Interface MeetMainStageClient

The MeetAddonClient for the main stage component of an add-on.


interface MeetMainStageClient extends MeetAddonClient


Extends MeetAddonClient

Method signatures

Name Description
clearCollaborationStartingState() Clears the information about the initial state of the add-on used in the collaboration.
(Inherited from MeetAddonClient)
getCollaborationStartingState() Retrieves information about the initial state of the add-on when the participant accepts the invitation to collaborate.
(Inherited from MeetAddonClient)
getFrameOpenReason() Retrieves the action causing the add-on frame to be opened.
(Inherited from MeetAddonClient)
getMeetingInfo() Retrieves information about the meeting in which the add-on is running.
(Inherited from MeetAddonClient)
getMeetPlatformInfo() Retrieves information about the Meet platform in which the add-on is running.
(Inherited from MeetAddonClient)
loadSidePanel() Opens the side panel iframe with the iframe source set to the side panel URL from the add-on manifest.
notifySidePanel(payload) Sends a message from the main stage add-on iframe to the side panel add-on iframe. The add-on running in the side panel iframe can react to this message using the frameToFrameMessage add-on callback.
on(eventId, eventHandler) Provides access to the AddonCallbacks that the add-on can utilize.
(Inherited from MeetAddonClient)
setCollaborationStartingState(collaborationStartingState) Sets or updates information about the initial state of the add-on that's used when the participant accepts the invitation to collaborate.
(Inherited from MeetAddonClient)
startCollaboration(collaborationStartingState) Starts a collaboration with the provided starting state of frames that the initiator and participants can use during the activity.
(Inherited from MeetAddonClient)
unloadSidePanel() Closes the side panel iframe. Note that side panel add-on state isn't retained within Meet when the method is called. If the side panel iframe is opened again, for instance using a call to loadSidePanel, the side panel iframe source URL is set to its original value from the add-on manifest. It's up to the add-on to persist any add-on state in the add-on backend before this method is called.