Display an H5 gaming interstitial ad

This example displays a gaming interstitial ad using the Google Publisher Tag (GPT) library. Gaming interstitials are GPT-managed, full-page ads that you display to users playing web-based games based on a manual trigger. For more information about gaming interstitials, see Display an H5 gaming interstitial ad.

To display and interact with gaming interstitial ads, use the following GPT events:

Event Fired when...
GamingInterstitialSlotReady A gaming interstitial ad is ready to display to the user.

To display the interstitial, call makeGameManualInterstitialVisible() on the provided event object.
GamingInterstitialSlotClosed The user closed a previously displayed gaming interstitial ad.

Use this event to run custom logic whenever a gaming interstitial is closed.

Game structures

Gaming interstitial ads can display either fullscreen or inside the frame of your game, depending on how your game is structured. For more details, see H5 Game structures.

The sample implementation assumes that the H5 game renders directly into the top-most window, using the Fullscreen structure. In this scenario, the gaming interstitial ad also renders fullscreen.

However, this same code also works when placed inside of a child frame, using the iFrame/WebView structure. To constrain the gaming interstitial ad to the H5 game canvas, place the game in an iFrame, as shown in the following example:

<!doctype html>
    <!-- The Google Publisher Tag here, if any, will only be responsible for serving ads outside of the H5 game. -->
    <title>Page for this example H5 game</title>
    <!-- Your <head> content here. -->
    <span id="example-text">Example H5 game</span>

    <!-- Sample code is served here. The Google Publisher Tag loaded in this frame will only be used within the H5 game. -->
    <iframe src="https://www.example.com" title="Example game" allow="autoplay"></iframe>

Usage notes

  • To ensure an optimal user experience, GPT only requests gaming interstitial ads on pages that properly support the format. Due to this restriction, defineOutOfPageSlot() may return null. You must check for this case to ensure you're not doing any unnecessary work.

  • Only request gaming interstitial ads on pages or environments where you want an interstitial to appear. Gaming interstitial ads are eligible to serve to desktop, tablet, and mobile devices.

  • Gaming interstitial ads generate their own ad slot. Unlike other ad types, it's not necessary to define a <div> for gaming interstitial ads. These ads automatically create and insert their own container into the page when an ad fills.

  • Gaming interstitial ads are one-time use. You cannot refresh a gaming interstitial ad slot. Instead, you must destroy the slot and re-create it, as shown in the sample implementation.

  • Gaming interstitial ads have a fixed frequency cap. The frequency cap prevents the gamingInterstitialSlotReady event from firing more than once every 120 seconds.

  • If using single-request architecture (SRA) on a page with multiple slots, don't call display() until static ad slots divs are created. As explained in Ads Best Practices, the first call to display() requests every ad slot defined before that point. Although gaming interstitial slots don't require a predefined <div>, static ad slots do. Calling display() before these elements are present on the page can result in lower quality signals. We recommend delaying the initial call until after static slots are defined.

Sample implementation

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