Get Help

This page describes the types of support available for Google Ads scripts.

Common Issues

For quick assistance on common problems, see our Common Issues page.

Technical Support

We provide technical support for Google Ads scripts in the following areas:

  • The Google Ads scripts UI, including:
    • Scheduling
    • Execution history
    • Logs
    • Code editor
    • Preview mode
    • Authentication
  • AdsApp and AdsManagerApp behavior
  • Solutions published as part of our solution catalogue or installed using the UI.
  • Custom scripts, so long as the problem is limited in scope to some specific reproducible issue (we won't troubleshoot your entire script for you)
  • Any guides on this Developers site

We do not provide support for the following:

  • Other Google Apps Script endpoints, such as MailApp, UrlFetchApp, and SpreadsheetApp.
    • See the Apps Script team's How to get help article for options if you experience difficulties with these methods.
  • Third party solutions
    • For assistance with these, get in touch with the solution's author.
  • Issues unrelated to Google Ads scripts specifically, such as questions about the Google Ads interface

If you need assistance with an area where we can help, visit the contact page.

For technical discussions with developers and members of the Google Ads scripts team, visit the Google Ads scripts forum.

For announcements on upcoming Google Ads scripts changes, follow the Google Ads Developer blog or its RSS feed.