Subscriptions: update

Autorisation requise

Met à jour un abonnement existant. Voir un exemple.


Requête HTTP



Nom du paramètre Valeur Description
Paramètres de chemin d'accès
id string ID de l'abonnement.


Cette requête nécessite une autorisation ayant la portée suivante. En savoir plus sur le processus d'authentification et d'autorisation

Champ d'application

Corps de la requête

Dans le corps de la requête, indiquez une ressource "Subscriptions" (Abonnements) avec les propriétés suivantes:

Nom de propriété Valeur Description Remarques
Propriétés obligatoires
callbackUrl string URL à laquelle les notifications doivent être envoyées (doit commencer par https://). accessible en écriture
collection string Collection à laquelle vous abonner. Valeurs autorisées:
  • timeline : modifications apportées à la chronologie, y compris l'insertion, la suppression et les mises à jour.
  • locations : mises à jour de la position géographique.
  • settings - Mise à jour des paramètres.
accessible en écriture
Propriétés facultatives
operation[] list Liste des opérations auxquelles s'abonner. Une liste vide indique que toutes les opérations effectuées sur la collection doivent être abonnées. Valeurs autorisées:
  • UPDATE : l'élément a été mis à jour.
  • INSERT : un nouvel article a été inséré.
  • DELETE : l'élément a été supprimé.
accessible en écriture
userToken string Jeton opaque envoyé à l'abonné dans les notifications afin qu'il puisse déterminer l'identifiant de l'utilisateur. accessible en écriture
verifyToken string Jeton secret envoyé à l'abonné dans les notifications pour lui permettre de vérifier que la notification a bien été générée par Google. accessible en écriture


Lorsque cette méthode fonctionne, elle renvoie une ressource "Subscriptions" dans le corps de réponse.


Remarque : Les langages de programmation compatibles ne figurent pas tous dans les exemples de code présentés pour cette méthode (consultez la page Bibliothèques clientes pour obtenir la liste des langages compatibles).


Elle utilise la bibliothèque cliente Java.


import java.util.List;

public class MyClass {
  // ...

   * Update an existing subscription for the current user.
   * @param service Authorized Mirror service.
   * @param collection Collection to subscribe to (supported values are "timeline" and 
   *        "locations").
   * @param newUserToken Opaque token used by the Glassware to identify the user
   *        the notification pings are sent for (recommended).
   * @param newVerifyToken Opaque token used by the Glassware to verify that the
   *        notification pings are sent by the API (optional).
   * @param newCallbackUrl URL receiving notification pings (must be HTTPS).
   * @param newOperation List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values are
   *        "UPDATE", "INSERT" and "DELETE" or {@code null} to subscribe to all.
  public static void updateSubscription(Mirror service, String collection, String newUserToken,
      String newVerifyToken, String newCallbackUrl, List<String> newOperation) {
    Subscription subscription = new Subscription();
    try {
      service.subscriptions().update(collection, subscription).execute();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.err.println("An error occurred: " + e);
  // ...


Elle utilise la bibliothèque cliente.NET.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using Google.Apis.Mirror.v1;
using Google.Apis.Mirror.v1.Data;

public class MyClass {
  // ...

  /// <summary>
  /// Update an existing subscription for the current user.
  /// </summary>
  /// <param name='service'>Authorized Mirror service.</param>
  /// <param name='collection'>
  /// Collection to subscribe to (supported values are "timeline" and
  /// "locations").
  /// </param>
  /// <param name='newUserToken'>
  /// Opaque token used by the Glassware to identify the user the
  /// notification pings are sent for (recommended).
  /// </param>
  /// <param name='newVerifyToken'>
  /// Opaque token used by the Glassware to verify that the notification
  /// pings are sent by the API (optional).
  /// </param>
  /// <param name='newCallbackUrl'>
  /// URL receiving notification pings (must be HTTPS).
  /// </param>
  /// <param name='newOperation'>
  /// List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values are "UPDATE", "INSERT"
  /// and "DELETE" or {@code null} to subscribe to all.
  /// </param>
  public static void updateSubscription(MirrorService service,
      String collection, String newUserToken, String newVerifyToken,
      String newCallbackUrl, List<String> newOperation) {
    Subscription subscription = new Subscription() {
      Collection = collection,
      UserToken = newUserToken,
      VerifyToken = newVerifyToken,
      CallbackUrl = newCallbackUrl,
      Operation = newOperation
    try {
      service.Subscriptions.Update(subscription, collection).Fetch();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      Console.WriteLine("An error occurred: " + e.Message);

  // ...


