Monday, March 25, 2024
We're excited to announce a Search Central Live event in Warsaw, Poland on April 24, 2024. Search Central Live is our global Google Search event series specifically for site owners, publishers, and SEOs.

We'd love to invite you—SEOs, website owners, developers, journalists, publishers, and anyone interested in Google Search—to apply for an invite on our event website. We'll have a broad range of speakers, including Martin Splitt and John Mueller from the Google Search Relations team, as well as speakers from News Partnerships and developer relations. The event and all presentations will be in English. Topics planned include:
- What is top of mind for the Google Search team?
- Insights for news & ecommerce sites
- SEO myths & best practices
- How Google partners with local companies in Search and News
If these topics sound interesting to you, don't miss your chance to participate. You'll also have time to chat with the Google Search and News teams, and meet new people in real life. The event won't be recorded or live streamed, that's why we call it live! Don't miss this opportunity, apply for an invite on the event website (use registration code: Search Central).
Unfortunately we can't accommodate everyone. Applications are open until April 10. We'll send invitations by April 15 to accepted attendees, you'll need that email to enter the event.
We're looking forward to meeting you in person and chatting about Google Search and Google News.