Name | Description |
AnonymousUser |
Anonymous user type, requires display name to be set. |
BaseParticipant |
Singleton resource containing participant information. There will be exactly one of signedInUser, anonymousUser, or phoneUser fields set to determine the type of participant. |
CanvasAssignment |
Video assignment for a single canvas. |
CanvasDimensions |
Dimensions of a canvas. |
DeletedMediaEntry |
Deleted resource for a media entry. |
DeletedParticipant |
Deleted resource for a participant. |
DeletedResource |
Base interface for all deleted resources. |
LayoutModel |
Layout model for the video assignment. |
LeaveRequest |
Tells the server the client is about to disconnect. After receiving the response, the client should not expect to receive any other messages or media RTP. |
LeaveResponse |
Response to a leave request from the server. |
MediaApiCanvas |
Video canvas for video assignment. |
MediaApiRequest |
Base interface for all requests. |
MediaApiResponse |
Base interface for all responses. |
MediaApiResponseStatus |
Base status for a response. |
MediaEntriesChannelToClient |
Media entries data channel message from the server to the client. |
MediaEntry |
Media Entry interface. |
MediaEntryResource |
Resource snapshot for a media entry. |
MediaStatsChannelFromClient |
Media stats data channel message from the client to the server. |
MediaStatsChannelToClient |
Media stats data channel message from the server to the client. |
MediaStatsConfiguration |
Configuration for media stats. Provided by the server and has to be used by the client to upload media stats. |
MediaStatsResource |
Resource snapshot for media stats. Managed by the server. |
ParticipantResource |
Base participant resource type |
ParticipantsChannelToClient |
Participants data channel message from the server to the client. |
PhoneUser |
Phone user type, always has a display name. User dialing in from a phone where the user's identity is unknown because they haven't signed in with a Google Account. |
ResourceSnapshot |
Base interface for all resource snapshots provided by the server. |
SessionControlChannelFromClient |
Session control data channel message from the client to the server. |
SessionControlChannelToClient |
Session control data channel message from the server to the client. |
SessionStatus |
Session status. |
SessionStatusResource |
Singleton resource containing the status of the media session. |
SetVideoAssignmentRequest |
Request to set video assignment. In order to get video streams, the client must set a video assignment. |
SetVideoAssignmentResponse |
Response to a set video assignment request from the server. |
SignedInUser |
Signed in user type, always has a unique id and display name. |
StatsSection |
A base section of media stats. All sections have an id. |
StatTypes |
Stats section types. There are defined by the WebRTC spec. |
UploadMediaStats |
Upload media stats. |
UploadMediaStatsRequest |
Uploads media stats from the client to the server. The stats are retrieved from WebRTC by calling RTCPeerConnection.getStats(). The returned RTCStatsReport can be mapped to the sections below. |
UploadMediaStatsResponse |
Response to a media stats upload request. |
VideoAssignmentChannelFromClient |
Video assignment data channel message from the client to the server. |
VideoAssignmentChannelToClient |
Video assignment data channel message from the server to the client. |
VideoAssignmentLayoutModel |
Video assignment for a layout model. |
VideoAssignmentMaxResolution |
Maximum video resolution the client wants to receive for any video feeds. |
VideoAssignmentResource |
Singleton resource describing how video streams are assigned to video canvases specified in the client's video layout model. |
Type aliases
Name | Description |
StatsSectionData |
A section of media stats. Used to map the RTCStatsReport to the expected structure for the data channel. All sections have an id and a type. For fields in a specific type, please see the StatTypes interface. |