CameraLiveStream Schema

Nest Cam (legacy) Nest Cam (outdoor or indoor, battery) Nest Cam with floodlight Nest Cam (indoor, wired) Nest Hub Max Nest Doorbell (legacy) Nest Doorbell (battery) Nest Doorbell (wired) 


This trait belongs to any device that supports live streaming.


Field Description Data Type
maxVideoResolution Maximum resolution of the video live stream. VideoResolution
videoCodecs Video codecs supported for the live stream. array(string)
Value: ["H264"]
audioCodecs Audio codecs supported for the live stream. array(string)
Value: ["AAC"]
supportedProtocols Streaming protocols supported by the device. The value of this field indicates which commands are supported for the device. For example, if this field contains WEB_RTC, only WEB_RTC commands are supported. array(string)
Value: ["RTSP", "WEB_RTC"]

VideoResolution (maxVideoResolution)

Field Description Data Type
width Maximum image resolution width. May also be used as a query parameter in the download URL. int32
Example: 640
height Maximum image resolution height. May also be used as a query parameter in the download URL. int32
Example: 480

Sample GET request and response


GET /enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id


  "name" : "enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id",
  "traits" : {
    "sdm.devices.traits.CameraLiveStream" : {
      "maxVideoResolution" : {
        "width" : 640,
        "height" : 480
      "videoCodecs" : ["H264"],
      "audioCodecs" : ["AAC"],
      "supportedProtocols" : ["WEB_RTC"]



Nest Cam (legacy) Nest Hub Max Nest Doorbell (legacy) 

Request a token to access an RTSP live stream URL.

RTSP live stream URLs cannot be shared between clients. A stream URL can only be used by one client at a time. If multiple clients want to stream from the same camera at the same time, RTSP commands must be sent for each individual client, and each individual client must use its own stream URL.

GenerateRtspStream request and response


POST /enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id:executeCommand
  "command" : "sdm.devices.commands.CameraLiveStream.GenerateRtspStream",
  "params" : {}


  "results" : {
    "streamUrls" : {
      "rtspUrl" : "rtsps://"
    "streamExtensionToken" : "CjY5Y3VKaTZwR3o4Y19YbTVfMF...",
    "streamToken" : "g.0.streamingToken",
    "expiresAt" : "2018-01-04T18:30:00.000Z"

GenerateRtspStream response fields

Field Description Data Type
streamUrls Map of RTSP live stream URLs. object
streamExtensionToken Token to use to extend the streamToken for an RTSP live stream. string
Example: "CjY5Y3VKaTZwR3o4Y19YbTVfMF..."
streamToken Token to use to access an RTSP live stream. string
Example: "g.0.streamingToken"
expiresAt Time at which both streamExtensionToken and streamToken expire, in RFC 3339 format. string
Example: "2018-01-04T18:30:00.000Z"


Nest Cam (legacy) Nest Hub Max Nest Doorbell (legacy) 

Request a new RTSP live stream URL access token to replace a valid RTSP access token before it expires. This is also used to replace a valid RTSP token from a previous ExtendRtspStream command request.

Camera live stream sessions are only valid for 5 minutes. If you need to extend the lifetime of a live stream, use the appropriate ExtendFormatStream command of the CameraLiveStream trait for the stream format you generated.

ExtendRtspStream request and response


POST /enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id:executeCommand
  "command" : "sdm.devices.commands.CameraLiveStream.ExtendRtspStream",
  "params" : {
    "streamExtensionToken" : "CjY5Y3VKaTZwR3o4Y19YbTVfMF..."


  "results" : {
    "streamExtensionToken" : "dGNUlTU2CjY5Y3VKaTZwR3o4Y1...",
    "streamToken" : "g.0.newStreamingToken",
    "expiresAt" : "2018-01-04T18:30:00.000Z"

ExtendRtspStream request fields

Field Description Data Type
streamExtensionToken Token to use to request an extension to the RTSP streaming token. string
Example: "CjY5Y3VKaTZwR3o4Y19YbTVfMF..."

ExtendRtspStream response fields

Field Description Data Type
streamExtensionToken Token to use to view an existing RTSP live stream and to request an extension to the streaming token. string
Example: "dGNUlTU2CjY5Y3VKaTZwR3o4Y1..."
streamToken New token to use to access an existing RTSP live stream. string
Example: "g.0.newStreamingToken"
expiresAt Time at which both streamExtensionToken and streamToken expire, in RFC 3339 format. string
Example: "2018-01-04T18:30:00.000Z"


Nest Cam (legacy) Nest Hub Max Nest Doorbell (legacy) 

Invalidates a valid RTSP access token and stops the RTSP live stream tied to that access token.

