Wspólna lista wykluczeń – konto menedżera

Kliknij ikonę narzędzia

Ten skrypt rozszerza funkcjonalność wersji wspólnej listy wykluczeń z jednego konta, aby umożliwić działanie w porównaniu z wieloma kontami w ramach konta menedżera. Ten skrypt upraszcza zarządzanie wspólną listą wykluczeń w kampaniach na wielu kontach.

Jak to działa

Skrypt odczytuje kryteria wykluczające z arkusza kalkulacyjnego Google. Tworzy na koncie Google Ads udostępnianą listę kryteriów wykluczających i synchronizuje ją z kryteriami z arkusza kalkulacyjnego. Oddzielne listy słów kluczowych i miejsc docelowych są oddzielne. Listy są tworzone oddzielnie na każdym koncie zarządzanym i synchronizowane na każdym z nich zgodnie z konfiguracją podaną w arkuszu kalkulacyjnym.

Następnie skrypt sprawdza, czy lista kryteriów wykluczających jest stosowana do wszystkich kampanii na koncie. W razie potrzeby możesz ograniczyć listę kampanii, określając w arkuszu konfiguracji etykietę, która ma być filtrowana pod kątem uwzględnienia podczas przetwarzania kampanii.

Skrypt opcjonalnie wysyła e-maila z podsumowaniem działań na adres e-mail podany w arkuszu konfiguracji.


  • Kliknij przycisk poniżej, aby utworzyć skrypt oparty na arkuszu kalkulacyjnym na koncie Google Ads.

    Instalowanie szablonu skryptu

  • Kliknij przycisk poniżej, aby utworzyć kopię szablonu arkusza kalkulacyjnego.

    Kopiowanie szablonu arkusza kalkulacyjnego

  • Zaktualizuj w skrypcie spreadsheet_url.

  • Skrypt domyślnie przetwarza wszystkie kampanie ENABLED i PAUSED na koncie. Aby ograniczyć listę przetworzonych kampanii, wykonaj te czynności:

    1. Utwórz etykietę na każdym koncie, które chcesz przetwarzać.
    2. Zastosuj tę etykietę do listy kampanii do przetworzenia.
    3. Określ tę etykietę w komórce C3 arkusza konfiguracji.
  • Skrypt domyślnie przetwarza wszystkie kampanie dostępne z Twojego konta menedżera. Aby ograniczyć zakres do konkretnego podzbioru kont, podaj w komórce C7 rozdzielaną przecinkami listę identyfikatorów klientów (w formacie XXX-XXX-XXXX).

  • Wpisz adres e-mail w komórce C6, aby otrzymać e-maila z podsumowaniem po zakończeniu działania skryptu.

  • Skrypt tworzy osobne listy wspólnych kryteriów wykluczających dla słów kluczowych i miejsc docelowych na przetwarzanych przez siebie kontach. Podaj nazwy udostępnionych list wykluczających kryteriów w arkuszu konfiguracji, komórkach C4 i C5.

  • Pomiń prefiksy protokołu (http:// lub https://) w adresach URL miejsc docelowych na liście miejsc docelowych.

  • Sprawdź, czy adresy URL miejsc docelowych nie mają ukośników (/).

  • Upewnij się, że wszystkie adresy URL miejsc docelowych są zapisane małymi literami w arkuszu kalkulacyjnym.


Zaplanuj uruchamianie skryptu codziennie lub co godzinę.

Kod źródłowy

// Copyright 2015, Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

 * @name Master Negative List Script for Google Ads manager accounts
 * @overview The Master Negative List script for Google Ads manager accounts
 *     applies negative keywords and placements from a spreadsheet to multiple
 *     campaigns in your account using shared keyword and placement lists. The
 *     script can process multiple Google Ads accounts in parallel. See
 *     for more details.
 * @author Google Ads Scripts Team []
 * @version 2.2
 * @changelog
 * - version 2.2
 *   - Fixed an issue where the match type of keywords in the negative list was
 *     ignored.
 * - version 2.1
 *   - Split into info, config, and code.
 *  - version 2.0
 *   - Updated to use new Google Ads scripts features.
 * - version 1.0.2
 *   - Added validation for external spreadsheet setup.
 * - version 1.0.1
 *   - Improvements to time zone handling.
 * - version 1.0
 *   - Released initial version.
 * Configuration to be used for the Master Negative List Script for Google Ads
 * manager accounts.

