The Google User Messaging Platform SDK.
ConsentForm |
A rendered form for collecting consent from a user. |
ConsentForm.OnConsentFormDismissedListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a consent form is dismissed. |
ConsentInformation |
Utility methods for collecting consent from users. |
ConsentInformation.OnConsentInfoUpdateFailureListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when consent info failed to update. |
ConsentInformation.OnConsentInfoUpdateSuccessListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when consent info is successfully updated. |
UserMessagingPlatform.OnConsentFormLoadFailureListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a consent form failed to load. |
UserMessagingPlatform.OnConsentFormLoadSuccessListener |
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a consent form loads successfully. |
ConsentDebugSettings |
Debug settings to hardcode in test requests to |
ConsentDebugSettings.Builder |
Builder of |
ConsentRequestParameters |
Parameters sent on updating user consent info. |
ConsentRequestParameters.Builder |
Builder of |
FormError |
Error information about why a form operation failed. |
UserMessagingPlatform |
Entry point for the User Messaging Platform SDK. |
ConsentDebugSettings.DebugGeography |
Debug values for testing geography. |
ConsentInformation.ConsentStatus |
Consent status values. |
FormError.ErrorCode |
Error code values. |
ConsentInformation.PrivacyOptionsRequirementStatus |
Privacy options requirement status. |