Required authorization scopes
Listing app-created content requires the photoslibrary.readonly.appcreateddata
scope. For more information on scopes, see Authorization
The Library API lets you to list and access media items that your application has created.
Some key features of listing media items include the following:
- List media items from specific app-created albums or the entire app-created library
Apply filters (date, content category, media type) when listing to narrow your results
objects with essential details like direct links and metadata.
Listing the library and album contents returns a list of media items.
Enrichments that are part of an album
aren't included. Media items describe a photo, video, or other media. A
includes a direct link to the item, a link to the item in
Google Photos, and other relevant metadata. For more information, see
Access media items and
List app-created albums
You can list albums that have been created by your app using
Here is a sample request:
The request returns the following result:
{ "albums": [ { "id": "album-id ", "title": "album-title ", "productUrl": "album-product-url ", "coverPhotoBaseUrl": "album-cover-base-url_do-not-use-directly ", "coverPhotoMediaItemId": "album-cover-media-item-id ", "isWriteable": "whether-you-can-write-to-this-album ", "mediaItemsCount": "number-of-media-items-in-album " }, ... ], "nextPageToken": "token-for-pagination " }
Each returned album has an ID that can be used to retrieve the contents of the album as shown in List album contents. It also includes the title and the number of media items it contains.
The productUrl
points to the album in Google Photos that can be a
opened by the user.
The coverPhotoMediaItemId
contains the media item
ID that represents the cover
photo of this album. To the access this cover image, use coverPhotoBaseUrl
You shouldn't use the coverPhotoBaseUrl
directly without specifying
additional parameters.
The response also contains a nextPageToken
. For more information, see
The response for empty albums varies in that, mediaItemsCount
are set to 0 by default and are omitted from the REST
response. Also note that coverPhotoBaseUrl
points to a default placeholder
List app-created library contents
You can list all the media items from the user's Google Photos library that were created by your app.. This excludes archived and deleted items. You can list media items based on their content, date, and other properties by applying filters.
To list a media items, call
Here is a sample request:
Content-type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer oauth2-token
"pageSize": "100",
The GET request returns the following response:
{ "mediaItems": [ ... ], "nextPageToken": "token-for-pagination " }
The response contains a list of media items, ordered from most to least recent.
For more information, see
. It also
contains a nextPageToken
, which is described in more detail in
List album contents
To list all of the media items in an album, add the albumId
field to your
search request. For more information about albumId
, see Listing
albums. If the albumId
is invalid, a Bad Request
error is
returned. If the ID is valid, but the album doesn't exist for the authenticated
user, a Not Found
error is returned. For more details regarding error
handling,see Performance tips and
Best practices.
Here is a sample request:
POST Content-type: application/json Authorization: Beareroauth2-token { "pageSize": "100", "albumId": "album-id " }
The POST request returns the following response:
{ "mediaItems": [ ... ], "nextPageToken": "token-for-pagination " }
The response contains a nextPageToken
and the list of media items. Unlike when
listing library contents, the media items are returned by their order in the
album. For more details, see
Pagination. The user can edit the order in the
Google Photos interface.
If the albumId
is set, you can't apply a filter when listing album contents.
Doing so results in a Bad Request
Pagination for REST
To improve performance, methods that return a large number of results (such as
list methods) may paginate the response. The maximum number of results in each
page is given by the pageSize
For calls to
and mediaItems.list
, the default page size is
25 items. We recommend this page size because it strikes a balance between the
size of the response and the fill rate. The maximum page size for media item
search and list requests is 100 items.
The default and recommended page size when listing albums is 20 albums, with a maximum of 50 albums.
When the number of available results is greater than the page size, the response
includes a nextPageToken
, which indicates to your application that there are
more results to be fetched from the server.
You must append the nextPageToken
to subsequent requests in the parameter
, as shown in the following example. Specify the pageToken
with other parameters required for the operation, either in the body of the
request, or as a query parameter.
Request #1
{ "pageSize": "5", "filters": { … } }
Response #1
{ "mediaItem": [ … ], "nextPageToken": "next-page-token " }
Request #2
{ "pageSize": "5", "filters": { … }, "pageToken": "page-token " }
Response #2
{ "mediaItem": [ … ], "nextPageToken": "next-page-token " }
Continue this pattern until there are no more nextPageToken
The nextPageToken
is only valid for the same request. If any parameters are
changed, a previously used nextPageToken
shouldn't be used in the same