Service definition for the Solar API.
FindClosestBuildingInsights |
Locates the building whose centroid is closest to a query point. Returns an error with code
GetDataLayers |
Gets solar information for a region surrounding a location. Returns an error with code
GetGeoTiff |
Returns an image by its ID.
Response message for Solar.FindClosestBuildingInsights
. Information about the location, dimensions, and solar potential of a building.
Fields | |
name |
The resource name for the building, of the format |
center |
A point near the center of the building. |
bounding_box |
The bounding box of the building. |
imagery_date |
Date that the underlying imagery was acquired. This is approximate. |
imagery_processed_date |
When processing was completed on this imagery. |
postal_code |
Postal code (e.g., US zip code) this building is contained by. |
administrative_area |
Administrative area 1 (e.g., in the US, the state) that contains this building. For example, in the US, the abbreviation might be "MA" or "CA." |
statistical_area |
Statistical area (e.g., US census tract) this building is in. |
region_code |
Region code for the country (or region) this building is in. |
solar_potential |
Solar potential of the building. |
imagery_quality |
The quality of the imagery used to compute the data for this building. |
Cost and benefit of an outright purchase of a particular configuration of solar panels with a particular electricity usage.
Fields | |
out_of_pocket_cost |
Initial cost before tax incentives: the amount that must be paid out-of-pocket. Contrast with |
upfront_cost |
Initial cost after tax incentives: it's the amount that must be paid during first year. Contrast with |
rebate_value |
The value of all tax rebates. |
savings |
How much is saved (or not) over the lifetime period. |
payback_years |
Number of years until payback occurs. A negative value means payback never occurs within the lifetime period. |
What subset of the solar information to return.
Enums | |
Equivalent to FULL. |
Get the DSM only. |
Get the DSM, RGB, and mask. |
Get the DSM, RGB, mask, and annual flux. |
Get the DSM, RGB, mask, annual flux, and monthly flux. |
Get all data. |
Information about the solar potential of a region. The actual data are contained in a number of GeoTIFF files covering the requested region, for which this message contains URLs: Each string in the DataLayers
message contains a URL from which the corresponding GeoTIFF can be fetched. These URLs are valid for a few hours after they've been generated. Most of the GeoTIFF files are at a resolution of 0.1m/pixel, but the monthly flux file is at 0.5m/pixel, and the hourly shade files are at 1m/pixel. If a pixel_size_meters
value was specified in the GetDataLayersRequest
, then the minimum resolution in the GeoTIFF files will be that value.
Fields | |
imagery_date |
When the source imagery (from which all the other data are derived) in this region was taken. It is necessarily somewhat approximate, as the images may have been taken over more than one day. |
imagery_processed_date |
When processing was completed on this imagery. |
dsm_url |
The URL for an image of the DSM (Digital Surface Model) of the region. Values are in meters above EGM96 geoid (i.e., sea level). Invalid locations (where we don't have data) are stored as -9999. |
rgb_url |
The URL for an image of RGB data (aerial photo) of the region. |
mask_url |
The URL for the building mask image: one bit per pixel saying whether that pixel is considered to be part of a rooftop or not. |
annual_flux_url |
The URL for the annual flux map (annual sunlight on roofs) of the region. Values are kWh/kW/year. This is unmasked flux: flux is computed for every location, not just building rooftops. Invalid locations are stored as -9999: locations outside our coverage area will be invalid, and a few locations inside the coverage area, where we were unable to calculate flux, will also be invalid. |
monthly_flux_url |
The URL for the monthly flux map (sunlight on roofs, broken down by month) of the region. Values are kWh/kW/year. The GeoTIFF pointed to by this URL will contain twelve bands, corresponding to January...December, in order. |
hourly_shade_urls[] |
Twelve URLs for hourly shade, corresponding to January...December, in order. Each GeoTIFF will contain 24 bands, corresponding to the 24 hours of the day. Each pixel is a 32 bit integer, corresponding to the (up to) 31 days of that month; a 1 bit means that the corresponding location is able to see the sun at that day, of that hour, of that month. Invalid locations are stored as -9999 (since this is negative, it has bit 31 set, and no valid value could have bit 31 set as that would correspond to the 32nd day of the month). An example may be useful. If you want to know whether a point (at pixel location (x, y)) saw sun at 4pm on the 22nd of June you would:
More formally: Given
where |
imagery_quality |
The quality of the result's imagery. |
Cost and benefit of using a loan to buy a particular configuration of solar panels with a particular electricity usage.
Fields | |
annual_loan_payment |
Annual loan payments. |
rebate_value |
The value of all tax rebates (including Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)). |
loan_interest_rate |
The interest rate on loans assumed in this set of calculations. |
savings |
How much is saved (or not) over the lifetime period. |
Analysis of the cost and benefits of the optimum solar layout for a particular electric bill size.