StopRtspStream request and response


POST /enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id:executeCommand
  "command" : "sdm.devices.commands.CameraLiveStream.StopRtspStream",
  "params" : {
    "streamExtensionToken" : "CjY5Y3VKaTZwR3o4Y19YbTVfMF..."



StopRtspStream request fields

Field Description Data Type
streamExtensionToken Token to use to invalidate an existing RTSP live stream. string
Example: "CjY5Y3VKaTZwR3o4Y19YbTVfMF..."


Nest Cam (legacy) Nest Cam (outdoor or indoor, battery) Nest Cam with floodlight Nest Cam (indoor, wired) Nest Doorbell (battery) Nest Doorbell (wired) 

Generate a WebRTC live stream for a device.

GenerateWebRtcStream request and response


POST /enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id:executeCommand
  "command" : "sdm.devices.commands.CameraLiveStream.GenerateWebRtcStream",
  "params" : {
    "offerSdp" : "offerSdp"


  "results" : {
    "answerSdp" : "answerSdp",
    "expiresAt" : "2020-01-04T18:30:00.000Z",
    "mediaSessionId" : "i9IiJqE0-EJGbwSrDxELgMljeu..."

GenerateWebRtcStream request fields

We recommend using the Web Application Sample to learn how to generate a successful live stream. This sample generates a valid offerSdp that meets all the SDP offer restrictions for Nest cameras.

An SDP offer for Nest cameras must meet the following restrictions:

  • Only the Unified format is supported. Plan B is not supported.
  • All media lines (m=) must be present in the offer and must be in this order:
    1. audio
    2. video
    3. application
  • Trickle ICE is supported, but not required.
  • Only the Opus codec is supported for audio.
  • The audio setting must be set to a=recvonly (receive only).
  • The offer must end with a newline character of either \r\n or \n.

