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Naming, expiry, and other considerations when transitioning to partitioned cookies.

    Here's where to start, including setup and a quick overview.

    • Web
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    • Attribution Reporting API
    • Guide

    Get started with Private advertising Get started on building your ads solution with the Privacy Sandbox, and enabling your critical advertising use cases without relying on cross-site tracking. Learn, build, and provide feedback on the Privacy

      Topics API Improve ad relevance without compromising user privacy. Get started on building your ad solution with the Topics API, a mechanism designed to allow for interest-based advertising. With Topics, the specific sites a user has visited are not

      • Topics API
      • Landing page

      Privacy-focused APIs and updates for cookies, advertising, identity, personalization, and fraud prevention.

      • Product

      Third-party cookies Understand cookie usage on your site. Learn how to transition to alternatives. Prepare for Chrome changes Learn more about changes to Chrome's treatment of third-party cookies and understand what actions you need to take to

        Publishers typically diversify their ad demand sources to optimize for revenue and invoke multiple companies (for example, publisher ad servers, supply-side platforms, and demand-side platforms) to determine the best ad for a given ad slot on the

          To help developers start experimenting with the Protected App Signals API, this document describes all the APIs within the API surface, details how to set up a test environment, and provides examples of the configuration and scripts. First release of

          • Mobile
          • Protected App Signals API
          • Guide

          Private Aggregation To provide critical features that the web relies on, the Private Aggregation API has been built for aggregating and reporting on cross-site data in a privacy-preserving manner. With Private Aggregation, generate aggregate data

          • Private Aggregation API
          • Landing page

          Updated the list of upcoming changes and known issues Introduced lite flexible event-level configuration, as a bridge to the full flexible event-level configuration Starting in September 2023, registerWebSource, registerWebTrigger, registerAppSource

          • Mobile
          • Attribution Reporting API
          • Landing page

          "Simple demos to help you understand HTTP cookies."

            Leading ecommerce CMS provider Tray provides insights into how they implemented partitioned cookies (CHIPS) and the Storage Access API across their services.

              In this section, you can find different resources such as demos, videos, training material, and information on events related to Privacy Sandbox. Learn about the different Private advertising APIs to build your advertising use cases. Glossary Learn

                "Understand HTTP cookies."

                  As you read through the Privacy Sandbox on Android documentation, use the Developer Preview or Beta button to select the program version that you're working with, as instructions may vary. The Attribution Reporting API is designed to provide improved

                  • Mobile
                  • Attribution Reporting API
                  • Guide