Error handling and messages for Community Connectors

To provide a good user experience your code should handle errors correctly. Present users with actionable error messages that outline corrective steps for resolving the problem.

This document describes errors that can happen with connectors, how error messages work, and how to properly handle connector errors.

Info: To learn more about handling exceptions in JavaScript see try...catch statement.

Types of errors

The types and causes of errors that a user may encounter when using your connector typically fall into one of the following three categories:

  1. connector internal errors
  2. connector external errors
  3. Looker Studio errors

Connector internal and external errors should be handled by the connector developer. These errors occur due to developer-authored code.

Connector internal error

Connector internal errors occur during connector execution. For example, if a connector cannot parse an API response during the execution of getData(). These errors should be anticipated and handled with user-friendly explanations where applicable.

For more information on handling connector internal errors, see Best practices for handling connector errors.

Connector external error

Connector external errors occur after connector execution. For example, when a getData() request for three fields only returns data for two. Although the connector completed execution, it did not satisfy the request from Looker Studio. Thorough testing can prevent these errors.

Connector external errors can typically be fixed by reviewing error details (if available) and debugging the code to identify the issue. For more information on debugging your connector, see Debug your code.

Looker Studio error

Looker Studio errors are errors unrelated to your connector code. For example, if a user attempts to use a time series chart with a data source with no date/time dimension.

If the error is not directly related to the connector, then there is no action for the connector developer to take. Users can find additional help by visiting the Looker Studio Help Center.

Showing error messages

Showing error details based on admin status

When a connector throws an error, Looker Studio shows the error message depending on the user's admin status.

  • If the user is an admin user then they will see all details. This includes the error message, error type, and stack trace.
  • If the user is not an admin user, then they will only see details if the error includes a user-friendly message. To learn more about showing error messages to non-admin users see Throwing user facing errors.

Throwing user facing errors

By default, only connector admins see error details. This helps prevent inadvertent disclosure of sensitive information, such as a API key in a stack trace. To show error messages to non-admin users, use newUserError() from the Looker Studio Apps Script service.


try {
  // API request that can be malformed.
} catch (e) {
      .setDebugText('Error fetching data from API. Exception details: ' + e)
      .setText('There was an error communicating with the service. Try again later, or file an issue if this error persists.')


In this example, setText() sets the text that will be shown to all users, while setDebugText() sets the text that will only be shown to admin users.

Best practices for handling connector errors

You should attempt to catch and handle as many errors as possible during the execution of your connector code. For example, some common operations that may cause errors or an undesirable state include:

  • A failed URL fetch attempt (transient errors, timeouts)
  • No data is available for the requested time period
  • Data from the API cannot be parsed or formatted
  • Authorization tokens have been revoked

Handle recoverable errors

Points of connector execution that can fail but are recoverable should be handled. For example, if an API requests fails for a non-fatal reason (e.g. server load shedding), then it should retried before throwing an error.

Catch and throw errors

Non-recoverable errors should be caught and re-thrown. The re-thrown error should help users understand why the error occurred. If the issue can be fixed then details on corrective action should be provided.

See throwing user facing errors.

Log errors to Stackdriver

Use Stackdriver for logging errors and other messages. This helps with understanding errors, debugging issues, and discovering unhandled exceptions.

To learn more about Stackdriver Error Reporting, how to enable exception logging for a script, and how to safely identify users for debugging purposes see Using Stackdriver Logging.

DEPRECATED: Use DS_USER: prefix for safe error messages

To provide user-friendly error messages to non-admin users include the DS_USER: prefix with error messages. This prefix is used to identify safe messages for non-admin users and is not included in the actual error message.

The following examples include a case where an error message will be shown to non-admin users another where an error message will only be shown to admin users:

// Admin and non-admin users will see the following error.
try {
  // Code that might fail.
} catch (e) {
  throw new Error('DS_USER:This will be shown to admin & non-admin.');

// Only admin users will see the following error.
try {
  // Code that might fail.
} catch (e) {
  throw new Error('This message will only be shown to admin users');