  // The URL of the tracking spreadsheet. This should be a copy of
  // Make sure the sheet is owned by or shared with same Google user executing the script
  'spreadsheet_url': 'INSERT_SPREADSHEET_URL_HERE'
const SPREADSHEET_URL = CONFIG.spreadsheet_url;

 * Keep track of the spreadsheet names for various criteria types, as well as
 * the criteria type being processed.
const CriteriaType = {
  KEYWORDS: 'Keywords',
  PLACEMENTS: 'Placements'

 * The code to execute when running the script.
function main() {
  const config = readConfig();

  const accountSelector = AdsManagerApp.accounts();
  if (config.customerids.length > 0) {
  accountSelector.executeInParallel('processAccounts', 'postProcess');

 * Process an account when processing multiple accounts under a Google Ads
 * manager account in parallel.
 * @return {string} A JSON string that summarizes the number of keywords and
 *     placements synced, and the number of campaigns processed.
function processAccounts() {
  return JSON.stringify(syncMasterLists());

 * Callback method after processing accounts, when processing multiple accounts
 * under a Google Ads manager account in parallel.
 * @param {Array.<AdsManagerApp.ExecutionResult>} results The execution results
 *     from the accounts that were processed by this script.
function postProcess(results) {
  const config = readConfig();
  const emailParams = {
    // Number of placements that were synced.
    PlacementCount: 0,
    // Number of keywords that were synced.
    KeywordCount: 0,
    // Summary of customers who were synced.
    Customers: {
      // How many customers were synced?
      Success: 0,
      // How many customers failed to sync?
      Failure: 0,
      // Details of each account processed. Contains 3 properties:
      // CustomerId, CampaignCount, Status.
      Details: []

  for (const result of results) {
    const customerResult = {
      // The customer ID that was processed.
      CustomerId: result.getCustomerId(),
      // Number of campaigns that were synced.
      CampaignCount: 0,
      // Status of processing this account - OK / ERROR / TIMEOUT
      Status: result.getStatus()

    if (result.getStatus() == 'OK') {
      let retval = JSON.parse(result.getReturnValue());
      customerResult.CampaignCount = retval.CampaignCount;
      if (emailParams.Customers.Success == 0) {
        emailParams.KeywordCount = retval.KeywordCount;
        emailParams.PlacementCount = retval.PlacementCount;
    } else {

  const spreadsheet = validateAndGetSpreadsheet(SPREADSHEET_URL);

  // Make sure the spreadsheet is using the account's timezone.
  spreadsheet.getRangeByName('LastRun').setValue(new Date());

  sendEmail(config, emailParams);

 * Sends a summary email about the changes that this script made.
 * @param {Object} config The configuration object.
 * @param {Object} emailParams Contains details required to create the email
 *     body.
function sendEmail(config, emailParams) {
  const html = [];

                  "<table style='font-family:Arial,Helvetica; " +
                       'border-collapse:collapse;font-size:10pt; ' +
                       "color:#444444; border: solid 1px #dddddd;' " +
                       "width='600' cellpadding=20>",
                         '<p>The Master Negative List script synced a total ' +
                              'of <b>' + emailParams.KeywordCount + '</b> ' +
                              'keywords and <b>' + emailParams.PlacementCount +
                              '</b> placements. <b>' +
                              (emailParams.Customers.Success +
                               emailParams.Customers.Failure) +
                              '</b> accounts were processed, of which <b>' +
                              emailParams.Customers.Success + '</b> ' +
                              'succeeded, and <b>' +
                              emailParams.Customers.Failure + '</b> failed. ' +
                              'See the table below' +
                              ' for details.</p>',
                         "<table border='1' width='100%' " +
                             "style='border-collapse: collapse; " +
                             "border: solid 1px #dddddd;font-size:10pt;'>",
                             '<th>Synced Campaigns</th>',

  for (const detail of emailParams.Customers.Details) {
                '<td>' + detail.CustomerId + '</td>',
                '<td>' + detail.CampaignCount + '</td>',
                '<td>' + detail.Status + '</td>',

                       '<p>Cheers<br />Google Ads Scripts Team</p>',

  if ( != '') {
      subject: 'Master Negative List Script',
      htmlBody: html.join('\n')

 * Synchronizes the negative criteria list in an account with the master list
 * in the user spreadsheet.
 * @return {Object} A summary of the number of keywords and placements synced,
 *     and the number of campaigns to which these lists apply.
function syncMasterLists() {
  const config = readConfig();
  let syncedCampaignCount = 0;

  const keywordListDetails = syncCriteriaInNegativeList(config,
  syncedCampaignCount = syncCampaignList(config, keywordListDetails.SharedList,

  const placementListDetails = syncCriteriaInNegativeList(config,
  syncedCampaignCount = syncCampaignList(config,
     placementListDetails.SharedList, CriteriaType.PLACEMENTS);

  return {
    'CampaignCount': syncedCampaignCount,
    'PlacementCount': placementListDetails.CriteriaCount,
    'KeywordCount': keywordListDetails.CriteriaCount