Fields | |
monthly_bill |
The monthly electric bill this analysis assumes. |
default_bill |
Whether this is the bill size selected to be the default bill for the area this building is in. Exactly one |
average_kwh_per_month |
How much electricity the house uses in an average month, based on the bill size and the local electricity rates. |
financial_details |
Financial information that applies regardless of the financing method used. |
leasing_savings |
Cost and benefit of leasing the solar panels. |
cash_purchase_savings |
Cost and benefit of buying the solar panels with cash. |
financed_purchase_savings |
Cost and benefit of buying the solar panels by financing the purchase. |
panel_config_index |
Index in |
Details of a financial analysis. Some of these details are already stored at higher levels (e.g., out of pocket cost). Total money amounts are over a lifetime period defined by the panel_lifetime_years
field in SolarPotential
. Note: The out of pocket cost of purchasing the panels is given in the out_of_pocket_cost
field in CashPurchaseSavings
Fields | |
initial_ac_kwh_per_year |
How many AC kWh we think the solar panels will generate in their first year. |
remaining_lifetime_utility_bill |
Utility bill for electricity not produced by solar, for the lifetime of the panels. |
federal_incentive |
Amount of money available from federal incentives; this applies if the user buys (with or without a loan) the panels. |
state_incentive |
Amount of money available from state incentives; this applies if the user buys (with or without a loan) the panels. |
utility_incentive |
Amount of money available from utility incentives; this applies if the user buys (with or without a loan) the panels. |
lifetime_srec_total |
Amount of money the user will receive from Solar Renewable Energy Credits over the panel lifetime; this applies if the user buys (with or without a loan) the panels. |
cost_of_electricity_without_solar |
Total cost of electricity the user would have paid over the lifetime period if they didn't install solar. |
net_metering_allowed |
Whether net metering is allowed. |
solar_percentage |
Percentage (0-100) of the user's power supplied by solar. Valid for the first year but approximately correct for future years. |
percentage_exported_to_grid |
The percentage (0-100) of solar electricity production we assumed was exported to the grid, based on the first quarter of production. This affects the calculations if net metering is not allowed. |
Request message for Solar.FindClosestBuildingInsights
Fields | |
location |
Required. The longitude and latitude from which the API looks for the nearest known building. |
required_quality |
Optional. The minimum quality level allowed in the results. No result with lower quality than this will be returned. Not specifying this is equivalent to restricting to HIGH quality only. |
Request message for Solar.GetDataLayers
Fields | |
location |
Required. The longitude and latitude for the center of the region to get data for. |
radius_meters |
Required. The radius, in meters, defining the region surrounding that centre point for which data should be returned. The limitations on this value are:
view |
Optional. The desired subset of the data to return. |
required_quality |
Optional. The minimum quality level allowed in the results. No result with lower quality than this will be returned. Not specifying this is equivalent to restricting to HIGH quality only. |
pixel_size_meters |
Optional. The minimum scale, in meters per pixel, of the data to return. Values of 0.1 (the default, if this field is not set explicitly), 0.25, 0.5, and 1.0 are supported. Imagery components whose normal resolution is less than |
exact_quality_required |
Optional. Whether to require exact quality of the imagery. If set to false, the |
Request message for Solar.GetGeoTiff
Fields | |
id |
Required. The ID of the asset being requested. |
The quality of the imagery used to compute some API result.
Note: Regardless of imagery quality level, DSM outputs always have a resolution of 0.1 m/pixel, monthly flux outputs always have a resolution of 0.5 m/pixel, and hourly shade outputs always have a resolution of 1 m/pixel.
Enums | |
No quality is known. |
Solar data is derived from aerial imagery captured at low-altitude and processed at 0.1 m/pixel. |
Solar data is derived from enhanced aerial imagery captured at high-altitude and processed at 0.25 m/pixel. |
Solar data is derived from enhanced satellite imagery processed at 0.25 m/pixel. |
Solar data is derived from enhanced satellite imagery processed at 0.25 m/pixel. |
A bounding box in lat/lng coordinates.
Cost and benefit of leasing a particular configuration of solar panels with a particular electricity usage.
Fields | |
leases_allowed |
Whether leases are allowed in this juristiction (leases are not allowed in some states). If this field is false, then the values in this message should probably be ignored. |
leases_supported |
Whether leases are supported in this juristiction by the financial calculation engine. If this field is false, then the values in this message should probably be ignored. This is independent of |
annual_leasing_cost |
Estimated annual leasing cost. |
savings |
How much is saved (or not) over the lifetime period. |
Information about the size and sunniness quantiles of a roof segment.
Fields | |
stats |
Total size and sunlight quantiles for the roof segment. |
center |
A point near the center of the roof segment. |
bounding_box |
The bounding box of the roof segment. |
pitch_degrees |
Angle of the roof segment relative to the theoretical ground plane. 0 = parallel to the ground, 90 = perpendicular to the ground. |
azimuth_degrees |
Compass direction the roof segment is pointing in. 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South. For a "flat" roof segment ( |
plane_height_at_center_meters |
The height of the roof segment plane, in meters above sea level, at the point designated by |
Information about a roof segment on the building, with some number of panels placed on it.