Elle utilise la bibliothèque cliente PHP.

 * Update an existing subscription for the current user.
 * @param Google_MirrorService $service Authorized Mirror service.
 * @param string $collection Collection to subscribe to (supported
 *                           values are "timeline" and "locations").
 * @param string $newUserToken Opaque token used by the Service to
 *                             identify the  user the notification pings
 *                             are sent for (recommended).
 * @param string $newVerifyToken Opaque token used by the Service to verify
 *                              that the notification pings are sent by
 *                              the API (optional).
 * @param string $newCallbackUrl URL receiving notification pings
 *                               (must be HTTPS).
 * @param Array $newOperation List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values
 *                            are "UPDATE", "INSERT" and "DELETE" or
 *                            null to subscribe to all.
function subscribeToNotifications($service, $collection, $newUserToken,
    $newVerifyToken, $newCallbackUrl, $newOperation) {
  try {
    $subscription = new Google_Subscription();
    $service->subscriptions->update($collection, $subscription);
  } catch (Exception $e) {
    print 'An error occurred: ' . $e->getMessage();


Elle utilise la bibliothèque cliente Python.

from apiclient import errors
# ...

def update_subscription(service, collection, new_user_token, new_verify_token,
                        new_callback_url, new_operation):
  """Update an existing subscription for the current user.

    service: Authorized Mirror service.
    collection: Collection to subscribe to (supported values are "timeline" and
    new_user_token: Opaque token used by the Glassware to identify the user the
                    notification pings are sent for (recommended).
    new_verify_token: Opaque token used by the Glassware to verify that the
                      notification pings are sent by the API (optional).
    new_callback_url: URL receiving notification pings (must be HTTPS).
    new_operation: List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values are
                   "UPDATE", "INSERT" and "DELETE" or None to subscribe to all.
  subscription = {
      'collection': collection,
      'userToken': new_user_token,
      'verifyToken': new_verify_token,
      'callbackUrl': new_callback_url,
      'operation': new_operation
    service.subscriptions().update(id=collection, body=subscription).execute()
  except errors.HttpError, error:
    print 'An error occurred: %s' % e


Elle utilise la bibliothèque cliente Ruby.

# Update an existing subscription for the current user.
# @param [Google::APIClient] client
#   Authorized client instance.
# @param [String] collection
#   Collection to subscribe to (supported values are "timeline" and "locations").
# @param [String] new_user_token
#   Opaque token used by the Glassware to identify the user the notification
#   pings are sent for (recommended).
# @param [String] verify_token
#   Opaque token used by the Glassware to verify that the notification pings are
#   sent by the API (optional).
# @param [String] new_callback_url
#   URL receiving notification pings (must be HTTPS).
# @param [Array] new_operation
#   List of operations to subscribe to. Valid values are "UPDATE", "INSERT" and
#   "DELETE" or nil to subscribe to all.
# @return nil
def update_subscription(client, collection, new_user_token, new_verify_token,
                        new_callback_url, new_operation)
  mirror = client.discovered_api('mirror', 'v1')
  subscription ={
    'collection' => collection,
    'userToken' => new_user_token,
    'verifyToken' => new_verify_token,
    'callbackUrl' => new_callback_url,
    'operation' => new_operation})
  result = client.execute(
    :api_method => mirror.subscriptions.update,
    :body_object => subscription,
    :parameters => { 'id' => collection })
  if result.error?
    puts "An error occurred: #{['error']['message']}"


Elle utilise la bibliothèque cliente Go.

import (

// UpdateSubscription updates an existing subscription for the current user
func UpdateSubscription(g *mirror.Service, collection string,
	newUserToken string, newVerifyToken string, newCallbackUrl string,
	operations []string) (*mirror.Subscription, error) {
	s := &mirror.Subscription{
		Collection:  collection,
		UserToken:   newUserToken,
		VerifyToken: newVerifyToken,
		CallbackUrl: newCallbackUrl,
	r, err := g.Subscriptions.Update(collection, s).Do()
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("An error occurred: %v\n", err)
		return nil, err
	return r, nil

HTTP brut

N'utilise pas de bibliothèque cliente.

PUT /mirror/v1/subscriptions/timeline HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer auth token
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: length

  "collection": "timeline"
  "userToken": "harold_penguin",
  "callbackUrl": ""