 * Synchronizes the list of campaigns covered by a negative list against the
 * desired list of campaigns to be covered by the master list.
 * @param {Object} config The configuration object.
 * @param {AdsApp.NegativeKeywordList|AdsApp.ExcludedPlacementList}
 *    sharedList The shared negative criterion list to be synced against the
 *    master list.
 * @param {String} criteriaType The criteria type for the shared negative list.
 * @return {Number} The number of campaigns synced.
function syncCampaignList(config, sharedList, criteriaType) {
  const campaignIds = getLabelledCampaigns(config.label);
  const totalCampaigns = Object.keys(campaignIds).length;

  const listedCampaigns = sharedList.campaigns().get();

  const campaignsToRemove = [];

  for (const listedCampaign of listedCampaigns) {
    if (listedCampaign.getId() in campaignIds) {
      delete campaignIds[listedCampaign.getId()];
    } else {

  // Anything left over in campaignIds starts a new list.
  const campaignsToAdd = AdsApp.campaigns().withIds(
  for (const campaignToAdd of campaignsToAdd) {

    if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.KEYWORDS) {
    } else if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.PLACEMENTS) {

  for (const campaignToRemove of campaignsToRemove) {
    if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.KEYWORDS) {
    } else if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.PLACEMENTS) {

  return totalCampaigns;

 * Gets a list of campaigns having a particular label.
 * @param {String} labelText The label text.
 * @return {Array.<Number>} An array of campaign IDs having the specified
 *     label.
function getLabelledCampaigns(labelText) {
  const campaignIds = {};
  let campaigns = null;

  if (labelText != '') {
    const label = getLabel(labelText);
    campaigns = label.campaigns().withCondition(
        'campaign.status in (ENABLED, PAUSED)').get();
  } else {
    campaigns = AdsApp.campaigns().withCondition(
        'campaign.status in (ENABLED, PAUSED)').get();

  for (const campaign of campaigns) {
    campaignIds[campaign.getId()] = 1;
  return campaignIds;

 * Gets a label with the specified label text.
 * @param {String} labelText The label text.
 * @return {AdsApp.Label} The label text.
function getLabel(labelText) {
  const labels = AdsApp.labels().withCondition(
      ` = '${labelText}'`).get();
  if (labels.totalNumEntities() == 0) {
    const message = Utilities.formatString(`Label named ${labelText} is ` +
        `missing in your account. Make sure the label exists in the account, `+
        `and is applied to campaigns and adgroups you wish to process.`);
    throw (message);


 * Synchronizes the criteria in a shared negative criteria list with the user
 * spreadsheet.
 * @param {Object} config The configuration object.
 * @param {String} criteriaType The criteria type for the shared negative list.
 * @return {Object} A summary of the synced negative list, and the number of
 *     criteria that were synced.
function syncCriteriaInNegativeList(config, criteriaType) {
  const criteriaFromSheet = loadCriteria(criteriaType);
  const totalCriteriaCount = Object.keys(criteriaFromSheet).length;

  let sharedList = null;
  let listName = config.listname[criteriaType];

  sharedList = createNegativeListIfRequired(listName, criteriaType);

  let negativeCriteria = null;

  try {
    if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.KEYWORDS) {
      negativeCriteria = sharedList.negativeKeywords().get();
    } else if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.PLACEMENTS) {
      negativeCriteria = sharedList.excludedPlacements().get();
  } catch (e) {
    console.error(`Failed to retrieve shared list. Error says ${e}`);
    if (AdsApp.getExecutionInfo().isPreview()) {
      let message = Utilities.formatString(`The script cannot create the ` +
          `negative ${criteriaType} list in preview mode. Either run the ` +
          `script without preview, or create a negative ${criteriaType} list ` +
          `with name "${listName}" manually before previewing the script.`);
    throw e;

  const criteriaToDelete = [];

  for (const negativeCriterion of negativeCriteria) {
    let key = null;

    if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.KEYWORDS) {
      key = negativeCriterion.getText();
      // Since the keyword text in the spreadsheet specifies match types in the
      // syntax accepted by the UI, we need to convert our keys to match it.
      const matchType = negativeCriterion.getMatchType();
      if (matchType === "PHRASE") {
        key = `"${key}"`;
      } else if (matchType === "EXACT") {
        key = `[${key}]`;
    } else if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.PLACEMENTS) {
      key = negativeCriterion.getUrl();

    if (key in criteriaFromSheet) {
      // Nothing to do with this criteria. Remove it from loaded list.
      delete criteriaFromSheet[key];
    } else {
      // This criterion is not in the sync list. Mark for deletion.