See an example of a valid offer


v=0\r\no=- 2214114893783582286 2 IN IP4\r\ns=-\r\nt=0 0\r\na=group:BUNDLE 0 1 2\r\na=extmap-allow-mixed\r\na=msid-semantic: WMS\r\nm=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 63 103 104 9 0 8 106 105 13 110 112 113 126\r\nc=IN IP4\r\na=rtcp:9 IN IP4\r\na=ice-ufrag:6ReD\r\na=ice-pwd:QBmcZYd/t+InpMVkxQEEXnE4\r\na=ice-options:trickle\r\na=fingerprint:sha-256 DD:7E:6F:CD:B8:13:4E:37:D2:92:6D:8E:30:FB:FE:13:29:C9:F8:FD:78:0B:C4:59:42:61:BC:CF:02:91:6B:3C\r\na=setup:actpass\r\na=mid:0\r\na=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level\r\na=extmap:2\r\na=extmap:3\r\na=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid\r\na=recvonly\r\na=rtcp-mux\r\na=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2\r\na=rtcp-fb:111 transport-cc\r\na=fmtp:111 minptime=10;useinbandfec=1\r\na=rtpmap:63 red/48000/2\r\na=fmtp:63 111/111\r\na=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000\r\na=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000\r\na=rtpmap:9 G722/8000\r\na=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000\r\na=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000\r\na=rtpmap:106 CN/32000\r\na=rtpmap:105 CN/16000\r\na=rtpmap:13 CN/8000\r\na=rtpmap:110 telephone-event/48000\r\na=rtpmap:112 telephone-event/32000\r\na=rtpmap:113 telephone-event/16000\r\na=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000\r\nm=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 96 97 98 99 100 101 122 102 121 127 120 125 107 108 109 35 36 124 119 123 118 114 115 116 37\r\nc=IN IP4\r\na=rtcp:9 IN IP4\r\na=ice-ufrag:6ReD\r\na=ice-pwd:QBmcZYd/t+InpMVkxQEEXnE4\r\na=ice-options:trickle\r\na=fingerprint:sha-256 DD:7E:6F:CD:B8:13:4E:37:D2:92:6D:8E:30:FB:FE:13:29:C9:F8:FD:78:0B:C4:59:42:61:BC:CF:02:91:6B:3C\r\na=setup:actpass\r\na=mid:1\r\na=extmap:14 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset\r\na=extmap:2\r\na=extmap:13 urn:3gpp:video-orientation\r\na=extmap:3\r\na=extmap:5\r\na=extmap:6\r\na=extmap:7\r\na=extmap:8\r\na=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid\r\na=extmap:10 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:rtp-stream-id\r\na=extmap:11 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:repaired-rtp-stream-id\r\na=recvonly\r\na=rtcp-mux\r\na=rtcp-rsize\r\na=rtpmap:96 VP8/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:96 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:96 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:96 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:96 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:96 nack pli\r\na=rtpmap:97 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:97 apt=96\r\na=rtpmap:98 VP9/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:98 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:98 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:98 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:98 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:98 nack pli\r\na=fmtp:98 profile-id=0\r\na=rtpmap:99 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:99 apt=98\r\na=rtpmap:100 VP9/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:100 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:100 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli\r\na=fmtp:100 profile-id=2\r\na=rtpmap:101 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:101 apt=100\r\na=rtpmap:122 VP9/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:122 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:122 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:122 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:122 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:122 nack pli\r\na=fmtp:122 profile-id=1\r\na=rtpmap:102 H264/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:102 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:102 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:102 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:102 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:102 nack pli\r\na=fmtp:102 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42001f\r\na=rtpmap:121 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:121 apt=102\r\na=rtpmap:127 H264/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:127 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:127 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:127 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:127 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:127 nack pli\r\na=fmtp:127 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42001f\r\na=rtpmap:120 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:120 apt=127\r\na=rtpmap:125 H264/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:125 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:125 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:125 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:125 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:125 nack pli\r\na=fmtp:125 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f\r\na=rtpmap:107 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:107 apt=125\r\na=rtpmap:108 H264/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:108 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:108 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:108 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:108 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:108 nack pli\r\na=fmtp:108 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42e01f\r\na=rtpmap:109 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:109 apt=108\r\na=rtpmap:35 AV1/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:35 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:35 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:35 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:35 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:35 nack pli\r\na=rtpmap:36 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:36 apt=35\r\na=rtpmap:124 H264/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:124 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:124 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:124 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:124 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:124 nack pli\r\na=fmtp:124 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=4d0032\r\na=rtpmap:119 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:119 apt=124\r\na=rtpmap:123 H264/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:123 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:123 transport-cc\r\na=rtcp-fb:123 ccm fir\r\na=rtcp-fb:123 nack\r\na=rtcp-fb:123 nack pli\r\na=fmtp:123 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=640032\r\na=rtpmap:118 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:118 apt=123\r\na=rtpmap:114 red/90000\r\na=rtpmap:115 rtx/90000\r\na=fmtp:115 apt=114\r\na=rtpmap:116 ulpfec/90000\r\na=rtpmap:37 flexfec-03/90000\r\na=rtcp-fb:37 goog-remb\r\na=rtcp-fb:37 transport-cc\r\na=fmtp:37 repair-window=10000000\r\nm=application 9 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel\r\nc=IN IP4\r\na=ice-ufrag:6ReD\r\na=ice-pwd:QBmcZYd/t+InpMVkxQEEXnE4\r\na=ice-options:trickle\r\na=fingerprint:sha-256 DD:7E:6F:CD:B8:13:4E:37:D2:92:6D:8E:30:FB:FE:13:29:C9:F8:FD:78:0B:C4:59:42:61:BC:CF:02:91:6B:3C\r\na=setup:actpass\r\na=mid:2\r\na=sctp-port:5000\r\na=max-message-size:262144\r\n


