
ConsumerController Controls ridesharing features associated with ConsumerMapFragment
ConsumerGoogleMap Provides access to Google Maps Android API as a proxy to the underlying GoogleMap which is the entry point for all methods related to the map. 
ConsumerMapStyle Contains the methods for customizing the style of UI elements managed by the ConsumerMapFragment


ConsumerController.OnConsumerMarkerClickCallback Callback invoked when an SDK marker is clicked or tapped. 
ConsumerController.OnProjectedRouteUpdateCallback Callback invoked when the vehicle marker moves along the projected route polyline. 
ConsumerGoogleMap.ConsumerMapReadyCallback Callback to get a handle to ConsumerGoogleMap
ConsumerMapFragment Custom map view that changes its appearance based on the currently shown Session
ConsumerMapView A custom map view that changes its appearance based on the currently shown Session


UnsupportedGetMapAsyncException Indicates that getMapAsync() is not supported, and instead ConsumerMapView#getConsumerMapAsync(ConsumerMapReadyCallback) should be called.