C++ Reference: class StarGraphBase

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Return type: std::string

Arguments: const ArcIndexType arc


Return type: ArcIndexType

Returns one more than the largest index of an extant direct arc. To be used as a helper when clients need to dimension or iterate over arrays of arc annotation information.


Return type: NodeIndexType

Returns one more than the largest index of an extant node, meaning a node that is mentioned as the head or tail of some arc in the graph. To be used as a helper when clients need to dimension or iterate over arrays of node annotation information.


Return type: bool

Arguments: NodeIndexType node

Utility function to check that a node index is within the bounds AND different from kNilNode. Returns true if node is in the range [kFirstNode .. max_num_nodes_). It is exported so that users of the DerivedGraph class can use it. To be used in a DCHECK; also used internally to validate arguments passed to our methods from clients (e.g., AddArc()).


Return type: ArcIndexType

Arguments: const NodeIndexType tail, const NodeIndexType head

Returns the first arc going from tail to head, if it exists, or kNilArc if such an arc does not exist.


Return type: ArcIndexType

Returns one more than the largest valid index of a direct arc. To be used as a helper when clients need to dimension or iterate over arrays of arc annotation information.


Return type: NodeIndexType

Returns one more than the largest valid index of a node. To be used as a helper when clients need to dimension or iterate over arrays of node annotation information.


Return type: ArcIndexType

Returns the maximum possible number of original arcs in the graph. (The ones with positive indices.)


Return type: NodeIndexType

Returns the maximum possible number of nodes in the graph.


Return type: std::string

Arguments: const NodeIndexType node


Return type: ArcIndexType

Returns the number of original arcs in the graph (The ones with positive indices.)


Return type: NodeIndexType

Returns the number of nodes in the graph.