C++ Reference: class SimpleMinCostFlow

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A simple and efficient min-cost flow interface. This is as fast as GenericMinCostFlow<ReverseArcStaticGraph>, which is the fastest, but is uses more memory in order to hide the somewhat involved construction of the static graph.

TODO(user): If the need arises, extend this interface to support warm start and incrementality between solves. Note that this is already supported by the GenericMinCostFlow<> interface.

Return type: ArcIndex

Arguments: NodeIndex tail, NodeIndex head, FlowQuantity capacity, CostValue unit_cost

Adds a directed arc from tail to head to the underlying graph with a given capacity and cost per unit of flow. * Node indices and the capacity must be non-negative (>= 0). * The unit cost can take any integer value (even negative). * Self-looping and duplicate arcs are supported. * After the method finishes, NumArcs() == the returned ArcIndex + 1.


Return type: FlowQuantity

Arguments: ArcIndex arc


Return type: FlowQuantity

Arguments: ArcIndex arc

Returns the flow on arc, this only make sense for a successful Solve(). Note: It is possible that there is more than one optimal solution. The algorithm is deterministic so it will always return the same solution for a given problem. However, there is no guarantee of this from one code version to the next (but the code does not change often).


Return type: FlowQuantity

Returns the total flow of the minimum-cost flow found by the algorithm when the returned Status is OPTIMAL.


Return type: ArcIndex


Return type: NodeIndex

Accessors for the user given data. The implementation will crash if "arc" is not in [0, NumArcs()) or "node" is not in [0, NumNodes()).


Return type: CostValue

Returns the cost of the minimum-cost flow found by the algorithm when the returned Status is OPTIMAL.


Return type: void

Arguments: NodeIndex node, FlowQuantity supply

Sets the supply of the given node. The node index must be non-negative (>= 0). Nodes implicitly created will have a default supply set to 0. A demand is modeled as a negative supply.


Return type: explicit

Arguments: NodeIndex reserve_num_nodes = 0, ArcIndex reserve_num_arcs = 0

By default, the constructor takes no size. New node indices are created lazily by AddArcWithCapacityAndUnitCost() or SetNodeSupply() such that the set of valid nodes will always be [0, NumNodes()). You may pre-reserve the internal data structures with a given expected number of nodes and arcs, to potentially gain performance.


Return type: Status

Solves the problem, and returns the problem status. This function requires that the sum of all node supply minus node demand is zero and that the graph has enough capacity to send all supplies and serve all demands. Otherwise, it will return INFEASIBLE.


Return type: Status

Same as Solve(), but does not have the restriction that the supply must match the demand or that the graph has enough capacity to serve all the demand or use all the supply. This will compute a maximum-flow with minimum cost. The value of the maximum-flow will be given by MaximumFlow().


Return type: FlowQuantity

Arguments: NodeIndex node


Return type: NodeIndex

Arguments: ArcIndex arc


Return type: CostValue

Arguments: ArcIndex arc