C++ Reference: class PresolveContext

Note: This documentation is automatically generated.

Wrap the CpModelProto we are presolving with extra data structure like the in-memory domain of each variables and the constraint variable graph.

Return type: void

Arguments: int a, int b

a => b.


Return type: void

Arguments: int b, int x, const Domain& domain

b => x in [lb, ub].


Return type: void

Arguments: int ref, int64_t value


Return type: void

Arguments: int var, int64_t value


Return type: void

Arguments: int64_t delta


Return type: std::string

Arguments: int ref


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref, int64_t coeff, int64_t mod, int64_t rhs

Given the relation (X * coeff % mod = rhs % mod), this creates a new variable so that X = mod * Y + cte. This requires mod != 0 and coeff != 0. Note that the new variable will have a canonical domain (i.e. min == 0). We also do not create anything if this fixes the given variable or the relation simplifies. Returns false if the model is infeasible.


Return type: void

Arguments: int var

If not already done, adds a Boolean to represent any integer variables that take only two values. Make sure all the relevant affine and encoding relations are updated. Note that this might create a new Boolean variable.


Return type: ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool

Arguments: bool simplify_domain = true


Return type: ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool

Arguments: int var


Return type: void

Arguments: int ref

A "canonical domain" always have a MinOf() equal to zero. If needed we introduce a new variable with such canonical domain and add the relation X = Y + offset. This is useful in some corner case to avoid overflow. TODO(user): When we can always get rid of affine relation, it might be good to do a final pass to canonicalize all domains in a model after presolve.


Return type: void

Clear the precedence cache.


Return type: void

Clears the "rules" statistics.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ct_index

Checks if a constraint contains an enforcement literal set to false, or if it has been cleared.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ct_ref

Checks if a constraint contains an enforcement literal not fixed, and no enforcement literals set to false.


Return type: const std::vector<int>&

Arguments: int c


Return type: bool

At the beginning of the presolve, we delay the costly creation of this "graph" until we at least ran some basic presolve. This is because during a LNS neighbhorhood, many constraints will be reduced significantly by this "simple" presolve.


Return type: bool

Returns true if our current constraints <-> variables graph is ok. This is meant to be used in DEBUG mode only.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref, int64_t value


Return type: bool

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr, int64_t value

This methods only works for affine expressions (checked).


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref

Helpers to query the current domain of a variable.


Return type: Domain

Arguments: int ref


Return type: bool

Arguments: int var, const Domain& domain

This function takes a positive variable reference.


Return type: Domain

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr

Return a super-set of the domain of the linear expression.


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int ct_ref


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int ct_ref


Return type: bool

Arguments: absl::Span<const int> exactly_one

Checks if the given exactly_one is included in the objective, and simplify the objective by adding a constant value to all the exactly one terms. Returns true if a simplification was done.


Return type: bool

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr

Returns true iff the expr is of the form a * literal + b. The other function can be used to get the literal that achieve MaxOf().


Return type: bool

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr, int* literal = nullptr

Returns true iff the expr is a literal (x or not(x)).


Return type: bool

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr

Returns true iff the expr is of the form 1 * var + 0.


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int ref


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr


Return type: bool

Arguments: int target_ref, int* ref


Return type: AffineRelation::Relation

Arguments: int ref

Returns the representative of ref under the affine relations.


Return type: int


Return type: int

Arguments: int ref

Returns the representative of a literal.


Return type: int

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr, int64_t value

Gets the associated literal if it is already created. Otherwise create it, add the corresponding constraints and returns it. Important: This does not update the constraint<->variable graph, so ConstraintVariableGraphIsUpToDate() will be false until UpdateNewConstraintsVariableUsage() is called.


Return type: int

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& time_i, const LinearExpressionProto& time_j, int active_i, int active_j

The following helper adds the following constraint: result <=> (time_i <= time_j && active_i is true && active_j is true) and returns the (cached) literal result. Note that this cache should just be used temporarily and then cleared with ClearPrecedenceCache() because there is no mechanism to update the cached literals when literal equivalence are detected.


