Explore the core Private advertising APIs to implement advertising use cases without the need for cross-site tracking. To learn more about what you can do with Privacy Sandbox, check out the additional services, infrastructure, and APIs.

Explore the core Private advertising APIs

Learn about the different Private advertising APIs to build your advertising use cases.
The Protected Audience API serves remarketing and custom audience use cases without third party cross-site tracking.
The Attribution Reporting API lets you measure when an ad click or view leads to a conversion, such as a purchase on an advertiser site.
The Private Aggregation API has been built for aggregating and reporting on cross-site data in a privacy-preserving manner.
Enable interest-based advertising without use of third-party cookies or tracking user behavior across sites.

Explore additional features

Learn about the additional services, infrastructure, and APIs that work with the core APIs.
The Aggregation Service processes aggregatable reports from the Attribution API or Private Aggregation API to create a summary report.
Shared Storage allows unlimited, cross-site storage write access with privacy-preserving read access.
The Bidding and Auction server allows a Protected Audience computation to take place in a trusted execution environment rather than running locally on device.
The SDK Runtime allows SDKs to run in a dedicated sandbox that's separate from the calling app.