خلاصة القائمة
{ "data": [ { "menu": { "menu_id": "menu1", "merchant_ids": [ "dining-1" ], "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Menu", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "language": "en-US", "menu_section_ids": [ "appetizers", "dinner" ], "last_merchant_update_time": { "seconds": 1633621547 } } }, { "section": { "menu_section_id": "appetizers", "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Lunch Appetizers", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "menu_item_ids": [ "breadsticks-sauce" ] } }, { "section": { "menu_section_id": "dinner", "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Dinner", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "menu_item_ids": [ "meatballs" ] } }, { "item": { "menu_item_id": "breadsticks-sauce", "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Bread Sticks & Sauce", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "description": { "text": [ { "text": "Breakfast basket w/ side of tomato sauce (size 6 or 12)", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "images": [ { "uri": "http://www.example.com/photos/breadsticks.jpg" }, { "uri": "http://www.example.com/photos/sauce.jpg" } ], "menu_item_option_set": { "menu_item_option_ids": [ "breadstick-sm", "breadstick-lg" ] } } }, { "item": { "menu_item_id": "meatballs", "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Grandma Grace's Meatballs", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "description": { "text": [ { "text": "Two 40x beef with pork tomato sauce, coarse grated cheese", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "images": [ { "uri": "http://www.example.com/photos/meatballs.jpg" }, { "uri": "http://www.example.com/photos/meatballs2.jpg" } ], "offer_set": { "offers": [ { "price": { "currency_code": "USD", "units": 1, "nanos": 750000000 } } ] } } }, { "option": { "menu_item_option_id": "breadstick-sm", "value": { "property_type": "SIZE", "text_val": { "text": [ { "text": "Small", "language_code": "en-us" } ] } }, "offer_set": { "offers": [ { "price": { "currency_code": "USD", "units": 8, "nanos": 0 } } ] } } }, { "option": { "menu_item_option_id": "breadstick-lg", "value": { "property_type": "SIZE", "text_val": { "text": [ { "text": "Large", "language_code": "en-us" } ] } }, "offer_set": { "offers": [ { "price": { "currency_code": "USD", "units": 11, "nanos": 0 } } ] } } } ] }
ملف الواصف
{ "generation_timestamp": 1633621547, "name": "google.food_menu", "data_file": [ "menu1_1633621547.json" ] }
خلاصة التاجر
يجب تحميل ملفات خلاصة التاجر إلى صندوق التحميل لبروتوكول النقل الآمن للملفات (SFTP) لخلاصة التجّار. تجدر الإشارة إلى أن خلاصة التجار لا تستخدم ملفًا وصفيًا لأنّ البيانات الوصفية مضمّنة في كل ملف تاجر. راجِع تقسيم ملفات الخلاصة.
{ "metadata": { "processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_COMPLETE", "shard_number": 0, "total_shards": 1, "nonce": "11203880", "generation_timestamp": 1524606581 }, "merchant": [ { "category": "restaurant", "merchant_id": "dining-1", "name": "Dining Eats", "url": "www.dining1publicsite.com", "telephone": "+1 123-456-7890", "geo": { "latitude": 37.422113, "longitude": -122.084041, "address": { "locality": "Mountain View", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "street_address": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy", "postal_code": "94043" } } }, { "category": "restaurant", "merchant_id": "dining-2", "name": "Burger Heaven", "url": "www.dining2publicsite.com", "telephone": "+1 123-456-12345", "geo": { "latitude": 37.422113, "longitude": -122.084041, "address": { "locality": "San Francisco", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "street_address": "345 Spear St", "postal_code": "94105" } } } ] }