o=- 2214114893783582286 2 IN IP4
t=0 0
a=group:BUNDLE 0 1 2
a=msid-semantic: WMS
m=audio 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 111 63 103 104 9 0 8 106 105 13 110 112 113 126
c=IN IP4
a=rtcp:9 IN IP4
a=fingerprint:sha-256 DD:7E:6F:CD:B8:13:4E:37:D2:92:6D:8E:30:FB:FE:13:29:C9:F8:FD:78:0B:C4:59:42:61:BC:CF:02:91:6B:3C
a=extmap:1 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:ssrc-audio-level
a=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid
a=rtpmap:111 opus/48000/2
a=rtcp-fb:111 transport-cc
a=fmtp:111 minptime=10;useinbandfec=1
a=rtpmap:63 red/48000/2
a=fmtp:63 111/111
a=rtpmap:103 ISAC/16000
a=rtpmap:104 ISAC/32000
a=rtpmap:9 G722/8000
a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
a=rtpmap:106 CN/32000
a=rtpmap:105 CN/16000
a=rtpmap:13 CN/8000
a=rtpmap:110 telephone-event/48000
a=rtpmap:112 telephone-event/32000
a=rtpmap:113 telephone-event/16000
a=rtpmap:126 telephone-event/8000
m=video 9 UDP/TLS/RTP/SAVPF 96 97 98 99 100 101 122 102 121 127 120 125 107 108 109 35 36 124 119 123 118 114 115 116 37
c=IN IP4
a=rtcp:9 IN IP4
a=fingerprint:sha-256 DD:7E:6F:CD:B8:13:4E:37:D2:92:6D:8E:30:FB:FE:13:29:C9:F8:FD:78:0B:C4:59:42:61:BC:CF:02:91:6B:3C
a=extmap:14 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:toffset
a=extmap:13 urn:3gpp:video-orientation
a=extmap:4 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:mid
a=extmap:10 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:rtp-stream-id
a=extmap:11 urn:ietf:params:rtp-hdrext:sdes:repaired-rtp-stream-id
a=rtpmap:96 VP8/90000
a=rtcp-fb:96 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:96 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:96 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:96 nack
a=rtcp-fb:96 nack pli
a=rtpmap:97 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:97 apt=96
a=rtpmap:98 VP9/90000
a=rtcp-fb:98 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:98 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:98 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:98 nack
a=rtcp-fb:98 nack pli
a=fmtp:98 profile-id=0
a=rtpmap:99 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:99 apt=98
a=rtpmap:100 VP9/90000
a=rtcp-fb:100 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:100 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:100 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:100 nack
a=rtcp-fb:100 nack pli
a=fmtp:100 profile-id=2
a=rtpmap:101 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:101 apt=100
a=rtpmap:122 VP9/90000
a=rtcp-fb:122 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:122 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:122 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:122 nack
a=rtcp-fb:122 nack pli
a=fmtp:122 profile-id=1
a=rtpmap:102 H264/90000
a=rtcp-fb:102 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:102 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:102 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:102 nack
a=rtcp-fb:102 nack pli
a=fmtp:102 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42001f
a=rtpmap:121 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:121 apt=102
a=rtpmap:127 H264/90000
a=rtcp-fb:127 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:127 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:127 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:127 nack
a=rtcp-fb:127 nack pli
a=fmtp:127 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42001f
a=rtpmap:120 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:120 apt=127
a=rtpmap:125 H264/90000
a=rtcp-fb:125 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:125 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:125 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:125 nack
a=rtcp-fb:125 nack pli
a=fmtp:125 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=42e01f
a=rtpmap:107 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:107 apt=125
a=rtpmap:108 H264/90000
a=rtcp-fb:108 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:108 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:108 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:108 nack
a=rtcp-fb:108 nack pli
a=fmtp:108 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=0;profile-level-id=42e01f
a=rtpmap:109 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:109 apt=108
a=rtpmap:35 AV1/90000
a=rtcp-fb:35 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:35 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:35 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:35 nack
a=rtcp-fb:35 nack pli
a=rtpmap:36 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:36 apt=35
a=rtpmap:124 H264/90000
a=rtcp-fb:124 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:124 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:124 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:124 nack
a=rtcp-fb:124 nack pli
a=fmtp:124 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=4d0032
a=rtpmap:119 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:119 apt=124
a=rtpmap:123 H264/90000
a=rtcp-fb:123 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:123 transport-cc
a=rtcp-fb:123 ccm fir
a=rtcp-fb:123 nack
a=rtcp-fb:123 nack pli
a=fmtp:123 level-asymmetry-allowed=1;packetization-mode=1;profile-level-id=640032
a=rtpmap:118 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:118 apt=123
a=rtpmap:114 red/90000
a=rtpmap:115 rtx/90000
a=fmtp:115 apt=114
a=rtpmap:116 ulpfec/90000
a=rtpmap:37 flexfec-03/90000
a=rtcp-fb:37 goog-remb
a=rtcp-fb:37 transport-cc
a=fmtp:37 repair-window=10000000
m=application 9 UDP/DTLS/SCTP webrtc-datachannel
c=IN IP4
a=fingerprint:sha-256 DD:7E:6F:CD:B8:13:4E:37:D2:92:6D:8E:30:FB:FE:13:29:C9:F8:FD:78:0B:C4:59:42:61:BC:CF:02:91:6B:3C
Field Description Data Type
offerSdp An SDP offer, specific to the local device that will display the WebRTC live stream. string
Example: "offerSdp"

