- JSON representation
- AssetSetStatus
- MerchantCenterFeed
- HotelPropertyData
- LocationSet
- BusinessProfileLocationSet
- ChainSet
- ChainRelationshipType
- ChainFilter
- MapsLocationSet
- MapsLocationInfo
- BusinessProfileLocationGroup
- DynamicBusinessProfileLocationGroupFilter
- BusinessProfileBusinessNameFilter
- LocationStringFilterType
- ChainLocationGroup
An asset set representing a collection of assets. Use AssetSetAsset to link an asset to the asset set.
JSON representation |
{ "id": string, "resourceName": string, "name": string, "type": enum ( |
Fields | |
id |
Output only. The ID of the asset set. |
resourceName |
Immutable. The resource name of the asset set. Asset set resource names have the form:
name |
Required. Name of the asset set. Required. It must have a minimum length of 1 and maximum length of 128. |
type |
Required. Immutable. The type of the asset set. Required. |
status |
Output only. The status of the asset set. Read-only. |
merchantCenterFeed |
Merchant ID and Feed Label from Google Merchant Center. |
locationGroupParentAssetSetId |
Immutable. Parent asset set id for the asset set where the elements of this asset set come from. For example: the sync level location AssetSet id where the the elements in LocationGroup AssetSet come from. This field is required and only applicable for Location Group typed AssetSet. |
hotelPropertyData |
Output only. For Performance Max for travel goals campaigns with a Hotel Center account link. Read-only. |
Union field asset_set_source . Asset set data specific to each asset set type. Not all types have specific data. asset_set_source can be only one of the following: |
locationSet |
Location asset set data. This will be used for sync level location set. This can only be set if AssetSet's type is LOCATION_SYNC. |
businessProfileLocationGroup |
Business Profile location group asset set data. |
chainLocationGroup |
Represents information about a Chain dynamic location group. Only applicable if the sync level AssetSet's type is LOCATION_SYNC and sync source is chain. |
The possible statuses of an asset set.
Enums | |
The status has not been specified. |
The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value. |
The asset set is enabled. |
The asset set is removed. |
Merchant ID and Feed Label from Google Merchant Center.
JSON representation |
{ "merchantId": string, "feedLabel": string } |
Fields | |
merchantId |
Required. Merchant ID from Google Merchant Center |
feedLabel |
Optional. Feed Label from Google Merchant Center. |
For Performance Max for travel goals campaigns with a Hotel Center account link. Read-only.
JSON representation |
{ "hotelCenterId": string, "partnerName": string } |
Fields | |
hotelCenterId |
Output only. The hotel center ID of the partner. |
partnerName |
Output only. Name of the hotel partner. |
Data related to location set. One of the Google Business Profile (previously known as Google My Business) data, Chain data, and map location data need to be specified.
JSON representation |
{ "locationOwnershipType": enum ( |
Fields | |
locationOwnershipType |
Required. Immutable. Location Ownership Type (owned location or affiliate location). |
Union field source . Location data specific to each sync source. source can be only one of the following: |
businessProfileLocationSet |
Data used to configure a location set populated from Google Business Profile locations. |
chainLocationSet |
Data used to configure a location on chain set populated with the specified chains. |
mapsLocationSet |
Only set if locations are synced based on selected maps locations |
Data used to configure a location set populated from Google Business Profile locations. Different types of filters are AND'ed together, if they are specified.
JSON representation |
{ "httpAuthorizationToken": string, "emailAddress": string, "businessNameFilter": string, "labelFilters": [ string ], "listingIdFilters": [ string ], "businessAccountId": string } |
Fields | |
httpAuthorizationToken |
Required. Immutable. The HTTP authorization token used to obtain authorization. |
emailAddress |
Required. Immutable. Email address of a Google Business Profile account or email address of a manager of the Google Business Profile account. |
businessNameFilter |
Used to filter Google Business Profile listings by business name. If businessNameFilter is set, only listings with a matching business name are candidates to be sync'd into Assets. |
labelFilters[] |
Used to filter Google Business Profile listings by labels. If entries exist in labelFilters, only listings that have any of the labels set are candidates to be synchronized into Assets. If no entries exist in labelFilters, then all listings are candidates for syncing. Label filters are OR'ed together. |
listingIdFilters[] |
Used to filter Google Business Profile listings by listing id. If entries exist in listingIdFilters, only listings specified by the filters are candidates to be synchronized into Assets. If no entries exist in listingIdFilters, then all listings are candidates for syncing. Listing ID filters are OR'ed together. |
businessAccountId |
Immutable. The account ID of the managed business whose locations are to be used. If this field is not set, then all businesses accessible by the user (specified by the emailAddress) are used. |
Data used to configure a location set populated with the specified chains.
JSON representation |
{ "relationshipType": enum ( |
Fields | |
relationshipType |
Required. Immutable. Relationship type the specified chains have with this advertiser. |
chains[] |
Required. A list of chain level filters, all filters are OR'ed together. |
Possible types of a relationship.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version. |
Auto dealer relationship. |
General retailer relationship. |
One chain level filter on location in a feed item set. The filtering logic among all the fields is AND.
JSON representation |
{ "chainId": string, "locationAttributes": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
chainId |
Required. Used to filter chain locations by chain id. Only chain locations that belong to the specified chain will be in the asset set. |
locationAttributes[] |
Used to filter chain locations by location attributes. Only chain locations that belong to all of the specified attribute(s) will be in the asset set. If this field is empty, it means no filtering on this field. |
Wrapper for multiple maps location sync data
JSON representation |
"mapsLocations": [
object ( |
Fields | |
mapsLocations[] |
Required. A list of maps location info that user manually synced in. |
Wrapper for place ids
JSON representation |
{ "placeId": string } |
Fields | |
placeId |
Place ID of the Maps location. |
Information about a Business Profile dynamic location group. Only applicable if the sync level AssetSet's type is LOCATION_SYNC and sync source is Business Profile.
JSON representation |
"dynamicBusinessProfileLocationGroupFilter": {
object ( |
Fields | |
dynamicBusinessProfileLocationGroupFilter |
Filter for dynamic Business Profile location sets. |
Represents a filter on Business Profile locations in an asset set. If multiple filters are provided, they are AND'ed together.
JSON representation |
"labelFilters": [
"listingIdFilters": [
"businessNameFilter": {
object ( |
Fields | |
labelFilters[] |
Used to filter Business Profile locations by label. Only locations that have any of the listed labels will be in the asset set. Label filters are OR'ed together. |
listingIdFilters[] |
Used to filter Business Profile locations by listing ids. |
businessNameFilter |
Used to filter Business Profile locations by business name. |
Business Profile location group business name filter.
JSON representation |
"businessName": string,
"filterType": enum ( |
Fields | |
businessName |
Business name string to use for filtering. |
filterType |
The type of string matching to use when filtering with businessName. |
Possible types of a location string filter.
Enums | |
Not specified. |
Used for return value only. Represents value unknown in this version. |
The filter will use exact string matching. |
Represents information about a Chain dynamic location group. Only applicable if the sync level AssetSet's type is LOCATION_SYNC and sync source is chain.
JSON representation |
"dynamicChainLocationGroupFilters": [
object ( |
Fields | |
dynamicChainLocationGroupFilters[] |
Used to filter chain locations by chain ids. Only Locations that belong to the specified chain(s) will be in the asset set. |