Learn the basics by example

The following guide expands on displaying a test ad, and introduces more basic concepts to make the most of the Google Publisher Tag (GPT) library. These concepts include:

  • Ad sizing
  • Key-value targeting
  • Single request architecture

Load the GPT library

Start by loading and initializing the GPT library. Add the following to the <head> of the HTML document:

  window.googletag = window.googletag || { cmd: [] };

  googletag.cmd.push(() => {


This loads the GPT library and initializes both the googletag and CommandArray objects. Initializing these objects lets you start using the GPT command array immediately. Add the JavaScript code that follows to the body of the empty function defined in this snippet.

Define ad slots

After loading GPT, you can define ad slots. The following example defines three ad slots with different ad formats, sizing, and targeting options.

Fixed-size ad slot

Here's a simple, fixed-size ad slot:

// Define a fixed size ad slot, customized with key-value targeting.
  .defineSlot("/6355419/Travel/Asia", [728, 90], "banner-ad")
  .setTargeting("color", "red")
  .setTargeting("position", "atf");

In addition to the ad unit path, size, and container <div> ID, this snippet also specifies a number of targeting options. These options restrict and differentiate the ads that are eligible to serve to this slot. Learn more about key-value targeting.

Anchor ad slot

Here's an anchor ad slot, attached to the bottom of the viewport:

// Define an anchor ad slot that sticks to the bottom of the viewport.
const anchorSlot = googletag.defineOutOfPageSlot(

// The slot will be null if the page or device does not support anchors.
if (anchorSlot) {
  anchorSlot.setTargeting("test", "anchor").addService(googletag.pubads());

  document.getElementById("status").textContent =
    "Anchor ad is initialized. Scroll page to activate.";

Anchor slots are a type of out-of-page format, which are defined using the defineOutOfPageSlot method, rather than the usual defineSlot method. Learn more about out-of-page creatives.

Out-of-page formats often have restrictions on the sorts of pages and devices they're eligible to serve to. Due to these restrictions, you must verify that the slot is successfully defined before interacting with it. See the Display an anchor ad sample for details.

Fluid ad slot

Here's a fluid ad slot for a native ad:

// Define a fluid ad slot that fills the width of the enclosing column and
// adjusts the height as defined by the native creative delivered.
  .defineSlot("/6355419/Travel", ["fluid"], "native-ad")

Fluid ad slots don't have a fixed size. Fluid ad slots adjust to fit the creative content from the ad. You define fluid ad slots with the fluid size option. Learn more about ad sizing and the available sizing options.

Configure page-level settings

Certain GPT configuration options apply globally, rather than to specific ad slots. These are referred to as page-level settings.

Here's an example of how to configure page-level settings:

// Configure page-level targeting.
googletag.pubads().setTargeting("interests", "basketball");

// Enable SRA and services.

This snippet does three things:

  1. Configures page-level targeting options, which are applied to every ad slot on the page.
  2. Turns on Single Request Architecture (SRA) mode, which bundles requests for multiple ad slots into a single ad request. SRA improves performance, and is necessary to guarantee that competitive exclusions and roadblocks are honored, so we recommend that you always turn on SRA. Learn more about using SRA correctly.
  3. Enables the services attached to our ad slots that allow ad requests to be made.

Display ads

Finally, add the following snippet to the <body> of the page:

<div class="page-content centered">
  <div id="banner-ad" style="width: 728px; height: 90px"></div>
  If the following status is displayed when the page is rendered, try
  loading the page in a new window or on a different device.
  <h1 id="status">Anchor ads are not supported on this page.</h1>
  Spacer used for example purposes only. This positions the native ad
  container below the fold to encourage scrolling.
  <div class="spacer"></div>
  <div id="native-ad" class="native-slot"></div>
  googletag.cmd.push(() => {
    // Request and render all previously defined ad slots.

This defines two ad slot containers: banner-ad and native-ad. These container id values correspond to the values you provided when you defined the ad slots earlier in this example.

After all ad slots are defined, a call to display the banner-ad is made. Since SRA is enabled, this single display call requests and renders all ad slots defined up to this point. If necessary, you can more precisely control ad loading and refresh and batching behavior with SRA enabled.

Complete example

The following is the full source code for the sample page this guide is based on. You can also view an interactive demo of this page.