您的应用可以使用用于订阅其他附近设备发布的消息的相同机制来订阅蓝牙低功耗 (BLE) 信标附件。订阅后,您的应用将自动接收来自信标和附近设备的消息。
订阅 BLE 信标消息
There are two ways your app can subscribe to BLE beacon messages:
- In the foreground, in response to a user action or event.
- In the background, when your app is not running.
Subscribe in the foreground
When your app subscribes to beacon messages in the foreground, scans are performed continuously until your app unsubscribes. Only start a foreground subscription when your app is active, typically in response to a user action.
Your app can initiate a foreground subscription by calling
Nearby.getMessagesClient(Activity).subscribe(MessageListener, SubscribeOptions)
and setting the Strategy
option to BLE_ONLY
The following code snippet demonstrates initiating a foreground subscription
Nearby.getMessagesClient(Activity).subscribe(MessageListener, SubscribeOptions)
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
mMessageListener = new MessageListener() {
public void onFound(Message message) {
Log.d(TAG, "Found message: " + new String(message.getContent()));
public void onLost(Message message) {
Log.d(TAG, "Lost sight of message: " + new String(message.getContent()));
// Subscribe to receive messages.
private void subscribe() {
Log.i(TAG, "Subscribing.");
SubscribeOptions options = new SubscribeOptions.Builder()
Nearby.getMessagesClient(this).subscribe(mMessageListener, options);
When the subscription is no longer required, your app should unsubscribe
by calling
Subscribe in the background
When your app subscribes to beacon messages in the background, low-power scans are triggered at screen-on events, even when your app is not currently active. You can use these scan notifications to "wake up" your app in response to a particular message. Background subscriptions consumes less power than foreground subscriptions, but have higher latency and lower reliability.
Your app can initiate a background subscription by calling
Nearby.getMessagesClient(Activity).subscribe(PendingIntent, SubscribeOptions)
and setting the Strategy
option to BLE_ONLY
The following code snippet demonstrates initiating a background subscription by
Nearby.getMessagesClient(Activity).subscribe(PendingIntent, SubscribeOptions)
// Subscribe to messages in the background.
private void backgroundSubscribe() {
Log.i(TAG, "Subscribing for background updates.");
SubscribeOptions options = new SubscribeOptions.Builder()
Nearby.getMessagesClient(this).subscribe(getPendingIntent(), options);
private PendingIntent getPendingIntent() {
return PendingIntent.getBroadcast(this, 0, new Intent(this, BeaconMessageReceiver.class),
The following code snippet demonstrates handling the intent in the
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
Nearby.getMessagesClient(context).handleIntent(intent, new MessageListener() {
public void onFound(Message message) {
Log.i(TAG, "Found message via PendingIntent: " + message);
public void onLost(Message message) {
Log.i(TAG, "Lost message via PendingIntent: " + message);
When the subscription is no longer required, your app should unsubscribe
by calling
Parse beacon messages
Beacon attachments are blobs of arbitrary data that you can add to beacons. Each attachment consists of the following parts:
- Namespace: A namespace identifier.
- Type: The data type.
- Data: The data value for the attachment.
The following code snippet demonstrates using a message listener to parse messages received from a BLE beacon:
mMessageListener = new MessageListener() {
public void onFound(Message message) {
// Do something with the message here.
Log.i(TAG, "Message found: " + message);
Log.i(TAG, "Message string: " + new String(message.getContent()));
Log.i(TAG, "Message namespaced type: " + message.getNamespace() +
"/" + message.getType());
Parsing the content depends on the format of the bytes. This example assumes that the content bytes encode a UTF-8 string, but your beacon message can encode other byte formats (for example a serialized protocol buffer). For more information, see Add Attachments to Beacons.
如需了解哪些命名空间与您的项目相关联,请调用 namespaces.list。
为了延长电池续航时间,请在 activity 的
。请注意,这仅适用于在前台订阅时。 -
选项。 设置此选项后,Nearby Messages API 将不会触发传统蓝牙扫描。这样可以缩短信标检测的延迟时间,因为系统不会循环所有可能的扫描类型。 - 如需将消息载荷附加到信标,请使用 Proximity Beacon API。