Fields | |
panels_count |
The total number of panels on this segment. |
yearly_energy_dc_kwh |
How much sunlight energy this part of the layout captures over the course of a year, in DC kWh, assuming the panels described above. |
pitch_degrees |
Angle of the roof segment relative to the theoretical ground plane. 0 = parallel to the ground, 90 = perpendicular to the ground. |
azimuth_degrees |
Compass direction the roof segment is pointing in. 0 = North, 90 = East, 180 = South. For a "flat" roof segment ( |
segment_index |
Index in |
Financial information that's shared between different financing methods.
Fields | |
savings_year1 |
Savings in the first year after panel installation. |
savings_year20 |
Savings in the first twenty years after panel installation. |
present_value_of_savings_year20 |
Using the assumed discount rate, what is the present value of the cumulative 20-year savings? |
savings_lifetime |
Savings in the entire panel lifetime. |
present_value_of_savings_lifetime |
Using the assumed discount rate, what is the present value of the cumulative lifetime savings? |
financially_viable |
Indicates whether this scenario is financially viable. Will be false for scenarios with poor financial viability (e.g., money-losing). |
Size and sunniness quantiles of a roof, or part of a roof.
Fields | |
area_meters2 |
The area of the roof or roof segment, in m^2. This is the roof area (accounting for tilt), not the ground footprint area. |
sunshine_quantiles[] |
Quantiles of the pointwise sunniness across the area. If there are N values here, this represents the (N-1)-iles. For example, if there are 5 values, then they would be the quartiles (min, 25%, 50%, 75%, max). Values are in annual kWh/kW like |
ground_area_meters2 |
The ground footprint area covered by the roof or roof segment, in m^2. |
SolarPanel describes the position, orientation, and production of a single solar panel. See the panel_height_meters
, panel_width_meters
, and panel_capacity_watts
fields in SolarPotential
for information on the parameters of the panel.
Fields | |
center |
The centre of the panel. |
orientation |
The orientation of the panel. |
yearly_energy_dc_kwh |
How much sunlight energy this layout captures over the course of a year, in DC kWh. |
segment_index |
Index in |
SolarPanelConfig describes a particular placement of solar panels on the roof.
Fields | |
panels_count |
Total number of panels. Note that this is redundant to (the sum of) the corresponding fields in |
yearly_energy_dc_kwh |
How much sunlight energy this layout captures over the course of a year, in DC kWh, assuming the panels described above. |
roof_segment_summaries[] |
Information about the production of each roof segment that is carrying at least one panel in this layout. |
The orientation of a solar panel. This must be interpreted relative to the azimuth of the roof segment that the panel is placed on.
Enums | |
No panel orientation is known. |
A LANDSCAPE panel has its long edge perpendicular to the azimuth direction of the roof segment that it is placed on. |
A PORTRAIT panel has its long edge parallel to the azimuth direction of the roof segment that it is placed on. |
Information about the solar potential of a building. A number of fields in this are defined in terms of "panels". The fields panel_capacity_watts
, panel_height_meters
, and panel_width_meters
describe the parameters of the model of panel used in these calculations.
Fields | |
max_array_panels_count |
Size of the maximum array - that is, the maximum number of panels that can fit on the roof. |
panel_capacity_watts |
Capacity, in watts, of the panel used in the calculations. |
panel_height_meters |
Height, in meters in portrait orientation, of the panel used in the calculations. |
panel_width_meters |
Width, in meters in portrait orientation, of the panel used in the calculations. |
panel_lifetime_years |
The expected lifetime, in years, of the solar panels. This is used in the financial calculations. |
max_array_area_meters2 |
Size, in square meters, of the maximum array. |
max_sunshine_hours_per_year |
Maximum number of sunshine hours received per year, by any point on the roof. Sunshine hours are a measure of the total amount of insolation (energy) received per year. 1 sunshine hour = 1 kWh per kW (where kW refers to kW of capacity under Standard Testing Conditions). |
carbon_offset_factor_kg_per_mwh |
Equivalent amount of CO2 produced per MWh of grid electricity. This is a measure of the carbon intensity of grid electricity displaced by solar electricity. |
whole_roof_stats |
Total size and sunlight quantiles for the part of the roof that was assigned to some roof segment. Despite the name, this may not include the entire building. See |
building_stats |
Size and sunlight quantiles for the entire building, including parts of the roof that were not assigned to some roof segment. Because the orientations of these parts are not well characterised, the roof area estimate is unreliable, but the ground area estimate is reliable. It may be that a more reliable whole building roof area can be obtained by scaling the roof area from |
roof_segment_stats[] |
Size and sunlight quantiles for each roof segment. |
solar_panels[] |
Each |
solar_panel_configs[] |
Each |
financial_analyses[] |
A |