C++ Reference: class DynamicPermutation
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Maintains a 'partial' permutation of [0..n-1] onto itself, with a dynamic API allowing it to be built incrementally, and allowing some backtracking. This is tuned for a specific usage by ./find_graph_symmetries.cc.RAM usage: as of 2014-04, this class needs less than: 32.125 * (n + 2 * support_size) bytes.
Method | |
AddMappings | Return type: Arguments: Declares a set of mappings for this permutation: src[i] will map to dst[i]. Requirements that are DCHECKed: - "src" and "dst" must have the same size. - For all i, src[i] must not already be mapped to something. - For all i, dst[i] must not already be the image of something. Complexity: amortized O(src.size()). |
AllMappingsSrc | Return type: Returns the union of all "src" ever given to AddMappings(). |
CreateSparsePermutation | Return type: Creates a SparsePermutation representing the current permutation. Requirements: the permutation must only have cycles. Complexity: O(support size). |
DebugString | Return type: |
DynamicPermutation | Return type: Arguments: Upon construction, every element i in [0..n-1] maps to itself. |
ImageOf | Return type: Arguments: |
LooseEnds | Return type: The exhaustive set of the 'loose end' of the incomplete cycles (e.g., paths) built so far. TODO(user): use a faster underlying container like SparseBitSet, and tweak this API accordingly. |
Reset | Return type: Makes the permutation back to the identity (i.e. like right after construction). Complexity: O(support size). |
RootOf | Return type: Arguments: While the permutation is partially being built, the orbit of elements will either form unclosed paths, or closed cycles. In the former case, RootOf(i) returns the start of the path where i lies. If i is on a cycle, RootOf(i) will return some element of its cycle (meaning that if i maps to itself, RootOf(i) = i). Complexity: O(log(orbit size)) in average, assuming that the mappings are added in a random order. O(orbit size) in the worst case. |
Size | Return type: |
UndoLastMappings | Return type: Arguments: Undoes the last AddMappings() operation, and fills the "undone_mapping_src" vector with the src of that last operation. This works like an undo stack. For example, applying the sequence (Add, Add, Add, Undo, Add, Undo, Undo) has exactly the same effect as applying the first Add() alone. If you call this too may times (i.e. there is nothing left to undo), it is simply a no-op. Complexity: same as the AddMappings() operation being undone. |