Return type: int

Arguments: int ref, int64_t value

Gets the associated literal if it is already created. Otherwise create it, add the corresponding constraints and returns it. Important: This does not update the constraint<->variable graph, so ConstraintVariableGraphIsUpToDate() will be false until UpdateNewConstraintsVariableUsage() is called.


Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& time_i, const LinearExpressionProto& time_j, int active_i, int active_j


Return type: int

Some expansion code use constant literal to be simpler to write. This will create a NewBoolVar() the first time, but later call will just returns it.


Return type: int

Arguments: int ref

Returns another reference with exactly the same value.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref, int64_t value, int* literal = nullptr

Returns true if a literal attached to ref == var exists. It assigns the corresponding to `literal` if non null.


Return type: void

Creates the internal structure for any new variables in working_model.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int literal, int ref, int64_t value

Inserts the given literal to encode ref == value. If an encoding already exists, it adds the two implications between the previous encoding and the new encoding. Important: This does not update the constraint<->variable graph, so ConstraintVariableGraphIsUpToDate() will be false until UpdateNewConstraintsVariableUsage() is called. Returns false if the model become UNSAT. TODO(user): This function is not always correct if !context->DomainOf(ref).contains(value), we could make it correct but it might be a bit expansive to do so. For now we just have a DCHECK().


Return type: ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool

Arguments: int ref, const Domain& domain, bool* domain_modified = nullptr

Returns false if the new domain is empty. Sets 'domain_modified' (if provided) to true iff the domain is modified otherwise does not change it.


Return type: ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr, const Domain& domain, bool* domain_modified = nullptr

Same as IntersectDomainWith() but take a linear expression as input. If this expression if of size > 1, this does nothing for now, so it will only propagates for constant and affine expression.


Return type: std::string

Arguments: int ct_ref


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ct_ref

Helper to query the state of an interval.


Return type: int

Arguments: int c


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref


Return type: bool

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref

Returns true if we have literal <=> var = value for all values of var. TODO(user): If the domain was shrunk, we can have a false positive. Still it means that the number of values removed is greater than the number of values not encoded.


Return type: bool

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr

This methods only works for affine expressions (checked). It returns true iff the expression is constant or its one variable is full encoded.


Return type: int

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr


Return type: bool

Arguments: int lit


Return type: bool

Arguments: int lit


Return type: SolverLogger*


Return type: void

Logs stats to the logger.


Return type: void

Arguments: int ref

Functions to make sure that once we remove a variable, we no longer reuse it.


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int ref


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int ref


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: const LinearExpressionProto& expr

Helpers to query the current domain of a linear expression. This doesn't check for integer overflow, but our linear expression should be such that this cannot happen (tested at validation).


Return type: bool

The "expansion" phase should be done once and allow to transform complex constraints into basic ones (see cp_model_expand.h). Some presolve rules need to know if the expansion was ran before beeing applied.


Return type: bool


Return type: int


Return type: int

Arguments: const Domain& domain

Helpers to adds new variables to the presolved model. TODO(user): We should control more how this is called so we can update a solution hint accordingly.


Return type: void


Return type: ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool

Arguments: const std::string& message = ""

This function always return false. It is just a way to make a little bit more sure that we abort right away when infeasibility is detected.


Return type: int

Used for statistics.


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int var


Return type: const Domain&

Objective getters.


Return type: bool


Return type: const absl::flat_hash_map<int, int64_t>&


Return type: const SatParameters&


Arguments: Model* model, CpModelProto* cp_model, CpModelProto* mapping


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref

Makes sure the domain of ref and of its representative are in sync. Returns false on unsat.


Return type: ModelRandomGenerator*


Return type: void

Objective handling functions. We load it at the beginning so that during presolve we can work on the more efficient hash_map representation. Note that ReadObjectiveFromProto() makes sure that var_to_constraints of all the variable that appear in the objective contains -1. This is later enforced by all the functions modifying the objective. Note(user): Because we process affine relation only on CanonicalizeObjective(), it is possible that when processing a canonicalized linear constraint, we don't detect that a variable in affine relation is in the objective. For now this is fine, because when this is the case, we also have an affine linear constraint, so we can't really do anything with that variable since it appear in at least two constraints.


