#   Opaque token used by the Glassware to identify the user the notification
#   pings are sent for (recommended).
# @param [String] verify_token
#   Opaque token used by the Glassware to verify that the notification pings are
#   sent by the API (optional).
# @param [String] callback_url
#   URL receiving notification pings (must be HTTPS).
# @param [Array] operation
#   List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values are "UPDATE", "INSERT" and
#   "DELETE" or nil to subscribe to all.
# @return nil
def subscribe_to_notification(client, collection, user_token, verify_token,
                              callback_url, operation)
  mirror = client.discovered_api('mirror', 'v1')
  subscription ={
    'collection' => collection,
    'userToken' => user_token,
    'verifyToken' => verify_token,
    'callbackUrl' => callback_url,
    'operation' => operation})
  result = client.execute(
    :api_method => mirror.subscriptions.insert,
    :body_object => subscription)
  if result.error?
    puts "An error occurred: #{['error']['message']}"


Verwendet die Go-Clientbibliothek.

import (

// SubscribeToNotifications subscribes to notifications for the current user.
func SubscribeToNotifications(g *mirror.Service, collection string,
	userToken string, verifyToken string, callbackUrl string,
	operations []string) (*mirror.Subscription, error) {
	s := &mirror.Subscription{
		Collection:  collection,
		UserToken:   userToken,
		VerifyToken: verifyToken,
		CallbackUrl: callbackUrl,
	r, err := g.Subscriptions.Insert(s).Do()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("An error occurred: %v\n", err)
		return nil, err
	return r, nil


Verwendet keine Clientbibliothek.

POST /mirror/v1/subscriptions HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer auth token
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length

  "collection": "timeline"
  "userToken": "harold_penguin",
  "operation": ["UPDATE"],
  "callbackUrl": ""