Updates the availabilities of a batch of floodlight activities in DoubleClick Search. Try it now.
HTTP request
POST https://www.googleapis.com/doubleclicksearch/v2/conversion/updateAvailability
This request requires authorization with the following scope:
Scope |
https://www.googleapis.com/auth/doubleclicksearch |
For more information, see the authentication and authorization page.
Request body
In the request body, supply data with the following structure:
{ "availabilities": [ { "agencyId":long , "advertiserId":long , "customerId":string , "segmentationType":string , "segmentationId":long , "segmentationName":string , "availabilityTimestamp":unsigned long } ] }
Property name | Value | Description | Notes |
availabilities[] |
list |
The availabilities being requested. | |
availabilities[].agencyId |
long |
DS agency ID. | |
availabilities[].advertiserId |
long |
DS advertiser ID. | |
availabilities[].segmentationType |
string |
The segmentation type that this availability is for (its default value is FLOODLIGHT ).
Acceptable values are:
availabilities[].segmentationId |
long |
The numeric segmentation identifier (for example, DoubleClick Search Floodlight activity ID). | |
availabilities[].segmentationName |
string |
The friendly segmentation identifier (for example, DoubleClick Search Floodlight activity name). | |
availabilities[].availabilityTimestamp |
unsigned long |
The time by which all conversions have been uploaded, in epoch millis UTC. | |
availabilities[].customerId |
string |
New Search Ads 360 customer ID. This must be a sub-manager account. |
If successful, this method returns a response body with the following structure:
{ "availabilities": [ { "agencyId":long , "advertiserId":long , "customerId":string , "segmentationType":string , "segmentationId":long , "segmentationName":string , "availabilityTimestamp":unsigned long } ] }
Property name | Value | Description | Notes |
availabilities[] |
list |
The availabilities being returned. | |
availabilities[].agencyId |
long |
DS agency ID. | |
availabilities[].advertiserId |
long |
DS advertiser ID. | |
availabilities[].segmentationType |
string |
The segmentation type that this availability is for (its default value is FLOODLIGHT ).
Acceptable values are:
availabilities[].segmentationId |
long |
The numeric segmentation identifier (for example, DoubleClick Search Floodlight activity ID). | |
availabilities[].segmentationName |
string |
The friendly segmentation identifier (for example, DoubleClick Search Floodlight activity name). | |
availabilities[].availabilityTimestamp |
unsigned long |
The time by which all conversions have been uploaded, in epoch millis UTC. | |
availabilities[].customerId |
string |
New Search Ads 360 customer ID. This must be a sub-manager account. |