- JSON representation
- PolicyTopicEntryType
- PolicyTopicEvidence
- WebsiteList
- TextList
- DestinationTextList
- DestinationMismatch
- PolicyTopicEvidenceDestinationMismatchUrlType
- DestinationNotWorking
- PolicyTopicEvidenceDestinationNotWorkingDevice
- PolicyTopicEvidenceDestinationNotWorkingDnsErrorType
- PolicyTopicConstraint
- CountryConstraintList
- CountryConstraint
- ResellerConstraint
Policy finding attached to a resource (for example, alcohol policy associated with a site that sells alcohol).
Each PolicyTopicEntry has a topic that indicates the specific ads policy the entry is about and a type to indicate the effect that the entry will have on serving. It may optionally have one or more evidences that indicate the reason for the finding. It may also optionally have one or more constraints that provide details about how serving may be restricted.
JSON representation |
{ "type": enum ( |
Fields | |
type |
Describes the negative or positive effect this policy will have on serving. |
evidences[] |
Additional information that explains policy finding (for example, the brand name for a trademark finding). |
constraints[] |
Indicates how serving of this resource may be affected (for example, not serving in a country). |
topic |
Policy topic this finding refers to. For example, "ALCOHOL", "TRADEMARKS_IN_AD_TEXT", or "DESTINATION_NOT_WORKING". The set of possible policy topics is not fixed for a particular API version and may change at any time. |
The possible policy topic entry types.
Enums | |
No value has been specified. |
The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value. |
The resource will not be served. |
The resource will not be served under some circumstances. |
The resource cannot serve at all because of the current targeting criteria. |
May be of interest, but does not limit how the resource is served. |
Could increase coverage beyond normal. |
Constrained for all targeted countries, but may serve in other countries through area of interest. |
Additional information that explains a policy finding.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field value . Specific evidence information depending on the evidence type. value can be only one of the following: |
websiteList |
List of websites linked with this resource. |
textList |
List of evidence found in the text of a resource. |
languageCode |
The language the resource was detected to be written in. This is an IETF language tag such as "en-US". |
destinationTextList |
The text in the destination of the resource that is causing a policy finding. |
destinationMismatch |
Mismatch between the destinations of a resource's URLs. |
destinationNotWorking |
Details when the destination is returning an HTTP error code or isn't functional in all locations for commonly used devices. |
A list of websites that caused a policy finding. Used for ONE_WEBSITE_PER_AD_GROUP policy topic, for example. In case there are more than five websites, only the top five (those that appear in resources the most) will be listed here.
JSON representation |
{ "websites": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
websites[] |
Websites that caused the policy finding. |
A list of fragments of text that violated a policy.
JSON representation |
{ "texts": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
texts[] |
The fragments of text from the resource that caused the policy finding. |
A list of strings found in a destination page that caused a policy finding.
JSON representation |
{ "destinationTexts": [ string ] } |
Fields | |
destinationTexts[] |
List of text found in the resource's destination page. |
Evidence of mismatches between the URLs of a resource.
JSON representation |
"urlTypes": [
enum ( |
Fields | |
urlTypes[] |
The set of URLs that did not match each other. |
The possible policy topic evidence destination mismatch url types.
Enums | |
No value has been specified. |
The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value. |
The display url. |
The final url. |
The final mobile url. |
The tracking url template, with substituted desktop url. |
The tracking url template, with substituted mobile url. |
Evidence details when the destination is returning an HTTP error code or isn't functional in all locations for commonly used devices.
JSON representation |
{ "device": enum ( |
Fields | |
device |
The type of device that failed to load the URL. |
expandedUrl |
The full URL that didn't work. |
lastCheckedDateTime |
The time the URL was last checked. The format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS". Examples: "2018-03-05 09:15:00" or "2018-02-01 14:34:30" |
Union field reason . Indicates the reason of the DESTINATION_NOT_WORKING policy finding. reason can be only one of the following: |
dnsErrorType |
The type of DNS error. |
httpErrorCode |
The HTTP error code. |
The possible policy topic evidence destination not working devices.
Enums | |
No value has been specified. |
The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value. |
Landing page doesn't work on desktop device. |
Landing page doesn't work on Android device. |
Landing page doesn't work on iOS device. |
The possible policy topic evidence destination not working DNS error types.
Enums | |
No value has been specified. |
The received value is not known in this version. This is a response-only value. |
Host name not found in DNS when fetching landing page. |
Google internal crawler issue when communicating with DNS. This error doesn't mean the landing page doesn't work. Google will recrawl the landing page. |
Describes the effect on serving that a policy topic entry will have.
JSON representation |
{ // Union field |
Fields | |
Union field value . Specific information about the constraint. value can be only one of the following: |
countryConstraintList |
Countries where the resource cannot serve. |
resellerConstraint |
Reseller constraint. |
certificateMissingInCountryList |
Countries where a certificate is required for serving. |
certificateDomainMismatchInCountryList |
Countries where the resource's domain is not covered by the certificates associated with it. |
A list of countries where a resource's serving is constrained.
JSON representation |
"countries": [
object ( |
Fields | |
countries[] |
Countries in which serving is restricted. |
totalTargetedCountries |
Total number of countries targeted by the resource. |
Indicates that a resource's ability to serve in a particular country is constrained.
JSON representation |
{ "countryCriterion": string } |
Fields | |
countryCriterion |
Geo target constant resource name of the country in which serving is constrained. |
This type has no fields.
Indicates that a policy topic was constrained due to disapproval of the website for reseller purposes.