Daniel Waisberg

Daniel Waisberg

Mediador da Pesquisa Google

Daniel é um Mediador da Pesquisa Google, parte da equipe de Relações da Pesquisa. O trabalho dele é orientar a comunidade da Pesquisa e trabalhar com a equipe de engenharia do Search Console para desenvolver novos recursos de produtos. Ele é especialista em análises detalhadas de como usar dados para fazer coisas legais e garantir que ninguém use um gráfico de pizza.

Ele também lidera recursos específicos para desenvolvedores no Search Console, como a API URL Inspection e a exportação de dados em massa. Confira as postagens dele no Blog da Central da Pesquisa Google.

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Friday, May 09, 2008 As a follow-up to my previous posts on accessibility, here are some design recommendations for creating web content that remains usable by the widest possible audience while helping ensure that the content gets indexed and

9 de maio de 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008 Hubbell and I enjoying the day at our home in California. You can view my earlier post about accessibility for webmasters, as well as additional articles I've written for the Official Google blog. One of the most frequently

14 de abril de 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008 Many people talk about the effect the Internet has on democratizing access to information, but as someone who has been visually impaired since my teenage years, I can certainly speak to the profound impact it has had on my

15 de março de 2008

Mais conteúdo de Daniel Waisberg

Além das postagens do blog, Daniel produz vídeos para o canal da Central da Pesquisa no YouTube. Talvez você o reconheça na série de treinamento do Search Console, em que ele se concentra na integração de todos com o Search Console, em formato de vídeo. Confira os vídeos de Daniel Waisberg no canal do YouTube da Central da Pesquisa Google.

Updated 9 de maio de 2008

Friday, May 09, 2008 As a follow-up to my previous posts on accessibility, here are some design recommendations for creating web content that remains usable by the widest possible audience while helping ensure that the content gets indexed and

Updated 14 de abril de 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008 Hubbell and I enjoying the day at our home in California. You can view my earlier post about accessibility for webmasters, as well as additional articles I've written for the Official Google blog. One of the most frequently

Updated 15 de março de 2008

Saturday, March 15, 2008 Many people talk about the effect the Internet has on democratizing access to information, but as someone who has been visually impaired since my teenage years, I can certainly speak to the profound impact it has had on my