

根據預設,訂閱項目會尋找所有與 應用程式的 Google Cloud 控制台專案頁面。這個 包括:

  • 同一應用程式在其他裝置上發布的訊息。
  • 該專案擁有的訊息,並附加至信標。詳情請見 在信標新增附件

您的應用程式可以使用 MessageFilter 訂閱以接收更多類型的鄰近訊息,包括公共信標 及原始藍牙低功耗 (BLE) 信標 ID。


開發人員可以將信標附件命名空間標示為 PUBLIC。這樣一來, 擷取及擷取所有資料。適用對象 如要瞭解如何公開附件命名空間,請參閱 附件瀏覽權限


// Subscribe for two different public beacon attachment types.
MessageFilter messageFilter = new MessageFilter.Builder()
SubscribeOptions options = new SubscribeOptions.Builder()

MessageListener messageListener = new MessageListener() {
  public void onFound(final Message message) {
    // We may want to handle the two types of message differently.
    if (EXAMPLE_PUBLIC_NAMESPACE_A.equals(message.getNamespace())
        && EXAMPLE_PUBLIC_TYPE_A.equals(message.getType())) {
      // Handle a "type A" message.
    } else if (EXAMPLE_PUBLIC_NAMESPACE_B.equals(message.getNamespace())
        && EXAMPLE_PUBLIC_TYPE_B.equals(message.getType())) {
      // Handle a "type B" message.

Nearby.getMessagesClient(this).subscribe(messageListener, options);


您可以使用 Google 信標平台,將任何雲端資料 才能取得您的信標,去除 BLE 中所宣傳的實際信標 ID 資源數量根據預設,系統會尋找這些附件 (請參閱 訊息類型)。

不過,如果需要找出原始信標 ID (以便使用自己的信標 ID), 例如登錄檔目前有兩種支援的格式:


// Subscribe for all Eddystone UIDs whose first 10 bytes (the "namespace")
// Note that the Eddystone UID namespace is separate from the namespace
// field of a Nearby Message.
MessageFilter messageFilter = new MessageFilter.Builder()
  .includeEddystoneUids(MY_EDDYSTONE_UID_NAMESPACE, null /* any instance */)
SubscribeOptions options = new SubscribeOptions.Builder()

MessageListener messageListener = new MessageListener() {
  public void onFound(final Message message) {
    // Note: Checking the type shown for completeness, but is unnecessary
    // if your message filter only includes a single type.
    if (Message.MESSAGE_NAMESPACE_RESERVED.equals(message.getNamespace())
        && Message.MESSAGE_TYPE_EDDYSTONE_UID.equals(message.getType())) {
      // Nearby provides the EddystoneUid class to parse Eddystone UIDs
      // that have been found nearby.
      EddystoneUid eddystoneUid = EddystoneUid.from(message);
      Log.i(TAG, "Found Eddystone UID: " + eddystoneUid);

Nearby.getMessagesClient(this).subscribe(messageListener, options);

RSSI 和距離回呼

除了找到及遺失回呼外,前景訂閱項目可更新 MessageListener

  • 這些額外的回呼目前只會針對 BLE 信標訊息傳送 (包括附件和信標 ID)。
  • 這些額外的回呼不會傳送至背景 (PendingIntent) 訂閱項目。


MessageListener messageListener = new MessageListener() {
   * Called when a message is discovered nearby.
  public void onFound(final Message message) {
    Log.i(TAG, "Found message: " + message);

   * Called when the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) signal associated with a message changes.
   * This is currently only called for BLE beacon messages.
   * For example, this is called when we see the first BLE advertisement
   * frame associated with a message; or when we see subsequent frames with
   * significantly different received signal strength indicator (RSSI)
   * readings.
   * For more information, see the MessageListener Javadocs.
  public void onBleSignalChanged(final Message message, final BleSignal bleSignal) {
    Log.i(TAG, "Message: " + message + " has new BLE signal information: " + bleSignal);

   * Called when Nearby's estimate of the distance to a message changes.
   * This is currently only called for BLE beacon messages.
   * For more information, see the MessageListener Javadocs.
  public void onDistanceChanged(final Message message, final Distance distance) {
    Log.i(TAG, "Distance changed, message: " + message + ", new distance: " + distance);

   * Called when a message is no longer detectable nearby.
  public void onLost(final Message message) {
    Log.i(TAG, "Lost message: " + message);