
Google Standard Payments provides a set of APIs for companies that provide payment services to enable their services in the Google ecosystem.

While each integration has its own APIs and customer flows, the overall process is standard. Here is an overview of the process.

  1. The payment integrator implements the payment specification (APIs).
  2. Google reviews the integration by running through an API specific testing checklist in a sandbox environment. In Google's sandbox environment, no real world money is moved.
  3. The Integrator runs through an API specific production testing checklist using allowlisted accounts provided by Google. Google will then verify payments between the integrator and Google.
  4. Google will test the integration across various devices and connection types to gather feedback. Google will then certify that the integration meets required standards for UX, error handling, and latency.
  5. Google launches the integration in phases, ramping up in stages of 1%, 5%, 20%, and finally 100%.

Getting started

1. Become familiar with applicable flows

When one of your customers chooses your service, they will go through certain flows. Become familiar with the flows that apply to your integration under the Concepts tab. Notice how your servers interact with Google throughout this process.

2. Identify your integration points

Implementing the APIs may involve modifications to your servers, Android apps, or web frontend . Read the information under Concepts, which will describe ways your servers will interact with Google. Decide which servers you will use in order to apply the Payment Integrator APIs.

Make sure your servers support the communication requirements listed in Communication Protocol Details, and your PGP keys support the best practices listed in PGP Encryption.

3. Implement all of the Payment integrator APIs

Implement the necessary Google Standard Payment APIs that enable your use case. Use the guides to help you with this.

In the end, your APIs should be accessible by Google’s servers. Also, make sure you've implemented clients to support calling the Google APIs.