GenerateWebRtcStream response fields

The answerSdp must be used to generate the live stream within 30 seconds of receiving the response, otherwise it expires. If it expires, execute the GenerateWebRtcStream command again to receive a new answerSdp.

When opening WebRTC channels for the live stream, make sure to create a data channel as well as a video channel.

Field Description Data Type
answerSdp An SDP answer to be used with the local device that will display the WebRTC live stream. string
Example: "answerSdp"
expiresAt Time at which access to the WebRTC live stream expires, in RFC 3339 format. string
Example: "2020-01-04T18:30:00.000Z"
mediaSessionId Media session ID of the generated WebRTC live stream. string
Example: "i9IiJqE0-EJGbwSrDxELgMljeu..."


Nest Cam (legacy) Nest Cam (outdoor or indoor, battery) Nest Cam with floodlight Nest Cam (indoor, wired) Nest Doorbell (wired)   Wired   

Request that access to an existing WebRTC live stream be extended before it expires.

A WebRTC stream can only be extended on wire-powered cameras. A battery-powered camera is considered wire-powered while plugged in for charging. If the camera is on battery power, a request to extend an active WebRTC stream will be ignored.

Camera live stream sessions are only valid for 5 minutes. If you need to extend the lifetime of a live stream, use the appropriate ExtendFormatStream command of the CameraLiveStream trait for the stream format you generated.

ExtendWebRtcStream request and response


POST /enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id:executeCommand
  "command" : "sdm.devices.commands.CameraLiveStream.ExtendWebRtcStream",
  "params" : {
    "mediaSessionId" : "i9IiJqE0-EJGbwSrDxELgMljeu..."


  "results" : {
    "expiresAt" : "2018-01-04T18:30:00.000Z",
    "mediaSessionId" : "i9IiJqE0-EJGbwSrDxELgMljeu..."

ExtendWebRtcStream request fields

Field Description Data Type
mediaSessionId Media session ID of the WebRTC live stream to be extended. string
Example: "i9IiJqE0-EJGbwSrDxELgMljeu..."

ExtendWebRtcStream response fields

Field Description Data Type
expiresAt The new time at which access to the WebRTC live stream expires, in RFC 3339 format. string
Example: "2018-01-04T18:30:00.000Z"
mediaSessionId Media session ID of the WebRTC live stream that was extended. string
Example: "i9IiJqE0-EJGbwSrDxELgMljeu..."


Nest Cam (legacy) Nest Cam (outdoor or indoor, battery) Nest Cam with floodlight Nest Cam (indoor, wired) Nest Doorbell (battery) Nest Doorbell (wired) 

Invalidates a valid WebRTC media session and stops the WebRTC live stream tied to that session.

StopWebRtcStream request and response


POST /enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id:executeCommand
  "command" : "sdm.devices.commands.CameraLiveStream.StopWebRtcStream",
  "params" : {
    "mediaSessionId" : "i9IiJqE0-EJGbwSrDxELgMljeu..."



StopWebRtcStream request fields

Field Description Data Type
mediaSessionId Media session ID of the WebRTC live stream to stop. string
Example: "i9IiJqE0-EJGbwSrDxELgMljeu..."


The following error code(s) may be returned in relation to this trait:

Error Message RPC Troubleshooting
The camera is not available for streaming. FAILED_PRECONDITION The camera is either offline or not available for streaming due to a technical issue.
Command is not supported for doorbell. FAILED_PRECONDITION A WebRTC stream cannot be extended on battery-powered doorbells. If a stream on a doorbell needs to be viewed beyond the initial session length, stop the existing stream and generate a new one.
Permission denied. PERMISSION_DENIED The user has not granted the developer the appropriate device-level permissions in Partner Connections Manager (PCM) required to execute a command.

When generating a WebRTC live stream, this error can also mean that the audio setting in the offerSdp is incorrect.

See the API Error Code Reference for the full list of API error codes.