Menü Feed'i
{ "data": [ { "menu": { "menu_id": "menu1", "merchant_ids": [ "dining-1" ], "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Menu", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "language": "en-US", "menu_section_ids": [ "appetizers", "dinner" ], "last_merchant_update_time": { "seconds": 1633621547 } } }, { "section": { "menu_section_id": "appetizers", "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Lunch Appetizers", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "menu_item_ids": [ "breadsticks-sauce" ] } }, { "section": { "menu_section_id": "dinner", "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Dinner", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "menu_item_ids": [ "meatballs" ] } }, { "item": { "menu_item_id": "breadsticks-sauce", "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Bread Sticks & Sauce", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "description": { "text": [ { "text": "Breakfast basket w/ side of tomato sauce (size 6 or 12)", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "images": [ { "uri": "" }, { "uri": "" } ], "menu_item_option_set": { "menu_item_option_ids": [ "breadstick-sm", "breadstick-lg" ] } } }, { "item": { "menu_item_id": "meatballs", "display_name": { "text": [ { "text": "Grandma Grace's Meatballs", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "description": { "text": [ { "text": "Two 40x beef with pork tomato sauce, coarse grated cheese", "language_code": "en-us" } ] }, "images": [ { "uri": "" }, { "uri": "" } ], "offer_set": { "offers": [ { "price": { "currency_code": "USD", "units": 1, "nanos": 750000000 } } ] } } }, { "option": { "menu_item_option_id": "breadstick-sm", "value": { "property_type": "SIZE", "text_val": { "text": [ { "text": "Small", "language_code": "en-us" } ] } }, "offer_set": { "offers": [ { "price": { "currency_code": "USD", "units": 8, "nanos": 0 } } ] } } }, { "option": { "menu_item_option_id": "breadstick-lg", "value": { "property_type": "SIZE", "text_val": { "text": [ { "text": "Large", "language_code": "en-us" } ] } }, "offer_set": { "offers": [ { "price": { "currency_code": "USD", "units": 11, "nanos": 0 } } ] } } } ] }
Açıklayıcı Dosya
{ "generation_timestamp": 1633621547, "name": "google.food_menu", "data_file": [ "menu1_1633621547.json" ] }
Satıcı Feed'i
Satıcı feed'i dosyaları, Satıcı feed'i SFTP dropbox'ına yüklenmelidir. Meta veriler her satıcı dosyasına dahil edildiğinden, Merchant feed'inde açıklayıcı bir dosya kullanılmadığını unutmayın. Feed dosyalarını parçalama konusuna bakın.
{ "metadata": { "processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_COMPLETE", "shard_number": 0, "total_shards": 1, "nonce": "11203880", "generation_timestamp": 1524606581 }, "merchant": [ { "category": "restaurant", "merchant_id": "dining-1", "name": "Dining Eats", "url": "", "telephone": "+1 123-456-7890", "geo": { "latitude": 37.422113, "longitude": -122.084041, "address": { "locality": "Mountain View", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "street_address": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy", "postal_code": "94043" } } }, { "category": "restaurant", "merchant_id": "dining-2", "name": "Burger Heaven", "url": "", "telephone": "+1 123-456-12345", "geo": { "latitude": 37.422113, "longitude": -122.084041, "address": { "locality": "San Francisco", "country": "US", "region": "CA", "street_address": "345 Spear St", "postal_code": "94105" } } } ] }