  // Whatever left in the sync list are new items.
  if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.KEYWORDS) {
  } else if (criteriaType == CriteriaType.PLACEMENTS) {

  for (const criterionToDelete of criteriaToDelete) {

  return {
    'SharedList': sharedList,
    'CriteriaCount': totalCriteriaCount,
    'Type': criteriaType

 * Creates a shared negative criteria list if required.
 * @param {string} listName The name of shared negative criteria list.
 * @param {String} listType The criteria type for the shared negative list.
 * @return {AdsApp.NegativeKeywordList|AdsApp.ExcludedPlacementList} An
 *     existing shared negative criterion list if it already exists in the
 *     account, or the newly created list if one didn't exist earlier.
function createNegativeListIfRequired(listName, listType) {
  let negativeListSelector = null;
  if (listType == CriteriaType.KEYWORDS) {
    negativeListSelector = AdsApp.negativeKeywordLists();
  } else if (listType == CriteriaType.PLACEMENTS) {
    negativeListSelector = AdsApp.excludedPlacementLists();
  let negativeListIterator = negativeListSelector.withCondition(
      ` = '${listName}'`).get();

  if (negativeListIterator.totalNumEntities() == 0) {
    let builder = null;

    if (listType == CriteriaType.KEYWORDS) {
      builder = AdsApp.newNegativeKeywordListBuilder();
    } else if (listType == CriteriaType.PLACEMENTS) {

      builder = AdsApp.newExcludedPlacementListBuilder();

    let negativeListOperation = builder.withName(listName).build();
    return negativeListOperation.getResult();
  } else {

 * Loads a list of criteria from the user spreadsheet.
 * @param {string} sheetName The name of shared negative criteria list.
 * @return {Object} A map of the list of criteria loaded from the spreadsheet.
function loadCriteria(sheetName) {
  const spreadsheet = validateAndGetSpreadsheet(SPREADSHEET_URL);
  const sheet = spreadsheet.getSheetByName(sheetName);
  const values = sheet.getRange('B4:B').getValues();

  const retval = {};
  for (const value of values) {
    let keyword = value[0].toString().trim();
    if (keyword != '') {
      retval[keyword] = 1;
  return retval;

 * Loads a configuration object from the spreadsheet.
 * @return {Object} A configuration object.
function readConfig() {
  const spreadsheet = validateAndGetSpreadsheet(SPREADSHEET_URL);
  let values = spreadsheet.getRangeByName('ConfigurationValues').getValues();
  const config = {
    'label': values[0][0],
    'listname': {
    'email': values[3][0],
    'customerids': extractCustomerIds(values[4][0])
  config.listname[CriteriaType.KEYWORDS] = values[1][0];
  config.listname[CriteriaType.PLACEMENTS] = values[2][0];
  return config;

 * Extracts customerIds from a comma separated list.
 * @param {string} data the input.
 * @return {Array.<number>} A list of customer IDs.
function extractCustomerIds(data) {
  const retval = [];

  const splits = data.split(',');

  for (let split of splits) {
    split = split.trim().replace(/-/g, '').replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');
    if (split) {
      if (isNaN(split)) {
        console.log(`Invalid customer ID found in spreadsheet: ${split}`);
      } else {
        const customerId = parseInt(split).toFixed(0);
  return retval;

 * Please modify your spreadsheet URL at the top of the file only.

 * Validates the provided spreadsheet URL and email address
 * to make sure that they're set up properly. Throws a descriptive error message
 * if validation fails.
 * @param {string} spreadsheeturl The URL of the spreadsheet to open.
 * @return {Spreadsheet} The spreadsheet object itself, fetched from the URL.
 * @throws {Error} If the spreadsheet URL or email hasn't been set
function validateAndGetSpreadsheet(spreadsheeturl) {
  if (spreadsheeturl == 'INSERT_SPREADSHEET_URL_HERE') {
    throw new Error('Please specify a valid Spreadsheet URL. You can find' +
        ' a link to a template in the associated guide for this script.');
  return SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl(spreadsheeturl);