Return type: bool

When the objective is singleton, we can always restrict the domain of var so that the current objective domain is non-constraining. Returns false on UNSAT.


Return type: std::string

Arguments: int ref

To facilitate debugging.


Return type: void

Make sure we never delete an "assumption" literal by using a special constraint for that.


Return type: void


Return type: void

Arguments: int var

Advanced usage. This should be called when a variable can be removed from the problem, so we don't count it as part of an affine relation anymore.


Return type: void

Arguments: int ref

Allows to manipulate the objective coefficients.


Return type: ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool


Return type: ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool

Arguments: int lit

Returns false if the 'lit' doesn't have the desired value in the domain.


Return type: ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool

Arguments: int lit


Return type: void

Arguments: absl::Span<const int> exactly_one, int64_t shift


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int ct_ref


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int ct_ref


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int ct_ref


Return type: int64_t

Arguments: int ct_ref


Return type: bool

Arguments: int target_ref, int ref

Stores/Get the relation target_ref = abs(ref); The first function returns false if it already exist and the second false if it is not present.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref_x, int ref_y, int64_t coeff, int64_t offset, bool debug_no_recursion = false

Adds the relation (ref_x = coeff * ref_y + offset) to the repository. Returns false if we detect infeasability because of this. Once the relation is added, it doesn't need to be enforced by a constraint in the model proto, since we will propagate such relation directly and add them to the proto at the end of the presolve. Note that this should always add a relation, even though it might need to create a new representative for both ref_x and ref_y in some cases. Like if x = 3z and y = 5t are already added, if we add x = 2y, we have 3z = 10t and can only resolve this by creating a new variable r such that z = 10r and t = 3r. All involved variables will be marked to appear in the special kAffineRelationConstraint. This will allow to identify when a variable is no longer needed (only appear there and is not a representative).


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref_a, int ref_b

Adds the fact that ref_a == ref_b using StoreAffineRelation() above. Returns false if this makes the problem infeasible.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int literal, int var, int64_t value

Stores the fact that literal implies var == value. It returns true if that information is new.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int literal, int var, int64_t value

Stores the fact that literal implies var != value. It returns true if that information is new.


Return type: ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool

Arguments: int var_in_equality, int64_t coeff_in_equality, const ConstraintProto& equality, std::vector<int>* new_vars_in_objective = nullptr

Given a variable defined by the given inequality that also appear in the objective, remove it from the objective by transferring its cost to other variables in the equality. If new_vars_in_objective is not nullptr, it will be filled with "new" variables that where not in the objective before and are after substitution. Returns false, if the substitution cannot be done. This is the case if the model become UNSAT or if doing it will result in an objective that do not satisfy our overflow preconditions. Note that this can only happen if the substitued variable is not implied free (i.e. if its domain is smaller than the implied domain from the equality).


Return type: TimeLimit*


Return type: void

Arguments: int c

Updates the constraints <-> variables graph. This needs to be called each time a constraint is modified.


Return type: void

Calls UpdateConstraintVariableUsage() on all newly created constraints.


Return type: void

Arguments: const std::string& name, int num_times = 1

Stores a description of a rule that was just applied to have a summary of what the presolve did at the end.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref

Returns true if this ref no longer appears in the model.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref

Returns true if an integer variable is only appearing in the rhs of constraints of the form lit => var in domain. When this is the case, then we can usually remove this variable and replace these constraints with the proper constraints on the enforcement literals.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref

Returns true if this ref only appear in one constraint.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref

Same as VariableIsUniqueAndRemovable() except that in this case the variable also appear in the objective in addition to a single constraint.


Return type: bool

Arguments: int ref


Return type: const absl::flat_hash_set<int>&

Arguments: int var


Return type: void


Return type: void

Some function need the domain to be up to date in the proto. This make sures our in-memory domain are writted back to the proto.