作为开发者,您可以将自己的应用或网站与支持 BLE 信标或支持 BLE 的智能设备相关联。该设备或信标附近的 Android 用户会在 Google 设置的“附近”部分看到相应消息,“附近快捷设置”图块会在受支持的设备上亮起,并且运行良好的消息将作为通知提出。您的消息可以指向 Play 商店或移动网站,也可以直接定向到您的应用(如果已安装)。此功能内置于 Google Play 服务中,因此您无需更改应用即可开始使用。
“附近通知”功能适用于所有类型的 Eddystone 信标,以及 iBeacon。
链接到 HTTPS 网址以向用户提供通知,并在用户点按通知时在浏览器中打开网址。
触发应用 intent 以启动已安装的应用并执行特定操作。如果用户未安装应用,则会转到可安装应用的 Play 商店;然后,用户可以继续使用开发者指定的功能。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2022-12-20。"],[[["Nearby Notifications enables users to discover nearby content and services through location-specific notifications, without needing to have the related app installed."],["Developers can use Nearby Notifications to drive app installs, open social profiles, initiate conversations, and direct users to relevant content or actions based on their proximity to a beacon or smart device."],["Notifications can be linked to an HTTPS URL to open a webpage, or they can trigger an app intent to launch an installed app or prompt installation if the app isn't present."],["This functionality is built into Google Play Services, is compatible with various beacon types (Eddystone, iBeacon), and works on Android 4.4 and above."]]],[]]