Maile Ohye


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2012 年 3 月 20 日,星期二 為了協助各位網站管理員避免搜尋引擎最佳化 (SEO) 作業的常見錯誤,我特地拍攝影片,概述了我在 SEO 產業中注意到的五大常見錯誤。大約在四年前,我們也曾彙整各位讀者 對 SEO 作業提出的建議 ,並根據這些意見回饋更新相關的 說明中心文章 。2008 年的許多建議至今依然適用,現在就讓我們回顧這些建議,繼續打造出更優質的網站吧! 如果您沒有時間看完整段影片,請參考以下重點提要: 祝您好運! 作者:開發人員計劃技術主管 Maile Ohye


2012 年 3 月 13 日,星期二 我們幾個月前針對內容分頁程序發布了關於 rel="next" 和 rel=prev" 的公告 ,如果想瞭解相關內容,我們拍攝了一部 說明更多分頁程序基本知識的影片 ,協助您找出問題解答。分頁後的內容包括橫跨多個網址/網頁的文章,或是橫跨多個網頁的電子商務產品類別。透過 rel="next" 和 rel="prev" 標記,您可以明顯提示 Google 將這些網頁視為有邏輯順序的系列,進而整合這些連結資源,並通常把搜尋者導向第一頁。詳情請參閱我們的簡報:


2010 年 5 月 3 日,星期一 您或許曾看過我們的公告指出 速度是決定排名的信號之一 ,但卻不知道該從何著手來提升速度。我們想要協助您建立持久的關係,以及為使用者帶來回應式的體驗。上週,我根據「 The Need For Speed: Google Says It Matters 」更新了我的簡報並拍成影片,影片中包含三個協助您瞭解網站成效的首要步驟。請先準備好耳機和爆米花,然後 驗證網站擁有權 並下載 外掛程式 ,很快就能讓您擁有滿意的網站效能。 想知道問與答內容嗎?沒問題!請看:


2010 年 4 月 21 日,星期三 這是我們經常收到的問題。解答來了!一直以來,常見的做法是,網址結尾加上斜線代表目錄,沒有斜線則代表檔案: 但其實沒有必要這樣做。無論是檔案或目錄,網址結尾是否加上斜線,Google 都會分別且平等處理每個網址。 從技術面和搜尋引擎的角度來看,這兩種網址版本絕對可以包含不同的內容。只是使用者可能會對這種設定非常困惑,試想一下,如果 和


Tuesday, April 21, 2015 We'd like to share answers to your frequently asked questions. For background, in February, we announced that the mobile-friendly update will boost the rankings of mobile-friendly pages—pages that are legible and usable on


Monday, October 06, 2014 "Hey, how do I get my business on the web?" Having worked at Google for nine years, if I had a penny for every time someone asked me that question...:) To answer, today we're releasing a short video series (30 minutes


Thursday, February 13, 2014 Your site's news feed or pinboard might use infinite scroll —much to your users' delight! When it comes to delighting Googlebot, however, that can be another story. With infinite scroll, crawlers cannot always emulate


Tuesday, January 07, 2014 Search Queries in Webmaster Tools just became more cohesive for those who manage a mobile site on a separate URL from desktop, such as mobile on and desktop on www. In Search Queries, when you view your m.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Unsure where to begin improving your smartphone website? Wondering how to prioritize all the advice? We just published a checklist to help provide an efficient approach to mobile website improvement. Several topics in the


Tuesday, November 12, 2013 Wondering how to begin creating an organic search strategy at your company? What's a good way to integrate your company's various online components, such as the website, blog, or YouTube channel? Perhaps we can help! In


Tuesday, October 01, 2013 We filmed a video providing more details about expanding your site to more languages or country-based language variations. The video covers details about rel="alternate" hreflang and potential implementation on your


Wednesday, August 21, 2013 Using authorship helps searchers discover great information by highlighting content from authors who they might find interesting. If you're an author, signing up for authorship will help users recognize content that you've


Tuesday, March 12, 2013 We certainly hope you never have to use our new Help for hacked sites informational series. It's a dozen articles and over an hour of videos dedicated to helping webmasters in the unfortunate event that their site is


Wednesday, February 20, 2013 Level: Beginner to Intermediate If you're intrigued by the Search Queries feature in Webmaster Tools but aren't sure how to make it actionable, we have a video that we hope will help! This video explains the vocabulary of


Tuesday, August 14, 2012 We recently filmed a video (with slides available) to provide more information about the URL Parameters feature in Webmaster Tools. The URL Parameters feature is designed for webmasters who want to help Google crawl their


Tuesday, June 26, 2012 Wondering how to be search-friendly but lacking time for SEO research? We'd like to help! Meta keywords tag? Google Search ignores it. Meta description? Good to include. If you: Then perhaps set aside ten minutes for this video


Tuesday, June 12, 2012 Here's a video that covers the basics of Google+, the +1 button, getting started on Google+, and how social information can make products, like Search, more relevant. This video is for a range of webmasters (from personal


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