Get started with the Google Pay API for Web
Learn how to integrate the Google Pay API into your website.
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Google Pay API Explained
Watch a video introducing the Google Pay for Web integration.
Google Pay API Implementation Demo
Watch a video introducing the Google Pay for Web integration.
Google Pay API for Web 101: Basics
Build a minimum viable Google Pay for Web integration.
Google Pay API for Web 201: Advanced
Build upon the basics to complete Google Pay for Web integration with more advanced features such as dynamic price updates, payment authorization, and more.
Test your integration
In this video, we are going to have a look at how you can test your Google Pay integration with three simple steps. Watch this video to learn best practices when testing your Google Pay integration.
Payment configuration options
Integration of Google Pay into your app or website is a great way to make checkout easier and faster for your customers. You can also modify the payment methods that Google Pay provides at checkout. This post guides you to configure the accepted payment methods for your Google Pay integration. We explore the range of options, along with card networks, authentication methods, and card types. You can learn how to select the best configuration to meet your business requirements and maximize security for you and your customers.
Brand guidelines
This article describes the Google Pay brand guidelines for web integrations.
User experience best practices
When you integrate with the Google Pay API, various scenarios can occur that are dependent on your website, app buyflow, and user experience (UX). This article describes best practices for UX when integrating with the Google Pay API.
Publish your integration
This artcile describes how to configure your website for production and accept payment credentials from your users.