Matt Cutts

Distinguished Engineer, zespół ds. jakości wyszukiwarki

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Środa, 5 maja 2010 r. W walce ze spamem zwracamy uwagę na dziesiątki różnych języków, ale czasami dokładniej analizujemy ich mniejszą grupę. Prosimy o pomoc w wykrywaniu spamu internetowego w językach czeskim, farsi, indonezyjskim, rumuńskim i

5 maja 2010

Poniedziałek, 21 września 2009 roku Niedawno otrzymaliśmy kilka pytań o to, jak Google wykorzystuje tag meta keywords do ustalania pozycji stron w wynikach wyszukiwania w internecie (a dokładniej – jak go nie wykorzystuje). Załóżmy, że mamy

21 września 2009

Thursday, August 08, 2013 We strive to keep spam out of our users' search results. This includes both improving our webspam algorithms as well as taking manual action for violations of our quality guidelines. Many webmasters want to see if their

8 sierpnia 2013

Monday, March 25, 2013 Webmasters have several ways to keep their sites' content out of Google's search results. Today, as promised, we're providing a way for websites to opt out of having their content that Google has crawled appear on Google

25 marca 2013

Tuesday, April 24, 2012 Google has said before that search engine optimization, or SEO, can be positive and constructive —and we're not the only ones. Effective search engine optimization can make a site more crawlable and make individual pages more

24 kwietnia 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012 In our ongoing effort to help you find more high-quality websites in search results, today we're launching an algorithmic change that looks at the layout of a webpage and the amount of content you see on the page once you

19 stycznia 2012

Friday, April 09, 2010 You may have heard that here at Google we're obsessed with speed, in our products and on the web. As part of that effort, today we're including a new signal in our search ranking algorithms: site speed. Site speed reflects how

9 kwietnia 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 At PubCon in Las Vegas in November 2009, I gave a "State of the Index" talk which covers what Google has done for users, web developers, and webmasters in the last year. I recently recreated it on video for those of you

20 stycznia 2010

Monday, August 10, 2009 To build a great web search engine, you need to: For the last several months, a large team of Googlers has been working on a secret project: a next-generation architecture for Google's web search. It's the first step in a

10 sierpnia 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009 A little while ago, Google and other search engines announced support for a canonical link element that can help site owners with duplicate content issues. I recreated my presentation from SMX West and you can watch it

25 lutego 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009 It seems like people enjoyed when I recreated my Virtual Blight talk from the Web 2.0 Summit late last year, so we decided to post another video. This video recreates the "State of the Index" talk that I did at PubCon in

19 lutego 2009

Monday, January 12, 2009 One of the things I'm thinking about in 2009 is how Google can be even more transparent and communicate more. That led me to a personal goal for 2009: if I give a substantial conference presentation (not just a question and

12 stycznia 2009

Thursday, October 16, 2008 Recently we've seen more websites get hacked because of various security holes. In order to help webmasters with this issue, we plan to run a test that will alert some webmasters if their content management system (CMS) or

16 października 2008

Saturday, December 01, 2007 Our goal is to provide users the best search experience by presenting equitable and accurate results. We enjoy working with webmasters, and an added benefit of our working together is that when you make better and more

1 grudnia 2007

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