Maile Ohye

Responsable technique des programmes pour les développeurs

Consultez les articles de Maile Ohye sur le blog Google Search Central.

Mardi 20 mars 2012 Afin de vous aider à éviter les erreurs les plus courantes en termes d'optimisation du référencement naturel (SEO), j'ai créé une vidéo qui décrit les cinq erreurs les plus fréquemment commises dans ce domaine d'activité. Il y a

20 mars 2012

Mardi 13 mars 2012 Si vous souhaitez en savoir plus sur les balises rel="next" et rel=prev" que nous avons annoncées il y a plusieurs mois pour le contenu paginé, nous avons réalisé une vidéo allant au-delà des notions fondamentales de la pagination

13 mars 2012

Lundi 3 mai 2010 Vous savez peut-être déjà que la vitesse fait partie des signaux pris en compte dans le classement de votre site, mais vous ne savez pas pour autant par où commencer. Nous souhaitons vous aider à entretenir une relation durable avec

3 mai 2010

Mercredi 21 avril 2010 C'est une question que l'on nous pose souvent. Faut-il utiliser la barre oblique ou non? Depuis longtemps, il est fréquent que les URL incluant une barre oblique à la fin indiquent un répertoire, tandis que les autres sont

21 avril 2010

Tuesday, April 21, 2015 We'd like to share answers to your frequently asked questions. For background, in February, we announced that the mobile-friendly update will boost the rankings of mobile-friendly pages—pages that are legible and usable on

21 avril 2015

Monday, October 06, 2014 "Hey, how do I get my business on the web?" Having worked at Google for nine years, if I had a penny for every time someone asked me that question...:) To answer, today we're releasing a short video series (30 minutes

6 octobre 2014

Thursday, February 13, 2014 Your site's news feed or pinboard might use infinite scroll —much to your users' delight! When it comes to delighting Googlebot, however, that can be another story. With infinite scroll, crawlers cannot always emulate

13 février 2014

Tuesday, January 07, 2014 Search Queries in Webmaster Tools just became more cohesive for those who manage a mobile site on a separate URL from desktop, such as mobile on and desktop on www. In Search Queries, when you view your m.

7 janvier 2014

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Unsure where to begin improving your smartphone website? Wondering how to prioritize all the advice? We just published a checklist to help provide an efficient approach to mobile website improvement. Several topics in the

10 décembre 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013 Wondering how to begin creating an organic search strategy at your company? What's a good way to integrate your company's various online components, such as the website, blog, or YouTube channel? Perhaps we can help! In

12 novembre 2013

Tuesday, October 01, 2013 We filmed a video providing more details about expanding your site to more languages or country-based language variations. The video covers details about rel="alternate" hreflang and potential implementation on your

1 octobre 2013

Wednesday, August 21, 2013 Using authorship helps searchers discover great information by highlighting content from authors who they might find interesting. If you're an author, signing up for authorship will help users recognize content that you've

21 août 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013 We certainly hope you never have to use our new Help for hacked sites informational series. It's a dozen articles and over an hour of videos dedicated to helping webmasters in the unfortunate event that their site is

12 mars 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Level: Beginner to Intermediate If you're intrigued by the Search Queries feature in Webmaster Tools but aren't sure how to make it actionable, we have a video that we hope will help! This video explains the vocabulary of

20 février 2013

Tuesday, August 14, 2012 We recently filmed a video (with slides available) to provide more information about the URL Parameters feature in Webmaster Tools. The URL Parameters feature is designed for webmasters who want to help Google crawl their

14 août 2012

Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Wondering how to be search-friendly but lacking time for SEO research? We'd like to help! Meta keywords tag? Google Search ignores it. Meta description? Good to include. If you: Then perhaps set aside ten minutes for this video

26 juin 2012

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 Here's a video that covers the basics of Google+, the +1 button, getting started on Google+, and how social information can make products, like Search, more relevant. This video is for a range of webmasters (from personal

12 juin 2012

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