Meet ウェブ アドオン SDK の操作中にエラーが発生する可能性があるエラーのタイプ。
type ErrorType =
| 'ActivityIsOngoing' // Cannot perform operation while an activity is ongoing.
| 'ActivityStartingStateEmpty' // The activity starting state is empty.
| 'ActivityStartingStateMissingAttributes' // The activity starting state doesn't contain any recognized attributes.
| 'ActivityStartingStateUnrecognizedAttributes' // The activity starting state contains unrecognized attributes.
| 'AddonSessionAlreadyCreated' // The add-on session has already been created.
| 'AddonStartingStateMissingAttributes' // The add-on starting state doesn't contain any recognized attributes.
| 'AddonStartingStateUnrecognizedAttributes' // The add-on starting state contains unrecognized attributes.
| 'ArgumentNullError' // The value of the supplied object is null where a value was expected.
| 'ArgumentTypeError' // The type of the supplied object did not match the expected type.
| 'DestinationNotReady' // The recipient frame isn't connected using the Meet add-ons SDK and cannot receive the notification.
| 'InternalError' // An internal Meet error has occurred.
| 'InvalidActivityStartingState' // ActivityStartingState iframe URLs don't match the origins of the URLs provided in the add-on manifest.
| 'InvalidAddonStartingState' // AddonStartingState iframe URLs don't match the origins of the URLs provided in the add-on manifest.
| 'InvalidCloudProjectNumber' // Cloud Project Number provided by Meet doesn't match the one passed in by the Meet add-ons SDK.
| 'MissingUrlParameter' // Missing required Meet add-ons SDK URL parameter.
| 'NeedsMainStageContext' // This method can only be invoked if the add-on is running in the main stage.
| 'NeedsSidePanelContext' // This method can only be invoked if the add-on is running in the side panel.
| 'NoActivityFound' // No activity found when performing an operation.
| 'NotSupportedInMeetCall' // This method isn't supported in the Meet call.
| 'NotSupportedInStandalone' // This method isn't supported in standalone mode.
| 'RequiresEapEnrollment' // Requested method requires EAP enrollment.
| 'SizeLimitExceededActivityStartingState' // The size of the activityStartingState URLs and/or its data exceeds the limits allowed.
| 'SizeLimitExceededAddonStartingState' // The size of the addonStartingState URLs and/or its data exceeds the limits allowed.
| 'SizeLimitExceededFrameToFrameMessage' // The size of the frame-to-frame message exceeds the limits allowed.
| 'UserCancelled' // The user cancelled starting the activity.
| 'UserNotInitiator';