Chrome provides multiple tools to help you understand cookie usage on your site.
Chrome DevTools
The easiest way to view cookie information in Chrome is from Chrome DevTools. Click the ⋮ button to the right of the address bar and select More Tools > Developer Tools.

DevTools Privacy and security panel
This panel provides cookie controls and information.
Use the Controls tab to test behavior of the current page if third-party cookies are limited in Chrome, with or without Chrome's grace period or heuristics-based exceptions in place.

The Third-party cookies tab displays information about cookies and cookie blocking.

The Cookies pane in the Application panel
The Cookies pane in the Application panel lets you view and filter cookies used by the current site and any embedded resources.

Cookies information in the Network panel
The Chrome DevTools Network panel highlights cookies with issues, and shows a warning icon next to the cookies affected where third-party cookies aren't available.

Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool
The Privacy Sandbox Analysis Tool (PSAT) is a Chrome extension that augments DevTools with a set of features to help you understand cookie usage and transition away from third-party cookies.

Chrome Network Log
Chrome makes it possible to record a log file of the browser's network-level events and state. This can be useful for deep analysis of how and when cookies are set or blocked.