Saturday, November 01, 2008

...and infinitely more fun: webmasters and their pets incognito! Happy Halloween, everyone! If you see any costumes that would pass the SafeSearch filter :), feel like sharing a gripe or telling a good story, please join the chat!

Take care, and don't forget to brush your teeth.
Yours scarily,
The Webmaster Central Team

Our glasses-wearing, no vampire-teeth vampire (Ryan), zoombie Mur, Holiday Fail (Tiffany Lane), Colbert Hipster (Dan Vanderkam), Rick Astley Cutts, Homeboy Ben D'Angelo, Me—pinker and poofier, Investment Bank CEO Shyam Jayaraman (though you can't see the golden parachute in his backpack)

Chark as Juno, Wysz as Beah Burger (our co-worker), Adi and Matt Dougherty as yellow ninja, red ninja!
Heroes come in all shapes and sizes...

Powdered toast man, Mike Leotta

Adam Lasnik as, let me see if I get this right, a "secret service agent masquerading as a backstage tech" :)