Fan Schema

Nest Thermostat 


This trait belongs to any device that has the system ability to control the fan.


Field Description Data Type
timerMode Current timer mode. string
Values: "ON", "OFF"
timerTimeout Timestamp, in RFC 3339 format, at which timer mode will turn to OFF. string
Example: "2019-05-10T03:22:54Z"

Sample GET request and response

GET /enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id
  "name" : "enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id",
  "traits" : {
    "sdm.devices.traits.Fan" : {
      "timerMode" : "ON",
      "timerTimeout" : "2019-05-10T03:22:54Z"



Change the fan timer.

SetTimer request and response

POST /enterprises/project-id/devices/device-id:executeCommand
  "command" : "sdm.devices.commands.Fan.SetTimer",
  "params" : {
    "timerMode" : "ON",
    "duration" : "3600s"

SetTimer request fields

Field Description Data Type
timerMode The mode to set the fan timer. string
Values: "ON", "OFF"
duration Optional. Specifies the length of time in seconds that the timer is set to run. string
Range: "1s" to "43200s"
Default: "900s"


The following error code(s) may be returned in relation to this trait:

Error Message RPC Troubleshooting
Thermostat fan unavailable. FAILED_PRECONDITION The thermostat does not have a fan capability. Fan-related traits and commands cannot be used for this device.

See the API Error Code Reference for the full list of API error codes.