
如需了解此 API 的使用场景和关键概念,以及最近的更新,请参阅归因报告

了解我们为何推出 Attribution Reporting API

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  3. 使用 API 进行实验。
  4. 摘要报告进行实验。




如需咨询有关如何通过 API 涵盖用例的更多一般性问题,请参阅讨论 API

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Everyone is welcome to join the discussion. In particular, if you're experimenting with the API, your feedback is essential.

Discuss the API

Like other Privacy Sandbox APIs, this API is documented and discussed publicly on GitHub. Read about the API.

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  • To closely follow all ongoing discussions on the API, click the Watch button on GitHub. This requires you to have or create a GitHub account.
  • To get overall updates on the Privacy Sandbox, subscribe to the RSS feed [Progress in the Privacy Sandbox].