使用 Protected Audience 加入自定义受众群体委托

借助 fetchAndJoinCustomAudience API,买家可以利用其设备端存在的合作伙伴 MMP 或 SSP 来委托加入自定义受众群体。


大致工作原理是,设备端调用方(无论是 MMP SDK 还是 SSP SDK)会创建一个如下所示的 fetchAndJoinCustomAudienceRequest

 * @param fetchUri The URL to retrieve the CA from.
 * (optional)@param name The name of the CA to join.
 * (optional)@param activationTime The time when the CA will activate.
 * (optional)@param expirationTime The time when the CA will expire,
    must be a time in the future otherwise this will fail
 * (optional)@param userBiddingSignals The user bidding signals used at auction.

val request = FetchAndJoinCustomAudienceRequest.Builder(fetchUri)
 * @param fetchUri The URL to retrieve the CA from.
 * (optional)@param name The name of the CA to join.
 * (optional)@param activationTime The time when the CA will activate.
 * (optional)@param expirationTime The time when the CA will expire,
    must be a time in the future otherwise this will fail
 * (optional)@param userBiddingSignals The user bidding signals used at auction.

FetchAndJoinCustomAudienceRequest request =
 new FetchAndJoinCustomAudienceRequest.Builder(fetchUri)
  .setName(name) //Optional
  .setActivationTime(activationTime) //Optional
  .setExpirationTime(expirationTime) //Optional
  .setUserBiddingSignals(userBiddingSignals) //Optional


fetchUri 应指向由买家运营的服务器端点,该端点将返回与此处所示格式匹配的自定义受众群体 JSON 对象:

//Return a 200 response with data matching the format of the following in the body
  "daily_update_uri": "https://js.example.com/bidding/daily",
  "bidding_logic_uri": "https://js.example.com/bidding",
  "user_bidding_signals": {
    "valid": true,
    "arbitrary": "yes"
  "trusted_bidding_data": {
    "trusted_bidding_uri": "https://js.example.com/bidding/trusted",
    "trusted_bidding_keys": [
  "ads": [
      "render_uri": "https://js.example.com/render/fetch_and_join_ad1",
      "metadata": {
        "valid": 1
      "render_uri": "https://js.example.com/render/fetch_and_join_ad2",
      "metadata": {
        "valid": 2

如需详细了解如何在 API 端解析,请参阅设计提案以加入自定义受众群体委托


在客户端代码中实现了 Fetch 调用并在 DSP 端设置了端点以返回自定义受众群体数据后,您就可以测试加入自定义受众群体的委托。在运行应用之前,您需要运行以下命令打开界面以启用 Privacy Sandbox:

adb shell am start -n com.google.android.adservices.api/com.android.adservices.ui.settings.activities.AdServicesSettingsMainActivity

界面弹出后,请务必切换启用 Privacy Sandbox,然后运行以下 adb 命令以完成设备测试的设置:

adb shell device_config set_sync_disabled_for_tests persistent
adb shell device_config put adservices ppapi_app_signature_allow_list \"\*\"
adb shell device_config put adservices ppapi_app_allow_list \"\*\"
adb shell device_config put adservices adservice_system_service_enabled true
adb shell device_config put adservices adservice_enabled true
adb shell device_config put adservices adservice_enable_status true
adb shell device_config put adservices global_kill_switch false
adb shell device_config put adservices fledge_js_isolate_enforce_max_heap_size false
adb shell device_config put adservices fledge_custom_audience_service_kill_switch false
adb shell device_config put adservices fledge_select_ads_kill_switch false
adb shell device_config put adservices adid_kill_switch false
adb shell setprop debug.adservices.disable_fledge_enrollment_check true
adb shell device_config put adservices fledge_fetch_custom_audience_enabled true

运行这些命令后,您应该就能够开始使用 Fetch API 成功进行调用了。

我们已将提取调用添加到 GitHub 上 Privacy Sandbox 示例仓库的开发者预览版分支中,您可以将其作为此流程的示例进行参阅。