Daniel Waisberg

Search Advocate
Daniel ist Search Advocate bei Google und Mitglied des Search Relations-Teams. Zu seinen Aufgaben zählen die Informationsbereitstellung in der Community der Google Suche und die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Search Console-Entwicklungsteam bei der Entwicklung neuer Produktfunktionen. Er ist insbesondere darauf spezialisiert zu zeigen, wie sich mithilfe von Daten coole Dinge erreichen lassen, und dafür zu sorgen, dass niemand mehr ein Kreisdiagramm verwendet.
Er ist außerdem hauptverantwortlich für bestimmte Entwicklerfunktionen in der Search Console, wie die URL Inspection API und den Bulk-Datenexport. Unten seht ihr seine Beiträge im Google Search Central-Blog.
Design patterns for accessible, crawlable and indexable content
Friday, May 09, 2008 As a follow-up to my previous posts on accessibility, here are some design recommendations for creating web content that remains usable by the widest possible audience while helping ensure that the content gets indexed and
9. Mai 2008
Webmaster tips for creating accessible, crawlable sites
Monday, April 14, 2008 Hubbell and I enjoying the day at our home in California. You can view my earlier post about accessibility for webmasters, as well as additional articles I've written for the Official Google blog. One of the most frequently
14. April 2008
Tips for making information universally accessible
Saturday, March 15, 2008 Many people talk about the effect the Internet has on democratizing access to information, but as someone who has been visually impaired since my teenage years, I can certainly speak to the profound impact it has had on my
15. März 2008
Weitere Inhalte von Daniel Waisberg
Neben Blogposts verbringt Daniel auch viel Zeit damit, Videos für den YouTube-Kanal von Search Central zu produzieren. Ihr kennt ihn vielleicht von der Search Console-Schulungsreihe, in der er sich darauf konzentriert, allen im Videoformat die Search Console nahezubringen. Seht euch die Videos von Daniel Waisberg auf dem YouTube-Kanal von Google Search Central an.
Design patterns for accessible, crawlable and indexable content
Updated 9. Mai 2008
Friday, May 09, 2008 As a follow-up to my previous posts on accessibility, here are some design recommendations for creating web content that remains usable by the widest possible audience while helping ensure that the content gets indexed and
Webmaster tips for creating accessible, crawlable sites
Updated 14. April 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008 Hubbell and I enjoying the day at our home in California. You can view my earlier post about accessibility for webmasters, as well as additional articles I've written for the Official Google blog. One of the most frequently
Tips for making information universally accessible
Updated 15. März 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008 Many people talk about the effect the Internet has on democratizing access to information, but as someone who has been visually impaired since my teenage years, I can certainly speak to the profound impact it has had on my