Google Developer Student Clubs 2021 Solution Challenge
Solve and build for the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals with Google technologies to promote employment for all, economic growth, and climate action. Submit by March 31, 2021.
about open sourced gRPC Kotlin 1.0 for Android and Cloud.
and get feedback on your car apps to closed testing tracks in the Google Play Store.
churn strategy and user engagement using three steps based on learnings from experienced developers and experts like Quickbooks.
the research behind retention featuring insights and methods from leading developers and industry experts.
Firebase / Google Cloud
Ruby on Google Cloud Functions.
Check out
the quickstart guide to implement this popular programming language.
generally available: Monitoring Query Language in Cloud Monitoring. Use the same language that powers advanced querying for internal Google production users.
new extensions for connectivity and data types that store and query IP addresses and phone numbers in Cloud SQL for open source database PostgreSQL.
the new single command to build and deploy to Cloud Run.
Check out
the major update to image compression app,
, including updated design and support for new codecs and CLIs.
why the Excalidraw project deprecated their Electron wrapper in favor of the Web version.
how five different CSS centering techniques react to common layout stress.
to the
newsletter to stay up to date on web development best practices.
Developer Community / BIPOC Partner Highlights
for ongoing series Elevate from February 19 - December 17.
the first success stories for details on the new program and applied skills training.
more about the annual Google Developer Student Clubs 2021 Solution Challenge and build for one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals from the U.N.
the recent funding announcement from Google for Startups Accelerator: Black Founders alumni Kanarys.
Between the Brackets
, a new monthly video podcast-style show covering Google tech, community requested developer topics, and live Q&A.
Open Source and Misc
Check out
the newest Smart Home App Discovery features.
this video to learn more.
for the Hash Code competition by February 24 to solve a real Google engineering problem - open to developers of all skill levels.
about the experimental approach to organizing information about APIs with the release of The API Registry API.
Catch up
on the 2020 Material Design Award winners for Material theming, motion, and dark theme.
Take the Developer Economics Survey
The Google Developers team has partnered with Slash Data to better understand trending global developer tools, platforms, languages, frameworks and more to improve your experience with Google platforms and programs. Take the 30-minute Developer Economics Survey to share your feedback.
We’re committed to showcasing Black developers’ work in the development space.
your BIPOC projects, products, organizations, and upcoming community events - no matter where they are in the world - to be considered in the next Google Developers newsletter.